It's great being a gamer. We
live an operate in an ever
changing environment. We thrive
on change. But at the same
time, m

gamers don't enjoy the change.
That's the humorous side.
Things changing and being
interesting is what attracts us
to these games. Look how many
of us have hung around through
the years with the changes to
the game. And honestly, in my
opinion, most of those changes
were for the better.
We are about three weeks away
from another big change. The
latest edition of the core set
will be rolling into stores in
the near future. That's 9th
Edition for those that haven't
been paying attention. Yes,
it's right around the corner.
So be ready.
But, then you have the next
question. What should we be
ready for? That's hard to say.
There's no way to know for sure
what will be played. Honestly,
we don't even know what is in
Ravnica (that's the next MTG set
to be released). So, we have no
REAL idea as to what will be
played. But we like to
speculate. There are a lot of
ideas and there are a ton of
possibilities. We can also
review history and see what
decks of the past are a
possibility. We can look for
cards to build decks around. We
can see what decks are no longer
possible by what we know is not
in 9th at this point.
Let's look at some of the things
that are available that we can
work with.
We know for sure that Circle of
Protection: Red and Circle of
Protection: Black are in. And
both have some GREAT artwork.
You owe it to yourself to hop
over to
and take a look at the
pictures. Get used to having
these around. Of the various
color hosers, it's very likely
that you will be seeing these
more than anything. Red will
still have trouble breaking
through this. Black will still
be without an efficient way to
remove enchantments. This makes
each of these cards more than
acceptable for sideboard
options. And if that wasn't
enough hate on the Red and Black
players, Paladin En-Vec is
likely to be returning.
But White is capable of doing
more than just hatin' on Black
and Red. It still have some
solid creature power. Savannah
Lions and Suntail Hawk are still
around to get the early damage
in for White Weenie decks. And
the venerable Serra Angel will
still be around to bat
clean-up. Cards like Wrath of
God and Worship will keep White
a favorite among slow control
Now, as happy as I am with
White, I am equally as sad about
Blue from what we have seen thus
far. I'm not really sure what
to think of it. We haven't seen
much in the way of good Blue
cards. I'd imagine anything
that got brought back in 8th
Edition won't be going away any
time soon. By this thought, we
still get cards such as Rewind
and Mana Leak. We'll even be
seeing the likes of Clone.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure that
anything super has been revealed
to have been added into 9th
Edition in the way of Blue. I'm
sure we'll have traditional
mainstays such as Boomerang and
Wind Drake, but those don't
really excite me. And I
wouldn't be surprised if they
don't excite you. I think the
rough part about the nature of
Blue cards is that they are
usually REALLY weak or they are
REALLY powerful tournament
quality cards. This puts
Wizards of the Coasts' R&D
department in a tough spot. How
strong are they wanting to go in
the core set? Putting Bribery
in 8th Edition was a perfect
example of a rough choice.
Fortunately, it worked out.
When it comes to Black cards, I
want to express I disappointment
with the MTG community. We got
to choose many of the cards that
were and were not going to make
it into 9th Edition. When faced
with the decision of Blackmail
or Addle, the community voted
for Blackmail. I know the logic
is that you are practically
guaranteed to get a cards from
their hand. However, when you
are aware of what's in the
opponent's deck or know what the
format looks like, Addle rewards
you. But unfortunately, we will
have Blackmail in the set. It's
definitely the inferior of the
cards. Granted, I think the set
overall is superior to 8th
Edition from the looks of it,
but this choice is definitely
inferior. But, it IS what the
people wanted.
We already know we are getting
Will-o'-the-wisp back which will
be popular among the casual
players. Tournament players
won't give this a second look
except in specific decks. It's
also known that Nekrataal is
making a return as well. By our
earlier theory, it's safe to
assume that Diabolic Tutor and
Persecute are in as well. These
cards will continue to see a
steady amount of tournament
play. However, the idea of
Hypnotic Specter and Sengir
Vampire coming back around is a
great thought.
I think of all colors, Red is
going to see the biggest boost
in the core set. And I'm very
happy about this. Most of the
cards that made up Red decks
were from expansion sets. The
current decks use Slith
Firewalker, Arc Slogger, and
Kumano. The last good version
of the Goblin deck used mostly
Onslaught block cards. So Red
deserves to have some stronger
cards in the core sets and be
better represented overall.
We get Rathi Dragon back. I'm
so hoping that this guys sees
some play. This was such a
great card to make the list of
9th Edition cards. It has many
players excited. And I hope it
delivers. I think there will be
a possibility of Red being part
of a control deck again as
well. It's been known for its
fast beatdown lately, but cards
such as Shard Phoenix could
seriously change the way we look
at Red cards for a while.
Between it and Pyroclasm,
creatures are going to have a
rough life over the next year or
So far, Green doesn't have too
much going for or against it.
It is the color getting the
biggest set of changes I
believe. Plow Under has become
such a strong card of the last
12 to 14 months. It has upset
many a player. That doesn't
surprise me. R&D got rid of
it. Llanowar Elves will be
taking the place of Birds of
Paradise. These are some
important changes.
This isn't to say that Green
lacks power. Cards like Might
of Oaks are definitely going to
make their return. This card
has probably upset more solid
players than anything. It
appeared in so many casual decks
and it makes even the smallest
of creatures deadly. Naturalize
will be in as well. This is the
universal power killer and for
it's utility, you simply can't
beat it. And Green players like
fatties right? Well how fat is
Verdant Force? In a
As far as lands and artifacts
go, there isn't a ton of
observe. It is likely that
there are more playable
artifacts in the core set this
time around than there has been
for a long while. Howling Mine
should still be popular. Expect
to see a decent bit of Defense
Grid and Icy Manipulator as
well. Funny as it is, one can
help while the other can end up
hurting control decks that are
Blue heavy. So depending on
where the swing in the format
falls, these could see a lot of
I'm not going to go too deep
into the lands. By now, I'm
sure you've heard that all the
pain lands are available again.
Quicksand will be interesting to
have around. It's a good
creature removal card for small
guys. But the pain lands are
the hot topic. I'm sure they
will be the center of discussion
until 9th Edition officially
hits the shelves.
But, there you have it. We are
on the brink of a major change.
And the neat part is, we will
have just a little while to get
acclimated before Ravnica hits.
So don't waste any time.
Until next time,
DeQuan Watson
a.k.a. PowrDragn
PowrDragn at Pojo dot com