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Paul’s Perspective
I am not one for top ten lists they are often times
incredibly arbitrary and subject to debate, normally they
are a result of some player’s overinflated ego and how they
feel they are a magic guru, destined to tell what other
players what cards are worth playing. Unfortunately or
fortunately depending on your perspective I am exactly that
type of player. Multiplayer has been a big part of my
college experience, where most students are busy trying not
to get expelled for improper behavior my playgroup and I are
shuffling up our decks and playing to the early hours of the
morning. It comes as no surprise that one of my favorite
formats is multiplayer. Whether it is Free for all, Two
Headed Giant, Elder Dragon Highlander or any number of our
own game types. Casual is one of the few formats where you
are free to try silly deck ideas and a format where you can
be punished for playing with the wrong play style or type of
deck. “What do you mean you’re e all attacking me, I only
played stasis with two howling mines in play and an Iron
The politics of multiplayer combined with deck designers
constantly searching for new strategies allow it to be one
of the most fun formats, where cards not normally
competitive shine. Without further ado I will introduce you
to my picks for the “Ten most Awsomeess Multiplayer cards
from Rise of The Eldrazi” Wow that was a mouthful.
#10 Keening Stone
Well here is an interesting surprise, a powerful mill card
that can assist mill in successfully milling multiple
players at the table. In a standard game this card is
expensive and a possible example of the win more mentality,
in multiplayer it is often times slower allowing decks to
reach more mana, this card allows the mill player to not put
all his eggs into one basket so to speak. The inherent
weakness of mill decks it is best to target one person at a
time this card allows a player to just normally play his
spells with the option of milling them later while you
target a troublesome individual. Keening stone is a powerful
milling tool and my playgroup has already been on the
receiving end of its power.
#9 Awakening Zone
Bitterblossom is a great card. Bitterblossom without a loss
of life that can provide mana ramping and chump blockers is
still a great card. Awakening zone allows you to pump out
the back breaking Eldrazi and combine it with Coat of arms
and maybe Broodwarden for an aggressive strategy.
Awakening zone allows you to chump block and hold off
attackers while you play your more powerful Eldrazi spells.
Awakening zone is one of the few cards on this list I
predict to see play in constructed.
#8 Lord Of Shatterskull Pass
A prime example of the power of levelers for four mana you
get a 3/3 if cast it as a six drop you get a 6/6. A few
turns later and you have a 6/6 creature that will more than
likely wipe out each creature whomever you attack controls.
Like a super Pyroclasm Shatterskull’s ability can clear the
board quick leaving opponents struggling to keep put up a
defense. This is a good late game bomb for multiplayer bouts
and can induce
groans in Two Headed Giant game.
#7 World At War
Well I want to tap out and alpha strike someone, oh World at
combat has become more interestingthis turn. In the vein of
Reckless Assault, World at War provides just what an
aggressive player desires, a chance to lash out at multiple
players and still be able to not leave themselves as open to
retribution. World at War takes a great multiplayer card
concept and turns it up to 11.
#6 Lightmine Field
Well as long as your creatures have high enough toughness or
you are not going for an aggressive stratedgy. Lightmine
field deters all out assaults the same way the previous card
encourages them, lightmine field wont do much good against
big tough Eldrazi but against hordes of Goblin’s ,
Saproling’s and Elves it can help in a pinch.
#5 Soul’s Attendant
Another Soul Warden for white decks, it allows players to
gain even more life and forces opponents to prioritize
removal. The only downside to this card is the may trigger I
can’t help but think the card designers conversation went
something like this. “So Jim let’s see the card you
designed.” “ok boss it’s a flavorful reprint of Soul Warden”
“ Now let’s make it worse Jim.” I can’t help but feel
Wizards wanted to troll people with Gotcha moments darn may
triggers. Overall I expect to see a lot of casual white
decks packing x4 Soul Warden as well as x4 Soul’s Attendant.
#4 Tajuru Preserver
So Annilator, Death cloud, Smallpox, Pox, Cruel Ultimatum,
Cruel Edict and a good portion of black cards are completely
hosed until they remove this creature. What’s that you say?
Terror? Oh ok then. This ability is just what was needed to
offset the power of the Eldrazi and played correctly it can
hose decks utilizing a plethora of cards to make opponents
sacrifice. Overall a card I think will see play in
multiplayer especially if you know players who can’t help
but play black.
#3 Khalni Hydra
Depending on the playgroup mass removal such as Wrath of God
and Damnation are either rampant or nonexistent, depending
on this factor elf token decks can either be insane or kept
in check. This card allows a player who has committed a few
creatures to the board such as llanowar Elves or Birds of
Paradise and drop this fearsome creature onto the board. An
8/8 Trampling monstrosity for next to free or relatively
cheap it allows you dominate the board early and often. ![]()
#2 Nirkana Revenant
Hello Cabal Coffers meet Nirkana Revenant your soul mate,
Mono black control hell even regular mono black decks love
Cabal Coffers, the fact it’s a land and there is few land
destruction is a positive but this card could be a finisher
for mono black decks it allows you to pump your mana into a
lethal drain life, after you play a massacre or Damnation it
can be pumped up and swing on empty boards. It just has
potential for crazy antics. The starting 4/4 power and
toughness make Lighting Bolt ineffective and leaving mana up
for you to pump with in response to more burn is
recommended. Overall its vulnerable to removal but what
isn’t? For black mages this is an interesting and powerful
mythic rare.
#1 All Is Dust
With the existence of more mana ramp then you can shake a
stick at, Eye of Ugin and Eldrazi temple as well as Urza’s
lands, All Is dust is the perfect board sweeper and can come
down early and reliably in multiplayer games. The only
hindrance is the price dollar wise, this card is build
around me for sure and players casual and constructed will
be looking for ways to exploit the Eldrazi. This is one of
the keys.
Thanks for reading once again any questions or concerns
relating to my list or my writing please email me at
PlatinumFUBU5@hotmail.com thanks for the support and
until next time have fun playing.
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