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Paul Hagan's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Type II Kiki-Alarm - 5.20.05
Hey all, and welcome back
to the deck garage! For those who are out of school -- I
hope you are enjoying your summer break. For those aren’t
out of school yet -- good luck on your finals! For those who
don’t get summers off – LOL @ you.
OK, all mean-spirited kidding aside, let’s jump right into
the e-mail…
I've recently been experimenting with Combo in T2, and I
think I've found a
winner. Combining Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker with Intruder
Alarm to overwhelm
my opponent. I also want to make a second version for casual
when this deck
invariably rotates out. So far, I've only been working on
the T2 version,
and I'm having trouble finding answers to the major players
in T2 right now.
Here's the decklist:
Kiki-Jiki Combo
7 Island
3 Mountain
4 City of Brass
6 Forest
4 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Merchant of Secrets
4 Intruder Alarm
4 Mana Leak
4 Oxidize
4 Splinter
4 Quash
4 Echoing Truth
4 Sowing Salt
4 Vulshok Sorcerer
Card Choices:
Mana Fixers:
City of Brass, Birds of Paradise, and Sakura-Tribe Elder
Combo Pieces:
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Intruder Alarm, and _______ (I
haven't found a
good creature for this except Vulshok Sorcerer for the Tim
Quash, Mana Leak (Quash is for the main spells of the deck,
making sure I
don't have to face them again)
Artifact Destruction:
Splinter, Qxidize (Splinter, see Quash)
Echoing Truth
Sowing Salt-Permanently wreaks the Urzatron in T&N and any
other deck that
uses it.
Vulshok Sorcerer-Possible MD card for the Kiki-Alarm Combo.
I really need some help with this. I'm not really sure what
I should use.
Cards that stay: Intruder Alarm, Kiki-Jiki, Quash, Splinter,
and Sowing Salt
Cards that can go: Everything else.
Budget: $100 and under.
Please help me with this deck. I need to finish it soon. It
has to be ready
for a T2 tourney next Saturday.
Ok, looking over the deck, it looks like our contributor is
off to a good start, but there are a few issues that
immediately jump out at me. First, I definitely don’t like
the high amount of artifact removal in the deck – I realize
that there are still a number of artifacts floating around
out there, but I don’t think we need eight ways to get rid
of them. I think Oxidize is a decent enough call, so lets
get rid of Splinter.
-4 Splinter
When I was typing this up, I had a small revelation. We
definitely need more creatures in this deck, so why don’t I
sneak in a creature that destroys artifacts over Oxidize.
Viridian Shaman seems pretty good, especially since it
provides a 2/2 body to along with its destruction.
-4 Oxidize
+4 Viridian Shaman
My next point is one a lot of people aren’t going to like,
but I really think its true – you don’t need a lot of
counter-magic in this type of deck. I’ll keep Mana Leak, if
only because it is cheap and has a single blue in its
casting cost, but Quash has to go. You want to be spending
your mana on something infinitely more useful *every turn*.
Believe me, I’ve played a deck similar to this one, and more
often than not, I actually don’t want to see a counter in my
-4 Quash
So now we have at least eight slots with which to play. My
next big goal is finding another creature or two to go into
the deck. Having Kiki-Jiki is great and all, but if you
don’t have anything worthwhile to copy, then he’s pretty
Looking over the good green, blue, and red creatures
available in Type II, I notice a card that absolutely must
be in your deck is missing – Eternal Witness. The ability to
pick up a dead Kiki-Jiki or a Naturalized Intruder Alarm
seems fairly important. It also can’t hurt to make copies of
Witness with Kiki-Jiki to loot the graveyard every turn.
It’s even good if there isn’t an Alarm on the table!
+4 Eternal Witness
I’m a huge fan of Meloku the Clouded Mirror. I realize that
she probably doesn’t have a home in every deck, but I think
this deck could probably use her, especially since she has
the ability to create a ton of creatures, which combines
well with Intruder Alarm. She can also serve as an alternate
win condition if the combo doesn’t show up.
+2 Meloku the Clouded Mirror
I wouldn’t be a huge fan of including a full set of the next
card, but I also couldn’t complain about the addition of at
least two Solemn Simulacrum. Not only do they work well with
Kiki-Jiki, but they help get all of the necessary colors of
mana on the table.
+2 Solemn Simulacrum
The last *major* change I want to make to the deck itself is
the addition of Aether Vial. With the changes made here, we
now have Eternal Witness, Virdian Shaman, and Merchant of
Secrets sitting at a converted mana cost of three, and we
have Meloku and Kiki-Jiki at a converted mana cost of five.
Both are enough to justification to include Aether Vial in
the deck, especially if it will allow us to set of the combo
that much faster. To make room, I’m going to cut a copy of
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker (you only need to find one during
the game) and a copy of Intruder Alarm (ditto).
-1 Intruder Alarm
-1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
+4 Aether Vial
The only other thing I want to do with the deck is fix the
mana up a little bit. Green is obviously the most important
color with its mana fixers, so why don’t we run with seven
Forests and one Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers. If we
include two Mountains to be fetched with Simulacrum and
Elder, we should be set for red mana. If we run a full set
of City of Brass and two copies of Forbidden Orchard (it
really is good with Intruder Alarm on the table), then that
leaves enough room for five Islands and one Minamo, School
at Water’s Edge. This makes the land set-up look like…
4 City of Brass
2 Forbidden Orchard
7 Forests
5 Islands
1 Minamo, School at Water’s Edge
2 Mountains
1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
As far as the sideboard is concerned, I agree completely
with Vulshok Sorcerer and Sowing Salt, so those can both
hang out, leaving us with seven slots to fill.
Bribery has come to many people’s attention again with the
emergence of Tooth and Nail decks, as well as the five
legendary dragons out of Champions. I suppose the
population-at-large can’t be wrong, so let’s include three
+3 Bribery
Now that we are looking at sideboard, I can justify
including another copy of a card that destroys artifacts.
Sticking with our theme from earlier (you know –
creatures!), a full set of Hearth Kami would fill both our
creature requirement and the need for artifact destruction.
+4 Hearth Kami
With the last change done, the final deck looks like this…
LANDS (22):
4 City of Brass
2 Forbidden Orchard
7 Forests
5 Islands
1 Minamo, School at Water’s Edge
2 Mountains
1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Eternal Witness
3 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
2 Meloku the Clouded Mirror
4 Merchant of Secrets
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
2 Solemn Simulacrum
4 Viridian Shaman
4 Echoing Truth
3 Intruder Alarm
4 Mana Leak
3 Bribery
4 Hearth Kami
4 Sowing Salt
4 Vulshok Sorcerer
Hope that helps, and good luck in the Type II tourney this
I’ll see y’all next week.