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Paul Hagan's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Hey all; welcome back to
the deck garage. I had a huge amount of e-mail this week, so
it looks like Regionals, Saviors going legal, and the
approach of 9th Edition have really gotten people thinking
about new decks. This week’s e-mail got picked for a
different reason – it had a summer theme! Here’s an e-mail I
received from Mark, who is a camp councilor…
Every summer (for the past 3 years) I have been playing
casually at a camp for which I am a counselor. So this year
I thought I'd think up a new deck based off a new set of
Jokulhaups that I acquired.
22x Lands:
2x Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
2x God’s Eye, Gate to Reikai
4x Darksteel Citadel
4x Forgotten Cave
10x Mountain
6x Creature Spells:
4x Rukh Egg
2x Darksteel Gargoyle
24x Other Spells:
4x Incinerate
4x Pyroclasm
4x Starstorm
4x Dismantle
4x Seething Song
4x Jokulhaups
8x Artifacts:
4x Energy Chamber
4x Darksteel Reactor
3x Boseiju, Who Shelters All
4x Unforge
3x Boil
4x Grab the Reins
1x Obliterate
As you can see the main win condition is the indestructible
Reactor with secondary wins in Ruhk Egg and Darksteel
Gargoyle. The basic
idea is to establish board control using Incinerate,
Pyroclasm, and
Starstorm, play darksteel reactor (accelerating the counters
with E Chamber
and Dismantle), and then wipe the board with Jokulhaups if
or when
I put the Mikokoro and the cycle lands in for drawing into
what I might
need, and the God's Eye and Citadel are there for their
synergy with
I'd like to try to keep the deck mono colored for
simplicity, as well as
themed around Jokulhaups.
The sideboard reflects the decks that were being played last
year: Elf and
Nail, Counter-Donate, Equipment weenies, and (bad) affinity.
Thanks in advance,
Looking over Mark’s deck, it looks like he is off to a
decent start, but there are a few things that I would like
to see change.
The first thing that jumps out at me is the lack of speed in
getting charge counters on Darksteel Reactor. Yes, the deck
has Energy Chamber and Dismantle, but I honestly think that
Dismantle has to come out (it doesn’t do as much any more),
leaving us with just four cards to accelerate the Reactor.
Why don’t we kick things off by throwing in a full set of
Coretapper in place of the Dismantle?
-4 Dismantle
+4 Coretapper
Not only will the ‘Tapper allow Mark to add charge counters
quicker, but he can also respond to anything that would
destroy it by sacrificing it and adding two more counters to
his Darksteel Reactor.
Looking at the cards in this deck, I’m not seeing too many
cards with a high casting cost that need to be dropped
really early. The mass removal, such as Pyroclasm and
Starstorm, should be able to take care of anything that
shows up early, while Mark waits to get the appropriate mana
for his win conditions and / or Jokulhaups on the table. I
would also like to give Mark a little life after Jokulhaups,
so why don’t we cut Seething Song (for reasons above) in
favor of Darksteel Ingot, which can help provide him with
mana after a Jokulhaups hits.
-4 Seething Song
+4 Darksteel Ingot
At first, I did want to get rid of Rukh Egg – it never seems
*that* good. However, it does provide Mark with a decent win
condition after a Jokulhaups resolves, and I can’t justify
cutting it, so it stays. Ditto Darksteel Gargoyle.
I do, however, want to add two copies of Zo-Zu the Punisher
to the deck. I’m not entirely sure that they are spectacular
additions, but it can’t hurt to resolve one post-‘Haups.
+2 Zo-Zu the Punisher
To make room, I’m going to cut one copy of Starstorm and one
-1 Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
-1 Mountain
Looking over Mark’s sideboard, I really can’t complain about
much aside from Unforge. Boseiju seems like a good call, as
does Boil, as any form of blue control will be the bane of
this deck’s existence. Grab the Reins can’t hurt against
Tooth and Nail, and the lone copy of Obliterate seems like
an OK call for any match that goes slowly.
-4 Unforge [SB]
Honestly, I think Shatter is just as good of call as
anything here, so why don’t I toss in one additional copy of
Oblierate and three copies of Shatter to replace Unforge.
+1 Obliterate [SB]
+3 Shatter [SB]
I think that wraps up work on Mark’s deck – here’s the final
4 Coretapper
2 Darksteel Gargoyle
4 Rukh Egg
2 Zo-Zu the Punisher
4 Darksteel Ingot
4 Darksteel Reactor
4 Energy Chamber
4 Incinerate
4 Jokulhaups
4 Pyroclasm
3 Starstorm
LANDS (21):
4 Darksteel Citadel
4 Forgotten Cave
2 God’s Eye, Gate to Reikai
2 Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
9 Mountain
3 Boil
3 Boseiju, Who Shelters All
4 Grab the Reins
2 Obliterate
3 Shatter
Hope that helps, Mark, and good luck! I’ll see y’all next
-Paul Hagan