hey, i've got
a nice and deadly t2 deck for you today that works
pretty well in my metagame, but i feel isn't up to
the top-tier quite yet,
so i could definitely use some peer-review and
I usually play this deck in casual formats
while keeping the cards strictly t2 in case there's
a tournament around, so i'd like to get it ready
just in case. With all these creature-saturated
Lorwyn decks running around, I feel
this deck would be ideal for taking out those pesky
elves and evil midgets running around.
That said, this deck was built to be a
green-slayer. There's nothing that annoys me more
than those green token decks, whether they be
saproling or elf, so this deck was built to slay
them and the thorn elementals that often accompany
Land: 23
Swamp: 10
Mountain: 10
Sulfurous Springs: 1
Kher Keep: 1
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth: 1
Creatures: 17
Prodigal Pyromancer: 4
Barbed Shocker: 3
Twisted Abomination:
2 (timeshifted i believe, i should really double
Subterranean Shambler: 2
Nekrataal: 1
Mortivore: 2

Kaervek, the Merciless: 1
Stronghold Overseer: 1
Otherspells: 20
Dread Return: 4
Void: 2
Eyeblight's Ending: 2
Lightning Axe: 2
Incinerate: 2
Pyroclasm: 2
Plague Wind: 2
Terror: 2
Lotus Bloom: 1
Pyrohemia: 1
Main idea of the deck is simple: population
control. I terror big creatures, pyroclasm hordes of
smaller ones. Dread return works well with the
shamblers to bring miniclasms from the grave (or
have it go out with a bang), nekrataal to reanimate
it's deadly sting, and of course Kaervek and the
overseer become a bit more affordable. Jimmy (red
timmy) is very proficient at board control when i
don't want to waste spells on the task, and can also
whittle away life in downtime. If I become
overwhelmed with weenies i can either 'clasm, or use
the jimmies as fodder for a flashback return of the
shambler. Plague Wind clears the way for my late
game finisher, Mortivore, to slaughter my opponent
with his own mass graves. Void takes care of what i
can't normally with RB: crucial enchantments.
Now for problems... this deck obviously has a
bunch of creature removal, which is mostly useless
against decks that don't rely on creatures. It
falters pretty badly against blue counterspell
decks, where it essentially has to wait for an
opportunity to slip kaervek in if it can;t do some
luck-based hand disruption with barbed shocker.
For deck garage purposes, I'd like this deck to
be within t2 and keep RB. Also, being a poor college
student who needs to save money for books, i'd
appreciate a lower position on the budget curve. Any
expensive cards I got in here came from trades or
boosters so they're what I got. Can't afford
Damnation unfortunately, so gotta rely on mass burn
and Plague Wind
thanks in advance
This is a solid deck to build around. I think you
should make an effort to get more Nekrataals and its
close cousin, Shriekmaw. Those cards shred aggro
green and white decks. More Pyroclasms and
Incinerates will improve the decks consistency. I’ve
also added some discard spells, like Auger of Skulls
and Stupor. These will help you disrupt control
decks. I checked eBay before I type this list out,
and, other than the lands, each of the cards I added
goes for about a dollar or less.
Open Season On Elves.dec v1.1
4 Augur of Skulls
4 Mortivore
4 Nekrataal
4 Shriekmaw
1 Kaerevek the Merciless
1 Avatar of Woe
4 Incinerate
4 Pyroclasm
4 Stupor
4 Dread Return
2 Void
2 Plague Wind
4 Sulfurous Springs
4 Graven Cairns
1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
1 Keldon Megaliths
5 Mountain
7 Swamp
FYI: Void can’t kill enchantments,
unless they are still in your opponent’s hand.