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Paul Hagan's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
MDG: Extended Mono-Black Control - 4.05.05
Hey all, and welcome back
to the Deck Garage. I don’t have any major news,
announcements, or comments, so I guess we can just jump
right into the fixin’ this week. Here’s the e-mail I’m
running with…
19 Swamp
1 Phyrexian Tower
1 Volrath's stronghold
4 Blood Pet
3 Festering Goblin
3 Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
3 Phyrexian Plaguelord
3 Mesmeric Fiend
3 Chainer's Edict
2 Consume Spirit
4 Jet Medallion
3 Vampiric Tutor
3 Night's Whisper
1 Cranial Extraction
3 Diabolic Edict
3 Cabal Therapy
1 Urborg Justice
2 Bone Shredder
3 Engineered Plague
1 Urborg Justice
1 False Cure
2 Eradicate
1 Kill Switch
1 Cranial Extraction
2 Boseiju, Who Shelters All
2 Terror
I'm trying to take this to a PTQ and hoping to rogue deck my
way into placing, so budget is not all that important to me.
This particular PTQ is EXTENDED, so I believe that my deck
is legal.
WIth that said, let me give you a rundown of how this weird
looking deck works. The main controling components are the
edicts, Shirei with Plaguelord and Jet Medallion for
acceleration. WIth a Plaguelord in play I am able to pretty
much get rid of any threat that comes my way in creature
form, and with Shirei, it makes it even worse, for my
opponent. The Mesmeric Fiend is in there to look at their
hand (in place of duress) and he combos extremely well with
I was think about adding (at most 2) Braids, Cabal Minion to
disrupt my opponent even more. I could also use some help
fixing my Sideboard. Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated even if you don't post my deck online.
Thanks for your time and consideration
OK, for starters, Mark has done a great job on his deck thus
far. It looks like he put a fair amount of thought into it,
and there are a lot of good card choices. However, there is
always room for improvement, and that’s what this article is
here for. Before I get rolling, I have to do a quick fix
that doesn’t warrant a lot of space. Urborg Justice is only
from Weatherlight, and therefore is not legal in Extended.
-1 Urborg Justice
-1 Urborg Justice [SB]
The biggest thing that jumped out at me initially was
Mesmeric Fiend over Duress. With combo decks showing up en
masse at Grand Prix Seattle and Eindhoven, you really can’t
afford to (A) only temporarily get rid of a card and (B)
wait a turn to force the discard.
-3 Mesmeric Fiend
+4 Duress
I think seven discard spells should be adequate, though if
Mark expects a field that is more aggressive, he could
easily cut a couple of those.
The next big change I’d like to make is to get rid of the
weak-end creatures, Blood Pet and Festering Goblin. Although
there are situations where these two guys might be good,
here is not the place.
-4 Blood Pet
-3 Festering Goblin
With these two cards gone, and the fact that there aren’t a
ton of 1-casting cost creatures roaming around Extended
right now, Shirei, Shizo’s Caretaker can probably take a
hike as well.
-3 Shirei, Shizo’s Caretaker
Now the question arises: what creatures do we put in, if
any? My first instinct is to actually shift this deck closer
to a true mono-black control build, with few creatures and a
ton of spells. I think that might be a good way to go (mind
you, not the only way), so why don’t we try it out.
Going along our planned route, we need a definitive win
condition. Since I can’t really think of too many more solid
creatures than Nantuko Shade, why not run with a playset of
+4 Nantuko Shade
I can’t quite help thinking that there is one more card that
I’d like to play with, one that is actually out of Betrayers
of Kamigawa. With Diabolic Edict, Vampiric Tutor, and
possibly one or two more instants in Mark’s deck, it
couldn’t hurt to run a few Toshiro Umezawa to get extra use
out of Mark’s instants.
+2 Toshiro Umezawa
Looking over Mark’s deck now, we have a win condition, a way
to clear the path, and a few extra spells for other
purposes, such as Night’s Whisper. Looks good, right? Well,
there are a few more things we can do. There are still two
slots to be filled, once of which I think can be dedicated
to land, and there are a couple of cards that can probably
come out. Let’s start with pulling cards first, then
determining how to use the empty slots.
Consume Spirit is, in short, just too slow. Extended is a
fast-paced environment, where you must be taking advantage
of every card in hand, otherwise you will be at a severe
disadvantage. Consume Spirit, at least in the early game,
tends to be a dead card.
-2 Consume Spirit
Jet Medallion might have been a decent call in the original
build of this deck, but now that it is trimmed down, Mark
will rarely need high amounts of mana with exception of
Nantuko Shade.
-4 Jet Medallion
Next, I don’t think sacrificing any of Mark’s dudes for mana
would be a good idea, so out goes Phyrexian Tower.
-1 Phyrexian Tower
Now that we have cleared out all of the remaining space,
what needs to come in? There are 11 slots remaining. I think
the first order of business is to fix the land (not Mark’s
fault, but mine), so let’s throw in a couple of Dust Bowl to
take care of any opponent’s troublesome non-basics, one
swamp to fill in the rest, and move on.
+2 Dust Bowl
+1 Swamp
I almost didn’t include this part, but I think it is the
right call. I want to up the count on Vampiric Tutor to
four. You can get away with three easily, but I’m running
with four. My biggest concern is too much loss of life
between Tutor and Night’s Whisper, and if that is an issue,
then I encourage Mark to lose one of them.
+1 Vampiric Tutor
Next, since Mark is running with Vampiric Tutor, why don’t
we throw in one copy of Haunting Echoes? There are games
where it can be extremely relevant, and it can’t hurt with
all of the discard and removal Mark is packing.
+1 Haunting Echoes
For the same reason as including Haunting Echoes above,
let’s add a single copy of Smother. There are some games
where there will be a specific creature you want to get rid
of, and Edicts don’t help that.
+1 Smother
I also don’t see a reason to run just three Plaguelord. It’s
good enough to warrant four, plus it counts as more removal.
+1 Phyrexian Plaguelord
Now that we’ve messed around with the count on a bunch of
cards, we really have four slots left with which to play.
Since there are a number of decks running around with small
creatures that do tricks (see: Waterfront Bouncer, Cavern
Harpy, etc.), why don’t we include two ways to deal with
those threats: Hideous Laughter and Night of Soul’s
Betrayal. Hideous Laughter is also good for a quick,
effective board sweep.
+2 Hideous Laughter
+2 Night of Soul’s Betrayal
As for the sideboard, there are a few cards that I think
have to go to make room for other cards that warrant a slot.
Terror, Bone Shredder, and Eradicate all have to go, on
grounds that the deck seems like it has plenty of removal as
is, plus we’ll be throwing in at least one more, better
removal card into sideboard before we’re done.
-2 Bone Shredder [SB]
-2 Eradicate [SB]
-2 Terror [SB]
False Cure is OK enough card, and I have used it on
occasion. However, the only major life-gainer I see in most
Extended decks is Ravenous Baloth. I think Mark can get more
than four life out of a card, so out goes False Cure.
-1 False Cure [SB]
Finally, I didn’t want to cut this card, but I have to in
order to make room. Out goes Kill Switch.
-1 Kill Switch [SB]
For those match-ups where Mark’s opponent will take a while
to set up their win, I’ve included three Phyrexian Negator.
Mark’s opponent will get to sit back and stare at a 5/5
trampler that they need to deal with in the immediate
+3 Phyrexian Negator [SB]
For match-ups that include either (A) combo elements or (B)
control strategies, I’ve thrown in a fourth copy of Cabal
+1 Cabal Therapy [SB]
There are plenty of green creatures roaming around Extended,
so I think Mark should at least run a couple copies of
+2 Perish [SB]
Also running around in Extended is a *lot* of graveyard
manipulation, especially with the addition of Eternal
Witness. Some people will point you in the direction of
Withered Wretch, but I think it is generally better if you
have graveyard disruption in instant form that your opponent
might not plan around.
+3 Coffin Purge [SB]
That wraps up work on this deck; here’s how it came out.
LAND (23):
2 Dust Bowl
20 Swamp
1 Volrath's Stronghold
4 Nantuko Shade
4 Phyrexian Plaguelord
2 Toshiro Umezawa
3 Cabal Therapy
3 Chainer's Edict
1 Cranial Extraction
3 Diabolic Edict
4 Duress
1 Haunting Echoes
2 Hideous Laughter
2 Night of Soul’s Betrayal
3 Night’s Whisper
1 Smother
4 Vampiric Tutor
2 Boseiju, Who Shelters All
1 Cabal Therapy
3 Coffin Purge
1 Cranial Extraction
3 Engineered Plague
2 Perish
3 Phyrexian Negator
Hope that helps, Mark, and good luck! I’ll see y’all next
-Paul Hagan