I know that many of you

the term a lot. I also know that many of
you are unsure what it is. It's the make up
of a particular group or organization. As
it pertains to Magic, it's a dichotomy, if
you will, of the current tournament scene in
a given area or environment.
So, what do you all know about your
metagame? Well, you know you need to know
what decks are in it, so that you can be
prepared to beat it, right? You also know
that it helps you prepare your sideboard,
right? But what else do you know? Are you
aware of your metagame enough to feel
confident in figuring it out or trying to
discover what it is? Do you think that you
could build a metagame deck for your local
environment? And for those of you that
don't know a metagame deck generally plays a
few offbeat choices in he main deck to help
it better deal with problems that are
expected to be not only present, but
possibly dominant, within a set metagame.
First things first. You have to gain
knowledge in some way, shape, or form to
base you hypothesis of the predicted field
on. Sure, you could always take a shot in
the dark, but what good is that? You need
to gather information. Ultimately, the best
way to do your information gathering is to
play a few times in the place that you plan
to play at. If it's Friday Night Magic that
you plan to attend, try to play at the host
store a few times prior to the event. Maybe
play a few of the regulars during the week.
If it's something like a Pro Tour Qualifier,
try to frequent message boards for that
area. Maybe try to find out what store has
the best players in the area and play
there. This gives you a lot of information
that can be used.
First and foremost, it's possible that you
can get a grasp for what decks players enjoy
or are planning on playing. There are a lot
of ways this can happen. Some of it is
direct information. A player may show you
what he's playing. He may play you with his
pet deck. He may even tell you what his
plans are. Another is to see what singles
are being traded and/or sold. This can be a
very solid indicator of what is going on in
the local area. You can try to get a feel
for what decks are being built this way.
Also, don't forget that playing people can
tell you a lot. For instance, you may want
to take a moment to identify the alpha male
in each group of players. Sometimes, there
is one alpha for the entire group, while
other times, there are four small groups,
each with their own alpha. The reason this
is important is that the alpha player can
dictate things. If a particular player
dislikes a card or has a fondness for a
particular card, expect other within the
group to share those feelings somewhat.
Even if they aren't in total agreement,
their judgment is likely affected by the
alpha's opinions.
Not only that, but many times, the alphas
tend to be the better players. This can be
used to your advantage as well. But to
fully take advantage of this, you have to
think outside the box a little bit as well.
Remember that the alpha can not only help
dictate what is played, but can also dictate
what is played against him. If the best
player in the area is playing Ponza (monored),
then it is likely that other players will be
sideboarding in Circle of Protection: Red or
Sacred Ground. This means that you could be
at a disadvantage if the deck you are
planning on playing includes a lot of red
creatures or land destruction spells.
On top of all this, one of the major things
to consider is that skill level and
dedication of the players you plan to play
against. If many of them are casual gamers,
you need to know what cards are popular
among the casual crowds. This will prepare
you for dealing with the bringers or the
dreaded combo of Spawning Pit and the
Zuberas. Granted, they may not be the best
potential decks in the world, but you have
to be prepared for them. Conversely, if the
crowd is full of serious or dedicated
players, you need to do your homework. Look
on all the popular sites and read articles.
Find out what's available. Found out what's
winning elsewhere. If nothing else, you
will be armed with the same strategies and
information that your opponent's are.
There's no right or wrong way to go about
figuring out a metagame situation. In the
end, it just an educated guess. The trick
is to give yourself the most information to
make a properly informed guess. Preparation
is the best way to achieve success. I heard
a phrase once: "Piss poor planning prevents
proper performance." And to this day, that
phrase still holds true. Not being prepared
with a plan can cause so many things to go
wrong. At least with a plan you have
somewhere to start from and build your
impromptu strategy in case things don't
quite go as predicted.
And nothing beats a good ol' group of solid
players playtesting. Putting each other
through the paces is a great way to find out
what's important in different matchups. It
can also help you define what decks outright
beat other decks. This can save you so much
time when trying to build a new deck for a
format. It takes a lot of the guesswork out
of the equation. And the best part is that
you will also have the experience to better
deal with certain situations and
predicaments when they arise.
The term metagame gets thrown around a lot.
Some people use the term not knowing what it
truly is. At least now, you all know. More
importantly, you now have some ways to
figure out yours and crack the code on it.
Until next time,
DeQuan Watson
a.k.a. PowrDragn
PowrDragn at Pojo dot com