
Argothian Treehouse
with Andy Van Zandt
Proportions - Part II
This time we're focusing on morality and how it relates
to magic. If you
haven't yet read the first part of the
Ethic Proportions articles,
it might
be wise to go do that now. As a refresher for those who
did read it, the
philosophy of morals is concerned with what is
"good/right" and what is
"evil/wrong", and ethics are the standards you set for
your self,
guidelines for behaviour which are often based on your
moral beliefs.
In magic, there are several places which jump out to
most people as obvious
moral issues. Topping this list is cheating, and is
often followed by
stealing. We'll touch on cheating first. This comes in
a wide variety of
forms, from intentionally misrepresenting what a card
does to inadequately
tracking your life losses on purpose, to drawing extra
cards or, as was
displayed this weekend, allegedly replacing cards in a
sealed deck and
forging the judges signature. Now whether or not this
is true, it is a
good example of moral standards.
Let's assume he's guilty. This means he made a
pro-active decision to
cheat. Now while it could be argued that it's a matter
of ethics, that he
thinks cheating is wrong morally but that he chose to
cheat because his code
of ethics allowed him to, I would argue that in most
cases where you
approach a situation intending to cheat, you don't
think it's wrong (this
is all inferred and speculation btw, i've no clue what
he was thinking).
Keep in mind that you can understand that other people
think something is
wrong, and know it's against the rules, but still not
think it's a "wrong"
or "evil" action. Some people think in any game or
sport, if there's a way
to gain an advantage it should be taken, that this is
not "wrong"
regardless of whether or not it breaks the rules of the
game. To win is the
goal, regardless of whether or not you followed the
rules in order to win.
When someone makes a reactive decision rather than a
pro-active one, that
is often more an issue of ethics... let's say there's a
howling mine in
play, and you accidentally pick up three cards off the
top of your deck-
but your opponent doesn't notice, and you decide to keep
the extra card.
You're reacting to a circumstance, the opportunity
presented itself to you
to cheat, and although you think cheating is wrong you
weighed the
potential auto-loss of the game for confessing the
mistake vs. keeping the
card and getting an advantage instead, and chose to
keep the card. Such a
reactive instance in most cases is a matter of your
ethics, weighing
consequences against your guidelines, and making a
Now say you block someone's 5/5 with your lowland
tracker, then cast an
instant to give it +2/+4. Then they shrug, scoop up
their 5/5 and put it
in their graveyard. You know that it shouldn't die.
This particular
instance is reactive also, but there are some more
things to consider: To
some people, it's a game, your opponent errored, and
they have to cope
with it. Some would even tell themselves that the
opponent is just
misrepresenting the card, and that you can assume it's
still in play in your
mind without telling them that they need to represent it
being in play. To
some people, they see the opportunity to cheat without
much risk of being
caught and they take it. The former make it an issue of
morals (although
the ethics of not telling them is something to consider
in addition to the
"cheating" itself), the latter is an issue of ethics.
Now that I've talked in circles for a while, here's a
few questions:
Is cheating wrong/evil?
Which times do you opt not to inform people when they've
errored, and what
justifies it in your mind?
If, instead of accidentally drawing cards off the
howling mine, you
intentionally drew the third card, what prompts you to
pro-actively cheat?
I'd be willing to wager that if you really examine
that, you'll find that
while reactive cheating can be classified as ethics or
morals separately,
pro-active cheating most often stems from the moral
belief that you take
what you can get, that's part of the game, or
something similar.
Speaking briefly of stealing, while most people will
jump to say that
everyone knows stealing is morally wrong, and thus the
issue is ethical, I
would point out that some people feel they are "owed"
something by society,
or by the people who are jerks, or they just think that
it's a persons
responsibility to watch their stuff and it's their fault
if it gets taken.
To these people it's not morally wrong (in general).
Now my personal beliefs are that any game or sport
should be played within
its boundaries to be fair, or to be true to the sport.
If you're breaking
the rules to win you're basically playing another game,
not the one that
everyone else is playing. Thus if you win, you haven't
really accomplished
anything. It's like making a touchdown on a basketball
court. That's my
moral stance (in brief) on cheating. I think lots of
people have a similar
view, and lots of people just think that cheating and
stealing is wrong but
they don't really evaluate it further. Most of this
article I've been
playing devil's advocate to point out that not everyone
operates under the
same premises. I'd like to encourage you to evaluate
why you think things
are wrong or not wrong, to understand yourself and
perhaps take into
account the mindset of the people you're playing with in
addition to your
To be concluded in part III...
You can reach
Andy at: andyvanzandt@hotmail.com