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Paul Hagan's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Moonfolk, Type II - 5.31.05
Hey all! Sorry I’ve been
running so late with my articles recently, but as it turns
out -- I’m lazy. Who knew?
Anyways, we’re still hanging out in the Realm of Type II
this week. Here’s the e-mail I received…
I was looking over the moonfolk
wizards from the kamigawa block, and
noticed that they all have control abilities that require
you to bring
land back to your hand. I decided to make a blue/green deck,
the blue
cards being mostly wizards, and the green cards helping out
with land.
I use Azusa and Budoka Gardener to put lands back into play
after using
the moonfolk abilities.
I need to keep this T2 legal, and a moderate budget. Here is
3 Soratami Savant
3 Soratami Cloudskater
4 Floodbringer
4 Soratami Rainshaper
2 Uyo, Silent Prophet
1 Meloku, the Clouded Mirror
2 Patron of the Moon
3 Sage Owl
3 Sakura-Tribe Scout (Saviors card...I'm using proxies)
2 Budoka Gardener
2 Azusa, Lost but Seeking
3 Fertile Ground
4 Rampant Growth
3 Sakura-Tribe Elder
1 Lifegift
10 Island
10 Forest
I originally had 2 Heartbeat of Spring in it, but I took
them out.
OK, first things first, I’m a little bit concerned about the
amount of stuff to put lands into play in this deck. I agree
that it is good to generate a lot of mana fast, but I’m not
so sure that we need Fertile Ground, Rampant Growth, and
Sakura-Tribe Elder. Looking at the set of those, why don’t
we go ahead and cut Fertile Ground, since it seems the most
vulnerable to disruption. I’ll also throw in a fourth copy
of Sakura-Tribe Elder while we’re here.
-3 Fertile Ground
+1 Sakura-Tribe Elder
I’d also like to get rid of Lifegift. Life gain in general
is pretty useless unless attached to another good ability,
such as is the case with Exalted Angel or Armadillo Cloak.
Remember: the point of the game is to reduce your opponent
to 0 Life, not for you to gain 1000 Life.
-1 Lifegift
Next, I want to go ahead and add a fourth copy of
Sakura-Tribe Scout. We’re going to have a mass amount of
Moonfolk bouncing land in this deck, so we might as well
have a good number of ways to put it back into play.
+1 Sakura-Tribe Scout
Finally, I want to throw in another card from Saviors of
Kamigawa. I think that it has great potential in this deck,
but Jon probably can’t put it into play until he has a
decent board set-up. What card am I speaking of? Seed the
Seed the Land [2GG]
Whenever a land comes into play, its controller puts a 1/1
Snake token into play.
Although it works for Jon’s opponent as well as Jon, I think
that a deck built around abusing it will have a little bit
more luck. Plus, it gives me an excuse to sneak Saviors of
Kamigawa cards into the Deck Garage and make me look better
at my job.
+2 Seed the Land
OK, moving our attention over to the Blue portion of the
deck, I see a few cards that make me sad. With only one
sorcery in the deck (Rampant Growth), Uyo doesn’t serve much
of a purpose. Yes, I’m aware that Jon’s opponent could play
a devastating instant or sorcery that would be really cool
to copy and redirect, but that seems more like a sideboard
card – at best.
-2 Uyo, Silent Prophet
I’m also unimpressed with Floodbringer. If you only had to
return one land, I might be more willing to think about it,
but as is, there are much better things for Jon to be doing
with his mana than tapping one or two lands a turn.
-4 Floodbringer
Next, I’m going to go ahead and round out the set on
Soratami Savant and Soratami Cloudskater.
+1 Soratami Cloudskater
+1 Soratami Savant
I’m also going to up the count on Meloku the Clouded Mirror
to three. I realize that this might be a slightly high
number, but I’m a bit concerned about the number of true win
conditions in this deck. Most of the creatures are small,
and could easily be held off by a few 3/3 or 4/4 creatures.
+2 Meloku the Clouded Mirror
That said, I’m not too happy about Sage Owl being in the
deck. It does have a decent ability, but once in play, it is
just bad.
-3 Sage Owl
In its place, and to help provide some defense for this
deck, I’m throwing in a full set of Echoing Truth. If the
game seems to be going in a bad direction, Jon will at least
be able to buy himself an extra turn or two.
+4 Echoing Truth
To help smooth out the mana base a bit, I’m going to go to
eight Forests and one Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers for
the green mana. Blue mana will be provided by eleven Islands
and one Minamo, School on Water’s Edge.
Here’s the final decklist…
2 Azusa, Lost But Seeking
2 Budoka Gardener
3 Meloku, the Clouded Mirror
2 Patron of the Moon
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
4 Sakura-Tribe Scout
4 Soratami Savant
4 Soratami Cloudskater
4 Soratami Rainshaper
4 Echoing Truth
4 Rampant Growth
2 Seed the Land
LANDS (21):
8 Forest
11 Island
1 Minamo, School on Water’s Edge
1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
Hope that helps, Jon, and good luck!
I’ll see y’all next week.
-Paul Hagan