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Paul Hagan's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Casual Red Burn
Hey all, and welcome back
to the deck garage. I don’t think there is anything we
really need to cover before getting started, so why not jump
right to the e-mail…
I am Marcus, 18, from Germany, and this is the first time I
send a Deck to you. It’s Vintage/Legacy legal, but I’m only
playing in a casual group nearly every Friday. The strategy
of the Deck is simple: to deal as much damage as possible
with low-cost spells, killing the opponent on turn 4. On the
budget: Try to keep the changes as cheap as cheap as
possible, as I’m not that well off. Thank you.
Total: 60 Cards
Lands: 20
20x Mountain
Creatures: 16
4x Raging Goblin
4x Akki Avalanchers
3x Mogg Fanatic
2x Ronin Houndmaster
2x Blistering Firecat
1x Ball Lightning
Instants: 14
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Shock
3x Fists of the Anvil
2x Electrostatic Bolt
1x Guerilla Tactics
Sorceries: 8
2x Volcanic Hammer
2x Goblin Grenade
2x Disintegrate
1x Book Burning
1x Threaten
Enchantments: 2
2x Seal of Fire
P.S.: A Sideboard would be nice, too.
Marcus’ deck is a great example of how getting rid of 1-ofs
and 2-ofs will help a deck out a *lot*. We want to help the
consistency here, especially since it is a quick red deck
that only does one thing.
The first thing I’d like to do is to fix the creatures. I
really, really, really dislike Raging Goblin. I don’t think
I have ever liked him, and it bothers me that he exists. It
isn’t that it is a horrible card, but Red has plenty of
great 1-Drops that could replace him. In this case, why
don’t we pull him in favor of Jackal Pup. Marcus might take
a bit more damage in the long run, but he’ll also deal more
-4 Raging Goblin
+4 Jackal Pup
I’d also like to up the count on Mogg Fanatic to four – he
really is that good.
+1 Mogg Fanatic
I’m diggin’ Akki Avalanchers, but Ronin Houndmaster is just
too slow and doesn’t deal enough damage to suit me. Instead,
why don’t we cut Ronin Houndmaster to free up a slot to fit
in that Mogg Fanatic that we just added, and to add a fourth
slot for the Ball Lightning / Blistering Firecat section.
-2 Ronin Houndmaster
On the topic of Ball Lightning vs. Blistering Firecat: I
would highly recommend going with just Ball Lightning.
However, due to budget constraints, Marcus might not be able
to get four Ball Lightning. Blistering Firecat isn’t that
much worse, so it is more than acceptable to have in that
slot. For the decklist, I’ll put down four Ball Lightning,
but Blistering Firecat can serve as an easier-to-find
-2 Blistering Firecat
+3 Ball Lightning
Moving on to the burn spells, everything was going fine at
first – Lightning Bolt followed by Shock – but then I hit
Fists of the Anvil. Ew. Yes, I realize that it can be a free
four damage, but I have a better spell that is both common
and it deals four damage: Fireblast. It does have a slightly
high casting cost, but that’s OK, because the alternate
casting cost more than makes up for it: all you have to do
is sacrifice two mountains. I’m also cutting Guerilla
Tactics here, as it is a sideboard card at best.
-3 Fists of the Anvil
-1 Guerilla Tactics
+4 Fireblast
I like Volcanic Hammer hanging out, so why don’t we cut two
Electrostatic Bolt in favor of two more copies of Hammer? In
this deck, I think it is necessary to be able to hit the
opposing player as well as creatures.
-2 Electrostatic Bolt
+2 Volcanic Hammer
Since we cut the Raging Goblin, our Goblin count has gone
down significantly, meaning Goblin Grenade just isn’t as
good any more. I’m also not a fan of Disintegrate. To
replace these two cards, why don’t we throw in the *other*
good two mana / three damage spell: Incinerate. The added
regeneration-prevention could be a huge boon to the deck,
and it has a decent damage-to-mana ratio.
-2 Disintegrate
-2 Goblin Grenade
+4 Incinerate
Finally, out go the lone Book Burning and Threaten. Neither
would show up that often anyways, and neither really fit the
theme of our deck. In their place, let’s go ahead and round
out the count on Seal of Fire.
-1 Book Burning
-1 Threaten
+2 Seal of Fire
As a small change before we go, I’m going to pull four
Mountains in favor of Barbarian Ring. Having that small
amount of extra damage in colorless form could come in handy
during many, many games.
-4 Mountain
+4 Barbarian Ring
Moving on to sideboard, things are really easy to figure
out. You don’t want to provide blue with the opportunity to
control the game, so why don’t we run Boil?
+4 Boil [SB]
I’m also noting a lack of ways to deal with any problem
artifacts in the deck, so it would seem wise to run Shatter.
+4 Shatter [SB]
Every once in a while, Marcus’ opponent will likely have a
creature with Protection from Red and the four Barbarian
Ring in the deck might not be enough. Let’s include a few
copies of Pyrite Spellbomb in the ‘board.
+3 Pyrite Spellbomb [SB]
I had to sit and think for a moment to remember this card.
I’m sure that something running a lot of white could be an
issue for this deck, so let’s include one of those old,
really unfair cards that hates on it – Anarchy.
+4 Anarchy [SB]
I think that about wraps up work on this deck. Here’s how it
came out…
LANDS (20):
4 Barbarian Ring
16 Mountain
4 Akki Avalanchers
4 Ball Lightning (or Blistering Firecat)
4 Jackal Pup
4 Mogg Fanatic
4 Disintegrate
4 Fireblast
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Seal of Fire
4 Shock
4 Volcanic Hammer
4 Anarchy
4 Boil
3 Pyrite Spellbomb
4 Shatter
Hope that helps on Friday night, Marcus, and good luck!
I’ll see y’all next week.
-Paul Hagan