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April 14, 2008
Hi v0rac10u5.
My name is Bruno and I write to you from Portugal.
know that little country in the west side of Europe?
So I'm playing for some time MtG Duel of the
Planeswalkers. Yeah I know the game as already ten
years, but when you don't have the time or money it's
still good fun. I've found a deck in the game that I
like very much, and I'm trying to bring it to real life
and give it a good update, to play with it in standard.
I could spend a moderate sum to make it a nice deck.Here
it is:
20x Swamp
4x Bog Rats
4x Black Knight
4x Hypnotic Specter
2x Headless Horseman
2x Fallen Angel
2x Infernal Medusa
2x Walking Dead
2x Paralyze
4x Unholy Strength
4x Bad Moon
2x Animate Dead
4x Dark Ritual
4x Darkness
Some cards only exist in the game, l ike
Infernal Medusa (it's a Cockatrice in black), Headless
Horseman (a 2/2 creature) and Walking Dead (a 1/1
creature with regenerate). The deck is supposed to be a
aggro deck (it has a nice name in the game, Darkfall). I
think it works very well, except when I play against
decks with a lot of burn or counter spell. I like it
very much, it's very funny when you have a 4/3 Hypnotic
Specter with Unholy Strength in the second turn, making
your adversary discard. Paralyze and Darkness are good
cards to have some control in the game, Bad Moon could
be devastating to pump up all creatures and Dark Ritual
really speed the game up. Infernal Medusa and Fallen
Angel are reasonable finishers to. So this is it. Do you
see any hope to update Darkfall and make it a good
recent deck?
Thank you and keep up the good work.
Hypnotic Specter and Bad Moon are both Standard legal,
so they can stay. Stromgald Crusader is a reasonable
substitute for Black Knight. Auger of Skulls is a quick
regenerator that can also force your opponent to
discard. Nekrataal and Shriekmaw provide removal.
Korlash is a huge beater that is almost impossible to
get rid of. Tendrils of Corruption kills things and
gains you life. This entire deck is Standard legal, so
you should be able to play it in any tournament you come
across, just watch out for Chameleon Colossus, which can
really ruin your day.
Darkfall.dec v1.1
4 Auger of Skulls
4 Stromgald Crusader
4 Hypnotic Specter
4 Nekrataal
4 Korlash, Heir to Blackblade
4 Shriekmaw
4 Thoughtsieze
4 Bad Mood
4 Tendrils of Corruption
4 Mouth of Ronom
20 Snow-Covered Swamp
4 Pithing Needle
4 Extirpate
4 Deathmark
3 Damnation