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Mattedesa's Deck Garage
Nath's Army Deck
December 2, 2010

Hey dude whats up just wondering what i should do with my Nath's Army Deck it's all elves and is black green so just asking for some help with it cause its really good but sometimes it doesn't pull through so just some pointers of what i should do against certain decks so heres my deck list:

25 land:
13 forests and 12 swamps

21 creatures:
2 Lys Alana Huntmasters
2 Essence Wardens
4 Naths Elites
3 Imperious Perfects
2 Jagged-Scar Archers
2 Moonglove Winnowers
2 Naths Of The Gilt-Leaf
1 Masked Admirers
1 Immaculate Magistrate
1 Wrens Run Vanquisher
1 Wrens Run Packmaster

7 Enchantments;
2 Circles Of AfFliction
3 Null Profusions
1 Enslave
1 Epic Proportions

7 Sorceries:
2 Elvish Promenades
1 Harmonize
1 Incremental Growth
1 Plague Wind
1 Primal Command
1 Hunt Down
1 Artifact:1 Dolmen Gate

4 Instants:
4 Eyeblights Endings

So thats it just reply back to me please and tell me if i should do anything to it thanx
p.s also tell me if my deck is good :)

After being out of the game for a couple years, and coming back now, but playing a lot less than I used to, I have been unsure if I was ready to solicit deck fixes again. Well, unsolicited, Ian here sent me a deck to look at, so I decided to give it a go.

What I see here is a common problem in deckbuilding. The deck idea of overwhelming the opponent with a swarm of creatures is solid. The problem is that there are so many cards that will do this, that every one of them seem like they deserve a place in the deck. When I run into this type of issue building decks, I usually go back to ground zero. I'll take everything out and start by putting back in only what is most crucial, then fill in the holes.

The central card is Nath's Elite. Ian's done a great job and included 4. The next tier of most important cards, in my opinion, would be Lys Alana Huntmaster, Imperious Perfect, and Nath Of The Gilt-Leaf. Each of these are repeatable ways to get more tokens. I would try to have four of the Huntmaster and the Perfect along with your 2 copies of the legendary Gilt-Leaf. That would give you 14 creatures.

After this, the decisions could go any one of several directions. My suggestion would be to keep creatures that are inexpensive and/or help you get more mana. There are a whole lot of elves that fit this bill, not the least of which is the old standby Llanowar Elves. I would get around 8 or so of these type of creatures.

Another type of card this deck screams for is Overrun. You could take Overrun itself and it would work just fine to help you finish off your opponent in one big turn. If you are able to get Garruk Wildspeaker, his final ability would meet the same purpose, and his other two abilities would be helpful, too, depending on your game situation. Either way, with the overrun ability, your need for Epic Proportions and Incremental Growth type cards is diminished.

The Eyeblighs Endings seem like a perfect match for your deck, so keep them. You've gotta have ways to deal with opponent's creatures. If opponent's creatures continue to be a problem, you could add in 4 of another black kill spell - any inexpensive generic kill spell should work. Next, you've got three different ways to draw cards. Personally, I like Harmonize the best of your three choices and would get 4 of those, leaving out the others, but the argument could be made for any of your three draw cards.

The cards I haven't mentioned are not bad cards, but I feel they are less important for your deck and could probably take a back seat in the interest of making your deck the best it could be. I imagine every card in your deck has at one point or another been instrumental in a win, so it's hard to take it out. You have to consider which cards are going to be most helpful most of the time. You should be very careful to keep your deck to 60 cards to give yourself the best chance of drawing your best cards. With 60 cards, you can probably drop a few swamps. I intentionally didn't make too many changes, but I hope this gives you some help in seeing how to focus your deck a little more.

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