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Mono Blue Control
March 24, 2009
Deck Garage - Mono Blue Control
Hi. I just started playing a few days ago, and I'm having a
I've played a few other card games before, so I'm doing ok.
But, there's just so many cards and deck types with a game
that's been out this long and it's a little crazy trying to
get a grip
on everything. Anyway, I'd like to build a mono-blue control
I've been told control decks aren't what they used to be,
but I
generally enjoy the play style a lot. I also was planning on
mono blue because
I was trying to minimize how many cards I had to look
though. lol.
Hard enough learning all the blue options without tossing in
So... here's my deck. My biggest problems are that
it's been really inconsistent. Sometimes I'm loaded with
counters and
can't get a creature. Other times I don't get any islands.
times nothing but islands... when it disburses itself nicely
I tend to do
well. Don't always win, but the games are close enough to be
which is basically all I'm going for (particularly since I'm
playing what I'm told isn't going to be a very competitive
deck). Any
ideas of what I can do? (Ideally with commons or uncommons,
although if
you tell me a certain rare will REALLY make a difference I'm
happy to
splurge a little. I do have a fair number in there already.)
2 Arcanis the Omnipotent
1 Denizen of the Deep
2 Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
4 Sage Owl
3 Mulldrifter (sort of... I've never used them for
anything but card
1 Spire Golem
3 Guile
3 Sower of Temptation
2 Serra Sphinx
4 Ęther Burst
4 Counterspell
3 Spell Syphon
2 Dehydration
4 Rune Snag
(Forget what these are called):
2 Whispersilk Cloak
19 Island
1 Minamo, School at Water's Edge
For someone who just started playing you've actually got a
pretty good deck going on here, good mix of creatures and
spells and fair land count.
First thing I want to do is to fix your mana base, control
deck as a rule need to be able to access a lot of mana, to
play creatures while still having the ability to react to
the opponent, otherwise you being falling behind. In light
of that I'm going to say pull the 4 Sage Owls for either 4
Desert, 4 Quicksand or a combination of the two. Both have
their pros and cons but I'm going to recommend Desert. While
it can't take out X/2 creatures it can repeatedly take out 1
toughness creatures and can also keep supplying mana after
using its effect (obviously not in the same turn) and thats
very important in control decks.
In general you mght want to also consider some more card
drawing effect (think twice etc)
Now in terms of certain rares that will make a difference
Cryptic Command, in mono blue decks
is a very. very powerful card. I realize that it is an
expensive card but nonetheless it is worthwhile if you
want to spend the money on it. The reason for its power
is that provides card advantage, i.e. two effect in one
card. For example; your opponent has a creature on the
board, is playing another and you dont have the mana to
deal with both. Cryptic Command lets you deal with both
creatures while also saving that second card you would
have had to use to deal witht he second creature. (NOTE:
I figured I might get a playset, the current price on
ebay is 124$AU [around 85$US], so in light of that I
don't think I'll be buying any and can understand
if others don't either, however its still an awosome
card, hence its cost)
Meloku, The Clouded Mirror (a much cheaper, but still
useful card). It flies, stays out of most burn range,
and creates chump blockers or more attackers.
You've got some good cards in your deck that I think you
definatly get 4-ofs.
Spire Golem, letting you drop a creature from free is
always nice and especially important in a control deck
when you need mana open to counter your opponents spells
Sower Of Temptation, the main weakness this suffers from
is that creature kill is pretty common, so you might
want to swap it for Control Magic. Regardless I'd
recommend 4 of either in the deck.
What to replace
Spell Syphon isn't that great, I'd replace it with a
better counter spell, mana leak for example.
Dehydration, much better to spell the creature with
Sower/Control Magic
Arcanis, while he can draw you alot of cards and protect
himself, he cant attack while doing so, not only that
but he lacks evasion as such isnt that great as a
Serra Sphinx, again you've simply got better options in
terms of finishers
Good luck controlling the game!
Overal I'd ay you have a few to many high cost creatures
in your deck which may leave you vunerable in the early