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Paul Hagan's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Green / White Casual
Hey all, and welcome back
to the Deck Garage. Saviors hit stores this week, so feel
free to start sending in your take on the new cards’ fit
into decks. That said, on to this week’s e-mail…
4 Lanowar Elves
3 Birds of Paradise
2 Skyshroud Elves
3 River Boa
4 Simian Grunts
3 Hunting Moa
1 Argothian Wurm
1 Lhurgoyf
2 Elvish Lyrist
1 Exalted Angel
1 Aluren
3 Armageddon
3 Humble
1 Swords to Plowshares
3 Armadillo Cloak
1 Mirari's Wake
2 Disenchant
1 Cursed Scroll
3 Nature's Resurgance
LANDS (18):
2 Plains
8 Forest
1 Gaea's Cradle
4 Brushlands
2 Vec Townships
1 Rishidan Port
Basically, get a creature advantage then Armageddon or
Mirari's Wake. I'd like to keep this legal for Extended and
1.5 tournies, but mostly I play casual, which explains all
the 1 and 2 copies. Budget-wise, I would prefer not to have
to splurge on 3 Umewaza's Jittes, but I don't have a problem
picking up a few commons and uncommons, or an amazing rare.
Thanks a ton in advance!
OK, the first thing that comes to mind when looking at this
decklist is actually already mentioned in the e-mail – 1-ofs
and 2-ofs are all over the place. Having a lot of 1-ofs and
2-ofs winds up reducing the consistency of the deck, as you
are less likely to draw what you want when you want it. The
first round of cuts relates to pulling cards that don’t
really warrant additional slots, which leads us to ask if
they really belong in the first place.
Argothian Wurm is the first on the list. The drawback
associated with the card is just too much for me to give it
room in the deck.
-1 Argothian Wurm
Lhurgoyf is also gone. Generally, I see Lhurgoyf as a card
that is good only in decks that are designed around abusing
him, and this deck isn’t one of those decks.
-1 Lhurgoyf
Aluren goes in the same category of Lhurgoyf – great if the
deck is built around it, otherwise only so-so.
-1 Aluren
Skyshroud Elf is the next card on the chopping block. With
both Birds of Paradise and Llanowar Elves in the deck,
putting copies of Skyshroud Elf in the deck is just
-2 Skyshroud Elf
For the same reasons Skyshroud Elf is going, I think we can
probably cut Mirari’s Wake. We already have a ton of mana
production in the deck, so we can make room for better cards
by cutting a few.
-1 Mirari’s Wake
Next, I’d like to round out a few sets of cards. For
example, why only three Birds of Paradise? Getting an early
jump on your opponent can be important, and having a mana
producer on the table for when Armageddon hits can be
+1 Birds of Paradise
River Boa might be the best green 2-drop ever printed, and I
truly believe that any deck that can make good use of it
should play it. Not only is it a decent early attacker, but
it can hold off any size of creature that doesn’t have
trample or some sort of evasion ability.
+1 River Boa
I saw the lone copy of Exalted Angel in this deck, and had
to throw in a full set. What this deck currently lacks is a
good finisher, and I think Exalted Angel fits the bill,
especially since she can be morphed with a low amount of
+3 Exalted Angel
The last of the cards I have to fill out is Swords to
Plowshares. As I stated in a CotD a while back, in my
opinion, the best removal spell ever printed is Swords to
Plowshares. The definition of a 5-star card, Swords deserves
a slot in any deck that can play it.
+3 Swords to Plowshares
I want to throw in a few more creatures and land, so I’m
going to have to make a bit more room. Although Simian
Grunts are kinda neat with their instant-speed, I think that
regeneration and a lower cost might fit the bill better.
Therefore, I’m going to replace them with Albino Troll.
-4 Simian Grunts
+4 Albino Troll
Who likes 5/5s that can’t be targeted by spells or
abilities? Who likes 5/5s that can’t be targeted by spells
or abilities that are cheap? I sure do! With Albino Troll
already eating up the Echo Requirement of this deck, I think
Hunting Moa can take a trip back to the Spares Box and
Blastoderm can come in and take its place.
-3 Hunting Moa
+3 Blastoderm
As the last little bit of housekeeping, I’m going to cut out
Humble (since we added Swords, we don’t need the removal)
and Nature’s Resurgence. Although I can’t definitely say
that Resurgence is a bad card, I do need to make room for a
few more lands, and it is the weakest link of the remaining
-3 Humble
-3 Nature’s Resurgence
As the last stage of the work on this deck, I’m going to
change up the land to reflect the new cards. Also, I’m
throwing in a few more copies of Rishadan Port, as it seems
to work incredibly well just after an Armageddon.
4 Brushland
8 Forest
1 Gaia’s Cradle
5 Plains
4 Rishadan Port
The final decklist will look like this…
4 Albino Troll
4 Birds of Paradise
3 Blastoderm
2 Elvish Lyrist
4 Exalted Angel
4 Llanowar Elves
4 River Boa
3 Armadillo Cloak
3 Armageddon
1 Cursed Scroll
2 Disenchant
4 Swords to Plowshares
LANDS (22):
4 Brushland
8 Forest
1 Gaia’s Cradle
5 Plains
4 Rishadan Port
Hope that helps, and good luck!
I’ll see y’all next week.
-Paul Hagan