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Aburame Shino

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Steps to Creating a Rogue Deck Part 4
March 9, 2006

    Welcome to my fourth and final article on creating rogue decks. Originally I was planning on making the string of articles longer, but I believe I covered the main key points already, making it unnecessary to write anymore. My last couple articles were about putting some serious thought into the deck you build. Whether you were using an off-the-wall card that wins with a silly combo or a set of colors that combines into a deadly battle for the opponent, the deck could do what it needed to when you wanted it to (excluding the unlucky mana screw and such). My final article is probably the second most important thing to me when I am making my decks for tournaments. If this does not hold true when I’m making or using the deck, I simply don’t use it:

4. Have fun. Don’t be afraid to go silly.

Don’t be afraid to do something completely off the wall with your deck building. Just because it doesn’t seem like a good card/combo doesn’t necessarily mean that it is. If cards were really as bad as people thought they were, decks such as Warp World wouldn’t have been created. You just have to find a way to take a bad card and make it good. For example, let’s take a look at Izzet Chronarch. Right away, if you look at that card and are a Johnny (a combo gamer who likes to win on his own terms), you will think “Wow that could be really good in the right deck.” But, if you’re a Spike (a competitive player), you will look at this and say to yourself “This is just a more expensive, more restrictive Eternal Witness.” While the Spikes will run off to play with their Greater Goods and Glare of Subduals, you will stay with the Chronarch and turn it into a superstar.

I also dislike the fact that
some people take this game way too seriously. I’m talking about those people who put so much thought into their game plan that they forget one simple thing: It’s a game. Even though I play in the Pro Tour Qualifiers on a regular basis, I don’t go to them purely because I want to win the seat at the Pro Tour, even though it would be nice if I did. I go to them because I like to meet new people, enjoy the thrill of competition, and overall just have a good time. If I wanted to do well in tournaments I wouldn’t be bringing my own creations to tournaments, like when I brought Battle of Wits to the Wisconsin State Championships.

The ways you can break a card are only as limited as your creativity. While there are cards that you will not be able to break no matter how hard you think such as Sorrow’s Path (let the hate mail commence), there are also cards that you will be able to break. Let’s take a look at Izzet Chronarch again. Even though the card has a great ability, most of the time you won’t be able to abuse it as well as you’d wish because of the mana cost. However, once he hits play, there are a ton of fun things that you could do with them. You could combine him with Peel from Reality to create a loop, which will keep an opposing creature off the field. Or, if you do some digging, you can look into an equally underestimated card, Ghostway.

By combining Ghostway and Izzet Chronarch, You can continuously remove your Chronarch from the game, which allows you to return the Ghostway to your hand when it comes back. Not only are you able to keep your creatures from being destroyed by cards such as Wrath of God or in combat, you are also able to do an even bigger trick by adding on to the combo. Let’s throw another Izzet Chronarch into play and see how the situation changes. Now every time you slide out your creatures with Ghostway, you will be able to return the Ghostway to your hand and any Instant/Sorcery of your choice that exists in your graveyard. That could be anything from a mill card like Glimpse the Unthinkable, to life gain from Presence of the Wise.

Yet again, I will not stress enough how important it is to just have fun while playing the game. If people didn’t play Magic to have fun, then it would still not be around to this date. It’s gamers with passion for the game that keeps the ball rolling from year to year.

This concludes my final article on rogue deck building. In my later articles, I will write about my personal magic experiences. That can be anything from tricks I’ve learned from other Magic players, stuff I learned from playing and studying the game so long, even things that happen at the card stores I local at. Either way, I promise that you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. And just for yucks, I’m going to give you all a picture of my ugly mug in my pimpin’ tournament outfit:

I wish you the best of luck with your rogue decks.

Email: OrconStores@yahoo.com
AIM: OrconStores

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