So, by a show of hands, how many of you
readers out there in computer land know
what deck you are going

to play?
That's nice. There are a few of you out
How many know exactly, cards for card,
which deck you are going to play?
Still a few hands.
How many of you are confident that
you've made the best choice for you?
Yeah, as I suspected. Not very many
That's OK though. Your confidence level
is going to be shaky. They thing to
remember is that many of you will be
using regionals as your first "big
tournament" stepping stone. You're
going to be a little nervous. I
remember someone telling me once that if
you aren't at least a little nervous
about something big you are involved in,
it's likely that you aren't passionate
enough about it.
This may hold true of regionals. I've
watched people get over passionate about
this whole thing. Unfortunately, this
unbridled passion can lead to some silly
First and foremost, don't panic. Yeah
it's getting down to crunch time. The
thing is, if you panic now, you might
get worse results. Don't start trying
to be creative and getting crazy. The
time to start making your own decks and
worrying about new combos was gone four
or five weeks ago. Some of you are just
procrastinators. There are lots of
things that can keep you out of trouble
Be aware of the new cards. Not knowing
what's going to show up could be very
bad for you. You should take the time
to look over the latest set and decide
what your game plan is against decks
utilizing (or built around) certain
cards. Have an idea of what you plan to
do, or need to do, to win those matchups.
Take a look at these cards.
People will be playing this card. For
years, casual players have been excited
about every opportunity they got to play
Fork. Lots of casual players show up to
Regionals. Add the two up, and you
simply get a field that does include
Twincast. This is functionally the same
card as Fork. The difference is that
it's blue. This, in reality, will
likely make it more annoying. When you
play spells, be aware of the game
state. Can you afford for your opponent
to bounce one of your creatures? Will
you be able to survive a Shrapnel
Blast? Are you OK with letting your
opponent search for a land? You have to
think about the possibility of your
opponent having this card when you are
ready to play something. Don't let it
stop you from playing what you need to
play. Just be aware what might happen
when you do. Also, casual players wont
be the ONLY players using this card.
Promise of Bunrei
I've been on this card since I first
laid eyes on it. In my world, either
cards good, or I'm obsessed. Take your
pick. Either way, I'd expect this is
make an appearance in multiple decks.
The problem is that you will likely face
this thin in Blue/White Control or
Monowhite control. At the same time
though you can play it in White Weenie
to help out some of your problem
matchups. The best application for this
card is largely unknown at this time.
For what you get though, the cost is
cheap. If nothing else, expect it in
the sideboard of white weenie. If you
have a LOT of creature removal, I would
almost bank on them bringing this in
against you. With a Glorious Anthem
already on the table this thing can be
trouble in a hurry.
Choice of Damnations
Many are still not wanting to admit this
card is good. But I'll tell you a
secret. Whether it's good or not
doesn't matter. Enough players believe
in this card at this point, that you
almost have to have expect it to make an
impact on the regionals scene. Will it
be huge? I'm not sure I'd go that far.
But if nothing else, I would practice
playing against it. The best thing to
do is just assuming that every three
turns of a match, your opponent is
casting the card. This way you get a
feel for what to do at every stage of
the game. This card is tricky. Not
understanding it's nuances or knowing
how to play around it lead to the
downfall of many spellslingers on the
day of regionals.
Murmurs from Beyond
This is a card that has managed to
mostly fly under the radar. This card
is so easy to get. And I've seen many
players just gloss over it when deck
building. This card lets you trade one
card away to get two in return. The
best thing to do with this card is
simple. Know your deck. That's the
best plan to have against it. Be aware
of what cards can beat you or cause
trouble for you at each stage of the
game. If you are on the opposing end of
this card, you will have to choose one
of those cards to put into the
graveyard. You need to be able to make
the best possible choice with
confidence. Choose wrong and that could
be your doom. It's not often you get
the chance to stop your opponent from
drawing up a problem card. Don't
squander the a rare moment.
Thoughts of Ruin
Be careful when playing against red.
This card can be devastating. This card
works well in a deck that's already
focused on land destruction. Land
destruction still has yet to ever win a
major Magic event in it's long and
storied history. However, every year a
bunch of players show up with land
destruction decks. I think
inexperienced or casual players are
easily frustrated by decks focused on
depleting your mana. This can lead to
an "if you can't beat'em, join'em"
mentality. Just be aware that this card
will definitely be around. I'm not
saying it will swing matches. The
existence of it can lead to a few games
swinging wildly in a new direction.
Just be careful against red and don't
get carried away with laying your lands
out. In a strange world, something like
Red/White control with Thoughts of Ruin
and Ghostly Prison work out.
Arashi, the Sky Asunder
I'm not a huge fan of this guy. I've
just recently started looking into the
applications of this card in regards to
constructed play. I think this card
might be an issue if you are relying on
Meloku for your victory condition. This
cards, with it's Channel ability, has
the ability to take down Meloku and all
his buddies. This can force you to
leave counter magic mana open at all
times. So then you are stuck with not
countering anything, or just allowing
this ability to go off. I'm not sure
this is huge. It's just something to
think about and be aware of. It's
likely most players haven't even given
thought to this guy yet.
Pithing Needle
I'm sure you've heard some of the hype
regarding this card. Well, we are about
to find out how much hype it really is.
The debate may still be going on after
regionals as to how good this card
really is. We honestly don't know. One
thing is for sure though. People are so
big on this card, that you will
absolutely need to know how to deal with
it. Find out if it hurts anything in
your deck. Is it possible for you to
play around it? Do you need to have a
way to kill it immediately? Those are
the types of things that you should
figure out before heading into regionals
next Saturday.
So I've warned you not to get super
crazy right now. But I've also just
told you about a bunch of things to
watch out for. Now what's your plan of
attack? Realistically, the best thing
to do now is copy a proven deck.
Yeah, I know a lot of you are against
it, but now is the time to give yourself
a reality.
If you are going to regionals just to be
part of a large event that's fine. If
you are going to regionals with no
expectations or real drive to win the
event, that's fine too. You might be
going to regionals just to get a feel
for playing in large events. That's
fine too. In all those scenarios, it's
OK to bring a home-brewed deck and play
your heart out.
However, there is a flipside to all
this. If you plan to do well, you will
need a proven deck. If your goal is
trying to make the Top 4 (or Top 8),
then you will need a proven deck. By
taking a proven deck into battle, you
are saving yourself countless hours of
playtesting. You take away the option
of getting obscured results that can't
be corrected in time. You also get a
deck with a solid decklist that's proven
itself already. There's no shame is
copying a deck.
If you've already got your mind set on
playing Monoblue Control, why not play a
proven one already? If I were to go out
and build a car with a new fuel source,
I'm not going to jump right in and build
a whole new engine to go with it.
Someone has already done some work with
engine design, so I might as well start
there and use as much as I can. You
might find a couple of cards to make
certain matchups better and you can make
changes accordingly. You don't have to
leave the deck the same as when yo go
it. Just don't get crazy with it.
Next week, we will be only a couple of
days from regionals. I think I will
bring you a few decklists and my last
few words of wisdom before sending you
Until next time,
DeQuan Watson
a.k.a. PowrDragn
PowrDragn at Pojo dot com