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Deck Garage
February 11, 2008
My deck is made for
tournament play and is rather good, almost all the
creatures have haste. The deck is made so that my direct
damage spells kill off the player while my small
creatures block or deal a bit of damage by surprising
the opponent with haste.
Deck List:
Mountain (x19)
Raging Goblin (x4)
Dragon Whelp (x1)
Furnace Whelp (x1)
Mudbutton Torchrunner (x2)
Tar Pitcher (x1)
Fire Elemental (x1)
Kamahl, Pit Fighter (x1)
Lightning Elemental (or Lightning Ball) (x2)
Prodigal Pyromancer (x1)
Threaten (x1)
Blame Rift (x1)
Beacon of Destruction (x1)
Tarfire (x2)
Shock (x4)
Incinerate (x2)
Sudden Shock (x1)
Lightning Blast (x2)
Ignite memories (x1)
Gratuitous Violence (x1)
Seal of Fire (x3)
Dragon's Claw (x1)
You mentioned that this is a tournament deck, but you
didn’t mention which format, so I am going to assume it
is supposed to be Standard legal,
where this deck should have the best chance of winning.
If you are looking for haste creatures backed up by lots
of burn, I am going to point you in the direction of
Elementals. They have gotten pretty good in the past two
sets, plus they are easy to find right now .
First, cut the cards that are no longer legal, including
Fire Elemental, Flame Rift, Lightning Blast, Seal of
Fire, and Gratuitous Violence. Also cut Dragon’s Claw.
Life gain has no business being in this deck.
Second, rebuild the creature base. Elementals give you
great one drops in the form of Spark Elemental, Flamekin
Bladewhirl, and Flamekin Harbinger. Sunfire Elemental is
an average two drop that becomes ridiculous in the late
game (he can easily be activated for ten or more with a
full graveyard). Inner-Flame Acolyte is another quality,
hasty elemental. Vengeful Firebrand is a great card that
can smack for five or more damage out of nowhere. Nobody
hits harder than Nova Chaser, just be careful when you
play him.
Lastly, add in your tricks. Try to keep things as simple
as possible. Eight burns spells ought to be plenty. If
you find that it is not enough, Thunderblade Charge or
Sudden Shock might be other good additions. Above all
else, don’t put in Tarfire. It does nothing that Shock
won’t do, but it will pump your opponent’s Tarmogoyfs.
If, at some point, you want to take this deck to the
next level, try splashing black with Primal Beyond and
Sulfurous Springs for Shriekmaw
and Nameless Inversion. It will give the deck much
better results in today’s
Firestorm.dec v1.1
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Spark Elemental
4 Flamekin Bladewhirl
4 Sunfire Elemental
4 Inner-Flame Acolyte
4 Nova Chaser
4 Vengeful Firebrand
4 Incinerate
4 Rift Bolt
4 Mutavault
20 Mountain