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Paul Hagan's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Casual (?) Mono-White Soldier deck - 3.18.05
Hey y’all, and welcome to
(a somewhat late edition of) the deck garage! Hope y’all are
enjoying Spring Break, or if it isn’t here yet, I hope you
will. Well, since I don’t other have anything else to say, I
guess we can get right to the e-mail…
LANDS: 20 plains
2 deftblade elite
2 daru warcheif
4 glory seeker
4 frontline strategist
1 jareth,leonine titan
1 honor guard
1 longbow archer
1 oracle's attendants
1 crossbow infantry
2 noble templar
1 gerrard capashen
1 windborn muse
2 mobilization
1 knighthood
4 paficism
1 gerrard's battle cry
2 kirtar's desire
1 entanglement
4 holy day
2 awestrike
2 piety charm
What we have here is the groundwork for a White Weenie /
Soldier deck, and I’m guessing by the presence of a couple
of the cards and the lack of sideboard that this deck [from
Unknown Contributor – send me names, folks! ] is Casual.
Working from there, I want to make sure we have all of the
best soldiers. Thus, I go to my favorite search engine and
turn up…
Catapult Squad*
Intrepid Hero
Soltari Foot Soldier
Soltari Trooper
The cards with asterisks next to them are cards that I feel
necessary to have in any soldier deck – Catapult Squad for
its amazing removal ability, and Whipcorder for the amount
of control is supplies. Intrepid Hero is probably a
sideboard card at best, but I felt it might be good to
mention it here. The two Soltari creatures are decent
options for Shadow, but I’m not positive they belong in the
deck – honestly, the best Soltari are clerics. I’m going to
try and keep things as high-quality as possible though, so…
+4 Catapult Squad
+4 Whipcorder
Looking over the rest of the deck for Top-Tier creatures
that I want to include a full set of, I see Longbow Archer.
The Archer seems a little too good to pass up, so I’m going
to up the count on him to four.
+3 Longbow Archer
Now that we have a good set of decent 2-drops, I think it is
probably OK to get rid of a couple of the sub-optimal cards
to make room for them. The first to go is Glory Seeker. It
has no abilities other than being a 2/2 for 2, and we
already have plenty of those.
-4 Glory Seeker
The next cards to go are a lot of the 1-ofs. Jareth, Leonine
Titan is just too expensive for what we are trying to do
here, as is Gerrard Capashen. I’d prefer to keep the casting
cost on everything in the deck at three or below as well,
meaning Windborn Muse and Oracle’s Attendants are heading
out, too.
-1 Gerrard Capashen
-1 Jareth, Leonine Titan
-1 Oracle’s Attendants
-1 Windborn Muse
I need to knock out a few more cards to make sure we have
enough room, so out go Honor Guard for not having a big
enough power for his casting cost, and Noble Templar can go
as well, since we don’t really need to hunt down a *lot* of
land, and he is otherwise too expensive.
-1 Honor Guard
-2 Noble Templar
Now that we’ve finished clearing room for the automatic
inclusions earlier, we can start to adjust the rest of the
deck. I debated on whether Deftblade Elite or Soltari
Footsoldier was better for quite a while, but I think that
the ability to close out a game because of an opponent’s
lack of Shadow outweighs the combat tricks available with
Deftblade Elite. I’d like to run a full set, so I’m also
cutting Knighthood and Gerrard’s Battle Cry. Both cards
require a bit of an investment in mana for good effect, and
you don’t like seeing multiples in your opening hand. Show
me a card with both of these traits, and I’ll show you a
card that is holding the deck back.
-2 Deftblade Elite
-1 Gerrard’s Battle Cry
-1 Knighthood
+4 Soltari Foot Soldier
I’m not completely comfortable with only have twenty-one
creatures in this deck, especially since it has to rely on a
horde of small creatures overwhelming any larger, better
quality creature that our Unknown Contributor’s opponents
might play. I also can’t pass up playing the best white
weenie creature I can think of either – Mother of Runes.
Much like Soltari Foot Soldier, Mother of Runes can help
break a stalled game open using her protection-granting
ability. To make room, I’m going to get rid of Crossbow
Infantry, Entanglement, and Kirtar’s Desire. Crossbow
Infantry is getting the axe just because of the difference
in the quality of creatures. I actually couldn’t find record
of a card called Entanglement – if someone knows what it
does, e-mail me – and Kirtar’s Desire just seems sub-par,
even compared to Pacifism.
-1 Crossbow Infantry
-1 Entanglement
-2 Kirtar’s Desire
+4 Mother of Runes
Finally, or at least in the way of creatures, I would feel
bad if I didn’t include a full set of Daru Warchief. I know
I said that we wanted the curve to stay around three mana or
less, but soldiers aren’t the biggest creatures in Magic,
even for White Weenie, and they can probably use the help.
Plus, it can’t hurt to have that little extra power, right?
I’m pulling Awe Strike to make room.
-2 Awe Strike
+2 Daru Warchief
As odd as it sounds, Mobilization just isn’t that good in a
soldier deck. From my experience, the mana required to have
Mobilization doing much good is just too much for any deck
running light on mana to handle. Therefore, it goes out. I’m
also not too sure about the presence of Piety Charm. It has
its uses, yes, but I also think giving your creatures a
permanent bonus of some sort would be better than a one time
use. Therefore, it too goes out. In place of these cards,
I’m going to throw in Shared Triumph. It is inexpensive, it
goes with the theme, and it shouldn’t help out too many
opposing decks like Crusade can be prone to do.
-2 Mobilization
-2 Piety Charm
+4 Shared Triumph
As I’ve said many times before, the best removal spell in
the game isn’t black or red, but white, in the form of
Swords to Plowshares. Since it is taking a creature out of
action, Swords is doing a job similar to that which Pacifism
is doing now, but better. That means that Pacifism is
getting cut in Swords’ favor.
-4 Pacifism
+4 Swords to Plowshares
Especially considering the contributions Mirrodin block
made, you don’t want to have a deck nowadays without some
form of artifact removal. Fortunately, before there was
Naturalize, white had Disenchant. Soldier decks are going to
want to come at their opponents quickly, and they definitely
don’t want to be on the defensive. With this in mind, I’m
cutting Holy Day in favor of Disenchant’s removal.
-4 Holy Day
+4 Disenchant
I wavered a bit on whether or not twenty lands was too many
for this deck, but I think it is probably about right. I do
want to include a couple of copies of Kjeldoran Outpost,
though, just for the added ability to make more soldiers to
work with Daru Warchief. Keep in mind, though, that you’ll
have to mulligan a hand with just a couple of land, one
being Kjeldoran Outpost, every once in a while.
-2 Plains
+2 Kjeldoran Outpost
I think that about wraps up work on this deck; here’s how it
came out.
4 Catapult Squad
4 Daru Warchief
4 Frontline Strategist
4 Longbow Archer
4 Mother of Runes
4 Soltari Foot Soldier
4 Whipcorder
4 Disenchant
4 Shared Triumph
4 Swords to Plowshares
LANDS (20):
2 Kjeldoran Outpost
18 Plains
Hope that helps, Unknown Contributor, and good luck! I’ll
see y’all next week.
-Paul Hagan