I'm sure a lot of you went to
Regionals. Hopefully you all had at
least moderate success. Everyone
wants to do well

an event of that caliber. It's
tough. You spend all that time
building, reading, researching,
practicing, and playing. You get to
the big moment and hope for great
results. Unfortunately, not
everyone can be given an invite.
Those of you that didn't earn an
invite shouldn't be too upset
though. The best part about Magic
is that there is always something on
the horizon. There is always
something else to shoot for. Even
now, we are just days beyond
Regionals and there is a ton of news
out there regarding things in the
Magic: the Gathering community.
In case you haven't heard, spoilers
are already floating around for 9th
Edition. This is great for those of
you that can't stand to wait for
surprises. The set looks amazing.
The return of the 10 pain lands is
amazing. It will surely add
something to the game. Everyone
wanted these and WotC listened.
They even included cards such as
Quicksand. This is sure to see some
play. But this also provides you
with another chance to play in a
large fun event. Ninth Edition
release events will be happening
sometime in July. This is a great
chance to change speeds a bit.
These tournaments will be a little
more fun and relaxed and there won't
be a lot at stake. Take advantage
of the moment and enjoy it. It's
not something you have to really
stress over. Heck, it's not even
something that you have to prepare
for in any way. Yeah, I know, some
of you will. Those that do are just
over competitive.
For something a little more
competitive, but still a lot of fun,
you can make your way to Origins
this weekend. It's in Columbus,
Ohio. Yeah, it's a huge game
convention. However, there is an
event that takes place there that
many of you may not be aware of.
Origins is home to the Magic: the
Gathering Amateur Championship
tournament. This event is open to
everyone. Well, almost everyone.
Anyone without any Pro Tour points
can play. And that's not current
Pro Tour points. If you have any
points LIFETIME you are ineligible.
Needless to say, this event won't be
full of sharks. There won't be any
pros. You likely won't run into
anyone that you pay to read articles
from. It'll just be you and the
others that have pro tour
aspirations. This is sure to be a
fun event for those of you that can
make it.
Speaking of Pro Tour aspirations,
there are more Pro Tour Qualifiers
coming to a city near you. This
time, they are giving you a chance
to play in Los Angeles. And even
better is that the qualifying format
is fun. It's Kamigawa Block
constructed. This means that you
can only build decks with cards from
the latest three sets. And the
format is highly unknown to this
point. And no one has really spent
time learning the format because
Regionals has been on everyone's
mind since the release of Saviors of
Kamigawa. This means that it's
anyone's game at this point. Which
is great news for those of you that
want an interesting challenge. You
can be a little creative. You can
build some new decks. And you can
still win a chance to play on the
Pro Tour in Los Angeles.
In other news, I'm sure many of you
have seen the stories about the
Magic: the Gathering Pro Tour Hall
of Fame. This has created some, how
shall we say, "interesting"
discussions on various message
boards and whatnot. Only four
members are getting voted in on this
first ballot. Of the names on the
ballot, none of them are drawing
more attention than Mike Long. I'm
sure if you know anything about
Magic history, you've heard of Mike
Long. If you haven't and don't know
about him (or others on the ballot
for that matter), I'd do a quick
search of the internet. Get to know
the stories and the people that
shaped the game. A lot of those old
pros work for WotC now making the
product that you so love an adore.
You might as well know about them.
Anyway, back to Mike. He's been the
topic of a lot of discussion
lately. He's been accused of
cheating. He used to have a bit of
an attitude. He even held up a
tournament once for almost 45
minutes. He did have his reasons,
but it happened nonetheless.
Fortunately, for me, I was recently
able to have a conversation with
Mike. He's changed a lot. He's a
more down to earth person. And he
accepts that what he did in the past
was wrong and that people will look
at him in a negative light for some
of that stuff, regardless of the
If you've heard anything negative
about Mike, I implore you to go look
up facts. Ask questions from people
who actually knew him. Don't take
information at face value. That's
one of the reasons this guy is so
knocked on all the time. People
don't look at the facts. And it's
also a matter of perspective that
people are leaving out.
I know that I'm a huge fan of
putting Pete Rose in the Major
League Baseball Hall of Fame. I'm
not even a huge fan of baseball
right now, and them keeping Rose out
is one of the reasons. The guy put
up great stats. He played in big
games. He was a player and a
manager. He is a fun character.
Did he bet on baseball? Yeah, it's
likely. But why let one thing that
he did overshadow all his other
accomplishments? It doesn't make
sense. It's not like he bet against
his team and put in the fix to throw
games. That would be a big deal.
That would call a lot of player's
integrity into question.
These same things apply to Mike
Long. He was a character. He was
one of the early professionals. He
did a lot to bring people to the
game. He made people watch games
and gave them someone to root for
(or against). Did he cheat? Yeah,
it's likely. But should that
overshadow all of his other
accomplishments? No. He's done too
many other things to have that be
what holds him down. He even spends
his time now with programs to help
inexperienced players. He's still
promoting the game (be it for a
small profit) within the community
even though he's not on tour.
Think of it like this. Most of us
are different people than we were
ten years ago. Most people I know
think I am a great guy. And I
honestly try to be one of the nicest
and most helpful people I know. But
you know, somewhere around 12-14
years ago, I was a bit of a thief.
Fortunately, I never got caught for
anything big and I never had to do
any jail time. But I learned from
my experiences and I don't do it
anymore. I can't even remember that
last time that I had a serious
thought about stealing ANYTHING.
But people now don't judge me for
that. And they shouldn't.
I know people that used to be rude
with attitudes. I know people that
used to abuse drugs and alcohol. I
know people that used to rip players
off in trades. I know people that
used to be gambling addicts. I know
people that used to get into
fights. And those people are great
people now. People learn from their
experiences. This is just something
to think about. Don't let this hype
you're reading online regarding all
of this shape your opinion of some
one that you've never met. The hype
is even less relevant when you
include the fact that the last time
he had a major incident was about
six years ago or so at this point.
Wow, this wasn't meant to be a rant
on the Hall of Fame. I just hate
seeing people being judged
As you can see though, there is a
lot going on in the world of Magic.
There is very little down time. You
can always find something to do.
There is always something to read.
And there are always ideas on a ton
of topics out there.
Until next time,
DeQuan Watson
a.k.a. PowrDragn
PowrDragn at Pojo dot com