Jeff Zandi is a five time pro tour veteran who has been playing
Magic since 1994. Jeff is a level two DCI judge and has
been judging everything from small local tournaments
to pro tour events. Jeff is from Coppell, Texas, a suburb
of Dallas, where his upstairs game room has been the
"Guildhall", the home of the Texas Guildmages,
since the team formed in 1996. One of the original
founders of the team, Jeff Zandi is the team's
administrator, and is proud to continue the team's
tradition of having players in every pro tour from the
first event in 1996 to the present.
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The Pro Tour FINALLY Pays Off
Wizards is Showing Players Some Brotherly Love at Pro
Tour Philly
by Jeff Zandi - 2.21.05
Ask a competitive
Magic player why he wants to play in the Pro Tour, and
one of the reasons that will inevitably come out is the
idea of winning money.
Magic’s Pro Tour has been all about “show me the money”
ever since it first appeared in 1996 under the stirring
name of the Black Lotus Million Dollar Pro Tour.
Strangely, however, most players that pursue the riches
of the Pro Tour never reach the pro level and its
promised payday. Furthermore, most of the players who DO
manage to qualify for and play in one or more Pro Tour
events go home from the big tournament with no prize
Pro Tour Philadelphia is going to change all that.
The prize payout structure for the Pro Tour has been in
place for many years, paying very large portions of the
total prize money to the top eight finishers, with
decreasing payouts from ninth place all the way down to
sixty-fourth place. Of course, most Pro Tour events
begin with around three hundred players, so a player
must finish up in the top quarter of the field to secure
a paycheck.
Pro Tour Philadelphia will pay FOUR TIMES as many
players as any previous Pro Tour event.
For Pro Tour Philadelphia, a new, highly experimental,
payout system will be used. This payout system will
assign a prize value to each of the rounds of the
tournament, from round one all the way to the finals.
The total prize money is $203K, just a couple of
thousand more than usual. Instead of using a certain
win-loss record to determine the cutoff point for day
two participation, players will simply be eliminated
from the tournament whenever they have lost three
Pro Tour Philadelphia Pay Structure By Round
Round 1 $100
Round 2 $100
Round 3 $100
Round 4 $125
Round 5 $150
Round 6 $200
Round 7 $250
Round 8 $300
Round 9 $500
Round 10 $750
Round 11 $1,000
Round 12 $1,500
Round QF $2,500
Round SF $5,000
Round F $10,000
(QF is the quarter final round, the first round of the
single elimination top eight. SF is the semi-finals and
F is the championship final round of the Pro Tour)
Normally, a 4-3 record is not quite good enough to make
the second day of the Pro Tour, and therefore not good
enough to finish in the top sixty four in order to win
money. In Pro Tour Philadelphia, the LEAST amount of
money a 4-3 finisher could win is $425, very close to
the $500 payout received by the 64th best finisher (with
7 or 8 wins, by the way) in a previous Pro Tour event.
Imagine…two players meet each other in the third round
of Pro Tour Philly, each having had an awful day, each
having lost their first two matches. These two players
STILL have something to play for. In fact, the player
who wins this match will not only pocket $100 for a
match win in round three, but he will continue to play
matches with money on the line in each match until he
suffers his third match loss and is knocked out of the
Simply put, EVERY tournament player I have talked to
about this issue LOVES the Pro Tour Philly payout
structure. Every single one of them.
The Philly payout structure makes winning matches more
important, which means there could be a lot fewer
intentional draws. While I am by no means saying that
intentional draws are wrong, I believe that every match
that is played out to determine a winner is better than
an intentional draw, from a pure gaming perspective.
Players at Pro Tour Philadelphia will be literally
playing for money every round, not in a collective
long-range sense as in most Pro Tour early rounds, but
in the most literal sense of the word. More matches
being played out means less manipulation of the
tournament by the players in the tournament. Wizards of
the Coast and the DCI both love THAT
There are those in the gaming community that suspect the
experimental payout structure for PT-Philly is a
response to competition from other card games that have
been offering big cash payouts to players. First and
foremost, there is poker. Last year, three Magic players
finished in the top twenty of the World Series of Poker,
and, of course, Pro Tour regular David Williams
(yeah, he’s been on my Magic team, the Texas Guildmages,
since 1997. GOTTA BRAG ABOUT THAT KID) won $3.5 million
finishing second in that event. If the incredible
popularity of poker wasn’t enough to steal the wind from
the Pro Tour’s sails, (and possibly Magic’s sales…)
along comes Upper Deck with their professional events
for the Versus game system. Upper Deck has been throwing
huge piles of prize money at their competitive
tournament structure since they started it a year ago.
Yes, there is every reason to believe that the people
who bring you Magic: the Gathering might want to juice
up their game.
This experimental payout structure is a great way to
increase interest in a maturing Pro Tour that may not be
drawing the number of players, to pro tour qualifying
tournaments anyway, as in the past. Lots of players who
have experienced the Pro Tour at least once think hard
about attending a subsequent Pro Tour, weighing the cost
of simply getting to the event with
the expectation of winning prize money. Having become a
very global event, the Pro Tour plays only half of their
annual schedule of events in the United States, and in
the past several years, there has been a clear effort to
put at least one of the five annual Pro Tour events in
the Far East.
If this new prize money structure were to become
permanent, and we are told that it WILL NOT, it would go
a long way to making the Pro Tour as healthy and
exciting as it was when it debuted in January of 1996.
The other shoe that would need to fall, however, is MORE
MONEY. In my opinion, the Pro Tour needs about twice as
much money awarded each year, along with a better
payout structure, like PT-Philly.
DCI Program Manager Scott Larabee has already stated
that there is “no way we’ll switch to this (PT-Philly)
payout permanently”. Why on earth not? It has been
difficult to get any information about Philly’s
experimental payout structure from Wizards of the Coast.
The only problem for the tournament organizers and
Wizards of the Coast would seem to be the much larger
of paperwork needed to prepare checks for such a large
number of players. WOTC is used to sending out
sixty-four checks to the prize winners of a Pro Tour
event. After Pro Tour Philadelphia, more than FOUR TIMES
that number of checks will have to be printed. Of
course, there’s more work created by this new payout
than simply the work of printing some extra checks. Our
friends at the Internal Revenue Service have their eyes
on all prize payouts, and so
the real record keeping work for a payout system like
the one that will be rolled out at Pro Tour Philadelphia
may increase the white collar workload at Wizards of the
Coast exponentially.
Increased paperwork is not the only potential reason for
not using the PT-Philly payout structure in future
events. It is possible that some of the best players in
the world would not want to have the precious prize
money pool flattened out the way that it will be in
PT-Philly. Since MORE players are taking home a larger
number of smaller pieces of the SAME Pro Tour prize
money as any other pro event, something has to give. At
the most recent Pro Tour in Nagoya, Japan, the winner
won a total of fourteen matches for a total prize of
$30,000. A similar performance at Pro Tour Philadelphia
will most likely result in the winner taking home less
than $20,000. Some of top Pro Tour players can finish
consistently in the top 64 event after event.
For these players, the present payout structure is
obviously superior. However, so many of even the best
pro tour players in the world know that you can have an
outstanding finish in one pro event only to get crushed
and not make Day Two in the next Pro Tour. The larger
number of Pro Tour regulars, I believe, if polled, would
favor the experimental payout structure being used at
As always, I’m interested in what YOU think!
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online