DeQuan Watson
readers have gathered a lot of information about me
through my writings. For those of you that haven't
though, this should tell you a little more.
I'm 25 years old and I own my own business. Well,
more accurately I own a game store. The Game Closet, my
store, is one of the premiere places to play in the
Texas. I play Magic on a pretty regular basis. I help
people build decks and teach the game to people multiple
times a week. Owning a store is neat, because it gives
me another perspective to write my articles from. I can
usually tell what the average player likes and can judge
some of the tendencies of the average player a little
better. Of course, owning a store means I have
knowledge of a lot of games and not just Magic. I also
find out my fair share of insider information on the
industry. But having other resources to pull from makes
for more informative writings.
However, I know a decent bit about pro level play as
well. I myself have
played on the Pro Tour. I have multiple Top 8 finishes
at Pro Tour Qualifiers. I also have made Day Two at two
Grand Prix tournaments. I have also been invited to the
Event horizons Invitational. These are not stellar
achievements, but high enough to let you know I have my
head on straight when talking about the game. I also
spend lots of time each week talking to, e-mailing, or
chatting with top level players. I get to see their
perspective on a lot of things as well. Between the
two, I think I get a good sense of balance of the game.
Most importantly, I still enjoy the game for the
sake of the game itself. I like the time, the
competition, and the general interaction of players. I
plan to be playing it until it fades away...if it ever
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The Kids Get it Done
By DeQuan Watson -
April 21, 2006
Have I ever
mentioned how much I
like the diversity
in the Standard
Yeah? I had a
feeling that I had.
Every time, I look
at results from a
tournament, there is
some new deck
popping up. And so
far, the previews
from Dissention have
me believing things
will only get
crazier. And that's
a great situation to
be in. Evens won't
get stale.
Players can build
new and interesting
deck. The guys and
gals that work their
butts off testing
and pushing their
creative limits can
be rewarded in
tournaments. You
can't really ask for
The neat thing is
that the younger
crowd always seems
to be trying new
things. I'm not sure
if it is because
they are naive or
just ignorant to the
situation at large.
But sometimes they
turn out some pretty
good stuff. I've
always loved the
fact that age isn't
really a factor in
gaming. If you can
read the cards and
understand the
rules, you have the
ability to win a
tournament. It
doesn't matter if
your 12 or 62.
We got a good
example of the
creativity among the
younger crowd a few
days ago. There was
a JSS event in
Dallas, TX. It was a
pretty good sized
event with 40
players showing up
to try their hand at
winning a
scholarship. These
guys are so lucky.
You can play cards
and pay for school.
You gotta love it!
Here's a rundown of
the decks they
played and my
1st place finisher
Jeremy Ross
Heartbeat of Spring
Combo Deck 4
of Spring
10 Island
1 Invoke the
4 Early Harvest
4 Remand
4 Drift of Phantasms
10 Forest
4 Muddle the Mixture
4 Senseib s Divining
1 Boomerang
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
4 Kodamab s Reach
1 Mountain
1 Recollect
1 Maga, Traitor to
1 Savage Twister
1 Weird Harvest
1 Swamp
2 Savage Twister
1 Umezawab s Jitte
1 Dosan the Falling
2 Meloku the Clouded
1 Keiga, the Tide
3 Bottled Cloister
1 Pyroclasm
4 Vinelasher Kudzu
I can honestly say
that I'm not a big
fan of Heartbeat
decks. They are
pretty boring to
watch and equally as
boring to play. That
being said, the kid
was playing for a
scholarship, so fun
didn't really matter
to him, I'd
imagine. The only
complaint I have is
with the sideboard.
It seems a little
I would have a few
more cards to deal
with some of the
bigger decks. There
are a couple of
answers, but it does
seem a little weak.
That being said
though, most of what
Heartbeat ever needs
is in the deck
already, for the
2nd place finisher
Shawn Rudd Tron
4 Yosei, the Morning
4 Weathered Wayfarer
4 Senseib s Divining
3 Faithb s Fetters
2 Storm Herd
4 Devouring Light
4 Wrath of God
2 Terashib s Grasp
2 Honden of
Cleansing Fire
2 Genju of the
3 Myojin of
Cleansing Fire
1 Debtorb s Knell
1 Tatsumasa, the
Dragonb s Fang
3 Urzab s Mine
4 Urzab s Tower
4 Urzab s Power
13 Plains
3 Sacred Ground
3 Bottled Cloister
2 Genju of the
2 Terashib s Grasp
1 Boseiju, Who
Shelters All
4 Jesterb s Cap
I absolutely love
the creativity in
this deck. It plays
some of the biggest
and baddest cards
that white has to
offer. It uses the
Urzatron (Urza's
Land Trio) to get
the mana it needs. I
also get a little
excited when I see a
deck that uses a
card such as Storm
Herd as a win
condition. The deck
has a lot of
options. It has
creature control,
artifact and
removal, and even a
little life gain. I
personally would
play a couple of
Angels (mostly for
style points).
Overall, this deck
seems pretty solid
to me.
I might add a couple
more ways to deal
with creatures in
the sideboard, but
outside of that, I
like this one.
3rd place finisher
David Shirek
Red/white/blue 4
Firemane Angel
4 Lightning Helix
4 Wrath of God
3 Faithb s Fetters
1 Debtorb s Knell
1 Yosei, the Morning
4 Compulsive
3 Remand
2 Mana Leak
2 Hinder
2 Keiga, the Tide
1 Meloku the Clouded
2 Zurb s Weirding
2 Izzet Signet
2 Boros Signet
4 Battlefield Forge
2 Sacred Foundry
2 Boros Garrison
4 Plains
1 Miren, the Moaning
1 Minamo, School at
Waterb s Edge
9 Island
1 Godo, Bandit
1 Tatsumasa, the
Dragonb s Fang
1 Meloku the Clouded
3 Invoke the
3 Pithing Needle
2 Ivory Mask
3 Shadow of Doubt
1 Descendant of
This deck is just
full of good cards.
I think a Blood Moon
could do some
pretty ugly things
to this deck, but
wouldn't devastate
it. I'm also not a
fan of remand. I
know several players
dig this card, but I
truly don't like
it. There are still
several choices of
cards that you can
play and I'd
probably prefer a
full set of Hinder
and Mana Leak before
remand. The thing
I'd fear most about
playing this deck is
that some of the
threats are pretty
expensive to get
into play. The
signets seem to help
that though. I do
like the cute
interaction of Zur's
Wierding and
Firemane Angel to
try and like
your opponent down.
I think I would
enjoy having 3
Electrolyze in the
somewhere, but there
may not be room.
Overall, the deck
seems solid and
do well in most
Friday Night Magic
environments in the
hands of a capable
4th place finisher
Drew Coryell Orzhov
black/white 2 Belfry
1 Skeletal Vampire
2 Watchwolf
2 Shadow Lance
2 Putrefy
4 Faithb s Fetters
2 Souls of the
4 Blind Hunter
2 Shrieking
1 Ghost Council of
1 Loxodon Hierarch
1 Hissing Miasma
1 Angel of Despair
2 Rampant Growth
1 Sakura-Tribe Elder
1 Chord of Calling
1 Woodwraith
1 Orzhov Pontiff
1 Sanguine Praetor
1 Orzhov Guildmage
2 Civic Wayfinder
2 Mourning Thrull
3 Courier Hawk
3 Orzhov Signet
5 Swamp
5 Forest
5 Plains
3 Golgari Rot Farm
3 Selesnya Sanctuary
2 Orzhov Basilica
1 Orzhov, Church of
No sideboard used
5th place finisher
Stephen Thompson
Orzhov black/white
12 Plains
10 Swamp
1 Orzhov Basilica
1 Ghost Council of
2 Glorious Anthem
1 Wrath of God
3 Orzhov Signet
2 Lantern Kami
3 Suntail Hawk
2 Pillory of the
3 Last Gasp
3 Ghostly Prison
2 Savannah Lion
3 Isamaru, Hound of
1 Douse in Gloom
2 Souls of the
2 Blind Hunters
1 Umezawab s Jitte
1 Yosei, the Morning
2 Faithb s Fetters
No sideboard used
I'm covering these
two deck together.
They are similar
styles, but utilize
different cards.
This should be a
great sign if you
like playing
decks. Neither of
them had a
sideboard. This is
always a bad idea in
major tournament.
You should always
give yourself the
option of bringing
ringers for the
second and third
games of a match.
More than half the
you play on any
given day in
tournament play will
include sideboards.
having one puts you
at a strategic
disadvantage. Both
decks have a lot of
and twos, so you can
have answers to
situations. They
still put up
decent finishes
without sideboards,
but you never know
how things could
turned out if they
had them.
6th place finisher
Parker May Mono Blue
Control 4 Mana Leak
4 Hinder
3 Meloku the Clouded
2 Rewind
2 Keiga, the Tide
4 Jushi Apprentice
2 Confiscate
4 Boomerang
4 Remand
4 Threads of
3 Disrupting Shoal
1 Miren, the Moaning
4 Quicksand
3 Dimir Aqueduct
1 Minamo, School at
Waterb s Edge
1 Shizo, Deathb s
1 Mikokoro, Center
of the Sea
14 Island
2 Remove Soul
2 Shadow of Doubt
2 Muddle the Mixture
2 Drift of Phantasms
3 Thieving Magpie
4 Convolute
I've never been a
fan of Monoblue
Control of any kind.
I think the name is
a misnomer and that
the deck is boring.
I've also seen a lot
of games go
awry because your
opponent ended up
with one key card
slipping through the
cracks of your
defense. However,
the deck is solid.
It plays the best
cards, for
the most part. It's
hard to mess this up
7th place finisher
Chris Schoppe
Wildfire RG 3
Moldervine Cloak
3 Arashi, the Sky
4 Rumbling Slum
4 Kird Ape
4 Burning-Tree
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
4 Char
3 Pyroclasm
3 Wildfire
5 Mountain
5 Forest
4 Stomping Ground
4 Karplusan Forest
1 Shinka, the
Bloodsoaked Keep
1 Okina, Temple to
the Grandfathers
1 Skarrg, the Rage
4 Naturalize
1 Pyroclasm
4 Blood Moon
3 Shatter
3 Savage Twister
Seeing Red/Green
creature decks
playing Wildfire is
amusing. At first
thought, you'd
assume they would
hate this card.
However, if you can
get a
strategic point in
the game with your
big fatty ready to
go, Wildfire can put
game away for you.
Also, Moldervine
Cloak can create a
fatty for you that
will outlive the
fire. I'm still a
big fan of Shock.
I'd like to see that
this deck. With that
being said though, I
think this another
classic case of
the deck being so
tightly tuned that
there isn't much
room to maneuver.
is a deck that I
could see many
players doing well
with in their local
environment. I'd
give this one two
thumbs up. The only
downside is that is
has a
lot of hot rares in
it, so it could be
tough to build if
you have a limited
card pool.
8th place finisher
Clayton Drazner
Selesnya green/white
10 Forest
3 Sakura-Tribe Elder
10 Plains
2 Scatter the Seeds
1 Loxodon Hierarch
1 Loxodon Warhammer
4 Faithb s Fetters
1 Selesnya Guildmage
1 Silhana
2 Moldervine Cloak
2 Fists of Ironwood
2 Doubling Season
4 Silhana
1 Glorious Anthem
2 Umezawab s Jitte
3 Selesnya Sanctuary
2 Watchwolf
1 Tolsimir Wolfblood
3 Vitu-Ghazi, the
City Tree
2 Seedspark
4 Glare of Subdual
1 Congregation at
2 _Primeval
_Boros Fury-Shield_
b s Blessing
_Sakura-Tribe Elder_
_Gaze of the Gorgon_
_Devouring Light_
_Carven Caryatid_
_Peregrine Mask_
_Leyline of the
Just when I thought
players had given up
on Green/White this
thing shows up.
And look at the
sideboard. Man, talk
about options. The
toughest thing
about playing this
deck could honestly
be the turn by turn
situations. This
deck looks like
there are a lot of
things you can play
on each turn that
lead to good or bad
situations. The deck
is neat because it
doesn't rely too
heavily on any
particular card to
win, but it does
possess several
gamebreakers. It has
lots of power, you
just have to be
careful with your
Well, I think that
covers it. There is
bound to be
something new to you
with a list like
that. Put one of
them together and
have something new
to play
at your FNM event
next week.
Until next time,
DeQuan Watson
a.k.a. PowrDragn
PowrDragn at Pojo
dot com