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It seems I've gotten a bunch of decks having to do with lots of land!
This is kinda cool, though, since it allows us to explore the many different ways to run decks that may otherwise seem similar. This deck, sent in by BrIon, takes us a different direction than the other ones have, so I'll try to keep this deck focused in the way it was originally intended. Reading about Sean's man-land deck reminded me that I have one build, though rarely played. It's got a bit of a different style. Here's the decklist for 'Land Ho!' Enchantments ![]() 4 Oath of scholars 4 Manabond 4 Earth Surge 4 Genju of the Falls 4 Genju of the Cedars Non-basic Land 4 Faerie Conclave 4 Treetop Village 4 Deserted Temple 4 Thawing Glaciers (1 proxy) 4 Petrified Field Basic Land 10 Island 10 Forest Before I built the 'final' version of this, I had been trying to make a deck with nothing but land. After some experimenting and research, I found it could be done, but was too slow to be effective. Then I came across an article on StarcityGames that gave me the idea for Manabond/Oath of Scholars. Once you have that engine out, you're almost always drawing 4 cards a turn, and have plenty of mana to play any non-lands you draw. The Deserted Temples are there to make sure you have a blocker or two even after an alpha strike, to prevent Master Decoy hijinks, or double-dip on Thawing Glaciers. Man-lands will die, hence the Petrified Fields. The enchantment engine gives me a decent shot after an Armageddon, not that anyone I regularly play with owns them, and the genju's are there because 8 natural man-lands aren't enough. I would love to have access to white for Genju of the Field and retarded life-gain because this deck can take a bit of setup, but I just can't fit a third color without duals, which are currently in other decks. A good way to keep me from mostly tapping out every attack would be a huge bonus, also. Or some kind of defense in general, really. Gods I hope this isn't too long... -BrIon The first thing I want to do is look at the issues you specifically mentioned: To keep from being tapped out all the time and to have some defense. Well, I think these two things can be remedied with one card: Nature's Will. This deck is inherently going ![]() To help more with the early defense, there are a couple ways you could go: Ice Floe or Quicksand. I'm a bit torn on which to suggest, because it depends on exactly what you determine you need more. Ice Floe can stop any non-flying creature, but it doesn't tap for mana, should you need it. Quicksand, while it does tap for mana, can only be used once, and can only deal with a 2 toughness creature. I'm leaning towards Quicksand for now, but that's certainly open for debate. To make room, I'm going to suggest dropping two each of the basic lands. If that ends up making your colored mana too hard to come by, you might try dropping the Thawing Glaciers, since that seems the least crucial of your special function lands. There's one card I can't help but mention, even though it was used in the last land deck I worked on: Enlightened Tutor. With so many enchantments making the engine of your deck, paying one white mana to tutor up the one you need at the moment is an unbeatable deal. With 4 Enlightened Tutors acting as a 4th copy of all your enchantments, we can drop the 4th copy of the ones you don't need more than one of at a time (Oath of Scholars, Manabond, and the aforementioned Nature's Will), and one copy of either Genju (I would suggest Cedars, since the Falls makes an evasion creature more likely to trigger Nature's Will). The only other thought I had is to use Vesuva, since it can copy any of your man-lands. I just don't know that the risk of drawing it when you have nothing worth copying is really worth it. You don't want an opening hand of Forests, Islands, and Vesuvas! It's quite possible, however, that with the 'toolbox' effect you have with the enchantments and Enlightened Tutor, that you'll still come up with multiples of enchantments you don't need. If that happens, a few Vesuvas could find a good home in your deck, but I would try it without them first. So, to sum up all of my rambling on, here's a possible new decklist for your consideration: Enchantments ![]() 3 Oath of scholars 3 Manabond 4 Earth Surge 4 Genju of the Falls 3 Genju of the Cedars 3 Nature's Will Instants 4 Enlightened Tutor Non-basic Land 4 Faerie Conclave 4 Treetop Village 4 Thawing Glaciers (1 proxy) 4 Petrified Field 4 Quicksand Basic Land 8 Island 8 Forest Thanks for writing in! I'll be interested to know, BrIon, how this works out for you. I enjoy hearing back from readers (anyone else have another land deck?), whether it was your deck I tinkered with or not. Feedback is a good thing. It doesn't matter if you think I'm a Magic genius, or the biggest idiot to ever play the game, I value your input - it helps make me a better deck mechanic! Until next time, mattedesa
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