Jeff Zandi is a five time pro tour veteran who has been playing
Magic since 1994. Jeff is a level two DCI judge and has
been judging everything from small local tournaments
to pro tour events. Jeff is from Coppell, Texas, a suburb
of Dallas, where his upstairs game room has been the
"Guildhall", the home of the Texas Guildmages,
since the team formed in 1996. One of the original
founders of the team, Jeff Zandi is the team's
administrator, and is proud to continue the team's
tradition of having players in every pro tour from the
first event in 1996 to the present.
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2005 Event Horizons Invitational
The Most Fun You Can Have With Magic Cards
by Jeff
December 15, 2005
On a sunny October
Saturday in Austin, Texas, they assembled. Sixteen southern
Magic players hand-picked for their play skill, their gaming
tenacity and for their contributions to the Texas and
Louisiana Magic scene.

These sixteen players
assembled at a games store called Thor’s Hammer for the
fifth annual installment of the Event Horizons Invitational.
This event, the brainchild of Houston tournament organizer
Tim Weissman PhD, represents a lot of things. The Event
Horizons Invitational event structure closely mirrors the
Duelist Invitational and is a sort of homage to that
illustrious event. The Event Horizons Invitational also
demonstrates one tournament organizer’s amazing and true
devotion to gaming in general and Magic in particular. With
no profit motive whatsoever, Tim and his wife Sheila, along
with his best friend and business partner Don James put on a
two day event where the sixteen invitees enjoy all the fun
while Tim and Co. do all the work. The Event Horizons
Invitational, simply put, is the most fun you can have with
Magic cards.
Casual Magic gets pushed to back burner when it comes to
event coverage, a self-fulfilling prophecy evidenced by the
late date of this report for an amazing event now two months
behind us. But I’m not here to report the facts, what
who-cares Texas Magic player won a who-cares unsanctioned
tournament in which corner of who-cares Texas. I’m here to
tell you about a tournament that breaks all the rules, a
tournament run not for money or for prizes, but strictly for
pride and love of the game. Love of the game! That really IS
Tim Weissman started this event back in 1999, the first
Event Horizons Invitational was played in November of that
year, featuring names everyone knows in Texas, some of which
may be memorable throughout the larger Magic world; Scott
Gerhardt, Bryan Hubble, Ben Bleiweiss, Mason Peatross, Alan
Tetu, James Stroud, Don “the Governor of Louisiana” Paul,
Adrian Sayers, Cannon Boling, Carl James, Jeff Taylor, Jeff
Clark, Lan D. Ho, Ryan Fischbeck, Rob Lawing and yours
truly. Then, as now, the lineup consisted of top players
according to DCI ratings as well as Texas and Louisiana
players who had made a positive impact on the game in the
region in any number of ways. Then, as now, the event
consisted of five mini-events played over a weekend, with
each of the sixteen players playing each of the other
players one time during the event. Then, as now, the winner
of each three round mini-event is awarded a very cool
customized trophy, with bigger and nicer trophies awarded to
the eventual champion and runner up of the entire two day
event. Then, as now, a small trophy featuring the back end
of a horse was awarded to the player suffering the ignominy
of finishing last in the sixteen man field.
As the summer was coming to an end, Tim Weissman shocked the
regulars on the Texas Magic League online forums (www.texasmagicleague.com)
by announcing that there would be a 2005 Event Horizons
Invitational, and that the tournament would be in only a few
months. Weissman had announced his special Invitational
event with more lead time in the past. Just as suddenly, Tim
Weissman announced the invite policy for the upcoming event.
Take a look at this year’s invitation policy and the players
who were selected to satisfy each of the sixteen slots:
1. Last Champion (Neil Reeves)
2. Last Runner-Up (Trent Boneau)
3. 1st in Composite Ratings from TX as of Sept. 1, 2005
(Taylor S Webb) 4. 2nd in Composite Ratings from TX as of
Sept. 1, 2005 (Aaron M Rzepka -- Replaced by Adam Bernstein)
5. 3rd in Composite Ratings from TX as of Sept. 1, 2005
(David C Solis) 6. 1st in Composite Ratings from LA as of
Sept. 1, 2005 (Beau Ferguson) 7. 2nd in Composite Ratings
from LA as of Sept. 1, 2005 (Derek A LeJeune) 8. 3rd in
Composite Ratings from LA as of Sept. 1, 2005 (Jeffrey W
Taylor) 9. Thor’s Hammer (sponsor/host) pick (Jeremy
Jackson) 10. 1st place at Open qualifier 11. 1st place at
Open qualifier 12. EHI pick (Fletcher Peatross) 13. EHI pick
(Jeff Zandi) 14. EHI pick (Bryan Hubble) 15. Texas Magic
League 2005 5k Champ (Nathan Zamora) 16. Player voted pick*
(Cannon Boling)
The final invite list ended up a little different, due to
the various scheduling issues of several original invitees.
1. Neil Reeves
2. Trent Boneau
3. Taylor Webb
4. Adam Bernstein
5. Jeff Meyerson
6. Beau Ferguson
7. Leland Simmons
8. Jeff Taylor
9. Leland Simmons
10. Jimmy Spears
11. Cannon Boling
12. Fletcher Peatross
13. Jeff Zandi
14. Bryan Hubble
15. Nathan Zamora
16. Derrick Steele
One of the truly special things about the Event Horizons
Invitational is that Don James and Tim Weissman continue to
invent new fun formats every time. Here are the five events
that we played at this year’s event.
Each player prepares three booster packs ahead of time,
selecting all the cards for each of the packs himself. The
first limitation is that each player must create packs from
blocks ranging from Mirage through Champions of Kamigawa. We
were not required to build all three packs from the same
block, but we were required to build a booster from a large
expansion (the first of any allowable block), our second
pack had to be from the second expansion of any allowable
block and our third pack had to be from the third expansion
of any allowable block. Each pack must contain 11 commons, 3
uncommons and 1 rare. Each pack must contain at least 7
creatures. Packs can contain no basic lands or duplicates of
any card. The eleven commons could contain a maximum of 1
artifact (2 if the pack is from a Mirrodin block set), 1
multi-color card (2 if the pack is from an Invasion block
set) and 1 land card. Each pack must contain at least one
common from all five colors.
If there is a third common of a single color, there must be
two commons of each other single color in the pack. There
were similar restrictions for the 3 uncommons in the packs
as well.
Players are seated into four man draft pods where they use
normal booster draft rules to draft with the premade packs
they have created. Players played all three matches in this
format against the other players in their four man draft
This constructed format may have been the most insidious
constructed format ever to be included in the Event Horizons
Invitational. The rules for this format were simple: build a
constructed deck with a sixty card minimum using only cards
from Ravnica: City of Guilds. NO other rules. In other
words, you could play any number of any particular card.
Twenty Glimpse the Unthinkable? Go ahead and THINK ABOUT IT!
Forty Lightning Helix? Knock yourself out! At the same time,
you could ONLY play with Ravnica versions of cards EVEN if
they had been previously printed in another set, so if you
wanted to play Birds of Paradise in your deck (which nobody
did, by the way) then you had to find Ravnica edition Birds
for your deck.
The idea of this format was to recreate those old days of
Magic when the size of your collection played a major role
in what decks you could create. This wild constructed format
also allowed the players to try strategies that simply would
not work with normal deck construction restrictions.
For this format, players were split into two pods of eight
players each. The players were randomly seated around a
table. The players then took turns drafting from a list of
cards including over 300 cards from the New Horizons set and
over 100 cards from the Last Dawn set. These sets are
original creations of Tim Weissman and Don James, a work
that has continued for seven years.
Spoilers for these two fictional sets of Magic cards were
made available to the players in advance, but this format
was extremely wild, since none of the Invitational players
had more than the smallest amount of exposure to the
interesting sets created by Weissman and James.
For this format, players were divided up into four man draft
pods. For each of three draft rounds, four booster packs of
Ravnica were opened and shuffled without looking at the
cards. Once a set of four boosters were shuffled together, a
single card was moved from the top of the main stack to each
of three new stacks labeled A, B and C. The first player to
draft, selected randomly, looks at the cards in stack A and
either takes all of them or puts them back. If he puts them
back, a new card is added to stack A from the original stack
of shuffled cards. If the first player takes all the cards
from Stack A, one new card is moved face down to Stack A
from the original stack of shuffled cards. If the player
does not take Stack A, he then looks at the cards in Stack
B. If he does not want the cards in Stack B, he returns
those cards face down to Stack B, to which one new face down
card is added from the original stack and the player moves
on to Stack C. If the player does not want the cards in
Stack C, he returns those cards face down to Stack C and
another card is added to Stack C from the original stack and
the player receives the next card from the top of the
original stack, ending that player’s draft turn. The next
player takes his draft turn, beginning again by examining
Stack A. Remember that if a player DOES take Stack A, he
does NOT get to look at stacks B or C. The cards are drafted
in this manner, moving in a clockwise direction until all
cards have been drafted. Players will not necessarily have
the same number of cards at this time, or at any other time
during this type of draft. When the first stack of cards
have been completely drafted, the players open four more
Ravnica boosters and shuffle them together into an original
stack, from which one card is dealt face down to start three
new stacks, A, B and C. Drafting this new group of cards
begins with player number 4 and moves counterclockwise. When
these cards have all been drafted, a third and final group
of cards is shuffled up and new stacks are again created.
This last group of cards is drafted beginning with player
number 1 (as with the first group of cards) again moving in
a clockwise direction.
When all cards have been drafted, each player builds a 40
card minimum deck out of the card pool he has drafted. Three
rounds are played in this format, with all matches played
against players sharing the same draft pool. This format was
invented by the Father of Magic: the Gathering, none other
than Dr. Richard Garfield. Garfield created this format as
an improvement to other forms of drafts possible between
just two players. For this year’s Invitational, Tim Weissman
and Don James mutated this format into a four way draft,
changing the dynamics of this format quite a bit. Having
drafted this format with four players three different times,
the resulting decks are only slightly better than average
sealed decks and quite a bit less powerful than average
booster draft decks.
The fifth and last format for this year’s Invitational
involved one of the strangest constructed formats ever
devised. Each player’s deck was limited to EXACTLY 60 cards
with a 15 card sideboard. The card pool included all cards
legal for Legacy constructed. Each deckllist had to contain
two cards with card names beginning with each letter of the
English alphabet. This ABC portion of the decklist would
take up 52 slots, another 10 cards, the 123 portion, would
be made up of creature cards whose power and toughness added
up to the numbers 1 through 10. In other words, your deck
could contain three Birds of Paradise if you wished, two in
the ‘B’ slot of your deck, satisfying the requirement to
have two cards starting with the letter ‘B’, and a third
Birds of Paradise satisfying the numeral ‘1’ slot, since the
sum of the power and toughness of the 0/1 Birds of Paradise
is exactly 1. To the 52 ABCs slots and the 10 123s slots
were added 15 basic lands of the player’s choice. This adds
up to a grand total of 77 slots, from which any two cards
can be eliminated by the player at his discretion.
This format was a blast. This was the format we spent the
most time working on, right from the start. We tried to see
how each of the established Legacy format decks could fit
into the ABCs and 123s restrictions. We soon learned that
The Rock fit very well within the restrictions, while Goblin
decks did not. There were some very good mono decks that fit
very well, namely mono red and weenie white builds.
What follows is essentially my tournament report from this
event. I have played in all five of these events, a fact
that I am as proud of as anything else in my long connection
to the game of Magic. My invite for the first event, back in
1999, was thanks to a vote based on ballots collected from
players in Tim Weissman’s pro tour qualifiers that year.
When the second Event Horizons Invitational came around,
James Stroud and myself were able to make our second
appearances in the event by winning the two open seats for
the event the night before in a Standard constructed
tournament. It was sheer luck that James, my longtime
teammate, was on the other side of the top eight single
elimination bracket. For the third EHI, I was invited for my
various contributions to the Magic scene in Texas, more or
less the same distinction that used by Tim Weissman to
invite me this year. For the fourth EHI, back in 2003, I won
another Standard constructed qualifying tournament.
This was the first year that I really did much by way of
preparation for the event, for several reasons. This year,
as soon as Tim Weissman and Don James published the formats
that would make up the tournament, there was a buzz at the
Texas Guildmages weekly practices. It was kind of a perfect
storm. Neil Reeves, normally a VERY busy card player with
lots of Grand Prix and Pro Tour travel on his schedule for
Magic, as well as MORE travel for him and Adam Bernstein for
Marvel Vs. professional tournaments, was actually going to
be home for a nice long stretch. Neil used the time to load
his pockets with poker winnings from games all around Dallas
and to come over every Tuesday night to work on decks for
the Event Horizons Invitational. Having Neil Reeves and Adam
Bernstein available to work on decks and strategies for the
limited formats was great all by itself. As luck would have
it, EHI IV runner-up Trent Boneau, formerly of Houston and
the United Arab Emirates, was now living in the Dallas-Fort
Worth area and was also a regular attendee of the Tuesday
night play sessions. At first, Trent was quite reticent
about the Invitational. A big fan and longtime friend of Tim
Weissman, Trent was thrilled to be invited. The problem for
this proud graduate of Notre Dame University was that he
already had plans to attend a fairly significant football
game in South Bend, Indiana, on Saturday, October
15th…namely, Notre Dame versus University of Southern
California. Brent Kaskel, just about the hottest Magic
player in Texas, popped in and out of the scene during the
weeks leading up to the Invitational. When he was around, he
was a big help. There has been no greater natural talent in
the game than Brent, but lately, this young phenom has been
busy with other things. Brent’s performance at Nationals
this year dropped his ranking in Texas from third to fourth
one day before Weissman made his selection of the three
highest ranked players from Texas. Brent did receive an
invitation for Weissman’s tournament this year, but the news
came just days too late for Brent to change some conflicting
travel plans. More tournament preparation help came from
some other north Texas players who darken my doorway on a
regular basis, most notably Mark Hendrickson and two
talented players from across the metroplex in Fort Worth,
Andy Van Zandt and Herman Armstrong.
Next week, I’ll take you through the fifteen rounds of the
actual event and share more history about the Event Horizons
Invitational. It’s important to give some real props to
people who love our favorite intellectual sport enough to
put so much of themselves into putting on a great Magic
As always, I would love to know what you think!
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online