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Paul Hagan's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Green / Blue Type II
Hey y’all, and welcome
back to the deck garage! Regionals are just a few days away,
so I guess I should wish everyone luck; it’ll take a lot of
hard work over a long day. Saviors of Kamigawa also went
legal this week, so I’m looking forward to seeing what
effect that has on the Type II metagame – it should be
With that said, I guess I should just jump right into the
I brought a deck to FNM last week and although it went
1-2 in matches (it lost against Tooth and 5cG Gifts), I
wasn't displeased. Can it be tuned, either for T2 or KBC?
Blue Molder
4 Vine Trellis
4 Troll Ascetic
3 Shimmering Glasskite
3 Kodama of the North Tree
3 Molder Slug
2 Meloku
3 Jetting Glasskite
3 Keiga, the Tide Star
4 Echoing Truth
4 Naturalize
4 Kodama's Reach
12 Forest
11 Island
4 Defense Grid
4 Mana Leak
4 Humble Budoka
3 Dosan the Falling Leaf
Looking over the deck, I’m initially very pleased. It seems
like it has good synergy, the card counts on individual
cards are high (no 1-ofs), and the land looks good. This
week’s deck garage looks like it will be based around small
The first cards that jumped out at me were the Glasskites,
both Shimmering and Jetting. To be honest, I had to go look
up what they did, and when I saw it, I was a bit
disappointed. Why play a single creature with that ability
in a deck that doesn’t have too many cards that target its
own creatures? Instead, why don’t we cut both of those and
throw in a couple of copies of Kira, Great Glass-Spinner?
She is smaller, and she is a legend, but she also grants the
ability previously limited to the Glasskites to all of the
creatures in the deck.
-3 Jetting Glasskite
-3 Shimmering Glasskite
+2 Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
I’m slightly concerned with the number of big creatures in
this deck, or more, high casting-cost creatures. In the
current set-up, we have Kodama the North Tree (five mana),
Molder Slug (five mana), Meloku the Clouded Mirror (five
mana), and Keiga, the Tide Star (six mana). Although none of
these creatures are necessarily *bad*, they combine to make
a mana-hungry deck. Why don’t we trim it down a bit? I’m
going to go down to two copies of Keiga, the Tide Star and
cut out Kodama of the North Tree altogether. This was a
somewhat difficult decision, but I think it will help the
deck run more smoothly in the end.
-1 Keiga, the North Star
-3 Kodama of the North Tree
I can’t help myself – the following card must go in every
deck that can possibly play it. You don’t necessarily have
to play four copies of it (we will here, though), but it
cannot possibly hurt to have at least two. It gives you the
ability to fix a mistake made without a targeted removal
spell, make a chump blocker, return a creature from the
grave, and many, many other things.
+4 Eternal Witness
With the lowered mana cost of the creatures in this deck, we
can probably get away with losing Kodama’s Reach – only to
replace it with Sakura-Tribe Elder. I’m not overly concerned
with hitting a ton of mana, as the rest of the deck is more
than capable of surviving until more is found.
-4 Kodama’s Reach
+4 Sakura Tribe Elder
We now have four slots remaining in the deck which can
likely be filled with some sort of counterspell. I can’t
really decide between Mana Leak or Condescend, so I think
this is one of those situations where you can get away with
two copies of each.
-2 Mana Leak [SB]
+2 Condescend
+2 Mana Leak
Since there are six legends floating in this deck, I think
that is more than enough justification to put at least one
copy of Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers and Minamo, School
at Water’s Edge. I’m also going to adjust the mana, since
the new build focuses a bit more on green.
-5 Island
+2 Forest
+1 Minamo, School at Water’s Edge
+1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
That should wrap up any work we have to do on the main deck,
but I’ve made at least one hole in the sideboard, and it
probably deserves at least a quick glance.
I suppose this deck could occasionally need to turn itself
into a slightly more controlling mode, especially if it has
to deal with combo decks. With this in mind, I’ll replace
the two Mana Leak that can’t be played (due to the Mana Leak
in the main) with two Condescend, allowing the deck to play
eight counters post-sideboard.
+2 Condescend [SB]
Honestly, looking over the cards hanging out in sideboard,
it looks like there might be a bit too much hate against
mono-blue. Let’s first replace Defense Grid with Pithing
Needle, which has uses in a lot of matches.
-4 Defense Grid [SB]
+4 Pithing Needle [SB]
As the last change, I’d like to get rid of Humble Budoka. I
can only really see that coming in and being effective
against mono-blue and their Vedalken Shackles, which have
been taken care of to a degree with Pithing Needle. In its
place, I’d like to put in a full set of Plow Under. Siding
them in will swing the mana-curve of the deck back up, but
they should help the fight against Tooth and Nail.
-4 Humble Budoka [SB]
+4 Plow Under [SB]
Here is the finished product…
4 Eternal Witness
2 Keiga, the North Star
2 Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
2 Meloku the Clouded Mirror
3 Molder Slug
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
4 Troll Ascetic
4 Vine Trellis
2 Condescend
4 Echoing Truth
2 Mana Leak
4 Naturalize
LANDS (23):
14 Forest
7 Island
1 Minamo, School at Water’s Edge
1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
2 Condescend
3 Dosan the Falling Leaf
2 Mana Leak
4 Pithing Needle
4 Plow Under
I hope that helps out, and good luck at Friday Night Magic.
I’ll see y’all next week.
-Paul Hagan