Jeff Zandi is a five time pro tour veteran who has been playing
Magic since 1994. Jeff is a level two DCI judge and has
been judging everything from small local tournaments
to pro tour events. Jeff is from Coppell, Texas, a suburb
of Dallas, where his upstairs game room has been the
"Guildhall", the home of the Texas Guildmages,
since the team formed in 1996. One of the original
founders of the team, Jeff Zandi is the team's
administrator, and is proud to continue the team's
tradition of having players in every pro tour from the
first event in 1996 to the present.
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How to Throw a Great
Festivities at the 400th Texas Guildmage Meeting
by Jeff Zandi - 3.18.05
A couple of nights
ago, on March 15th, the Texas Guildmages celebrated
their 400th weekly team meeting by doing the same thing
they have done at the 399 previous meetings: they played
Magic: the Gathering. By the time you throw in a dozen
or so weekly meetings throughout this time, the 400th
meeting represents about eight and a half years of
continuous play. Almost every one of these
meetings/practice sessions has been held at my house in
the upstairs loft that has become affectionately known
as The Guildhall. I am obviously extremely pleased to
have hosted the nearly one hundred different players
that have played at our weekly game. I am almost certain
that ours is the longest running regular game in the
history of Magic: the Gathering.
I have no doubt whatsoever that its been the most fun!
If you’re planning a Magic party for your gang of gaming
misfits, you might very well think about doing some of
the things that we did for our 400th practice
celebration. When planning started a few months ago,
there was no doubt that we would play Magic at the
party, the question was what KIND of Magic, and what
could we think of to do with Magic cards that we had not
ALREADY tried at one time or another.
I had some money in the team fund, a couple of hundred
bucks of sponsorship money from tournament organizer
Edward Fox’s company AussieFox Events.
had been on me for the past few months to either use the
money he gave me to get some new t-shirts made or to
return the money to him.
Obviously, it was time to make some t-shirts. I found a
really great t-shirt company on the Net,
www.customink.com. They were great, they helped me pick
out t-shirts and colors and they helped me get the
graphics that I wanted on the shirts. Angie Riley, the
daughter of teammate Rob Lawing, played in her first Pro
Tour event last year at San Diego. Angie, who likes to
draw animals, drew an armadillo playing cards that I
decided to put on the new team t-shirt. On the back of
the shirt, besides the mandatory sponsorship
advertisement for AussieFox Events, I decided to use the
space to commemorate the upcoming 400th practice. I
decided to list on the back of the shirt the names of
all twenty-four of the Texas Guildmages as well as the
names of the sixty guests we have had at our practices
over the years.
Edward Fox gave me his money with the understanding that
I would be making and distributing 30 t-shirts to Magic
players. I ended up ordering 54 t-shirts. The plan would
be to give a t-shirt to everyone that attended the 400th
meeting, with almost every attendee likely to have his
name appear on the back of the shirt already. This would
be the primary “party favor” for the big
The tournament had three parts. Players would first
compete in a Jeopardy-like trivia contest. The players
were told that they would receive some sort of advantage
in the booster draft tournament based on their finish in
the trivia contest. The booster draft tournament would
consist of three Swiss rounds, after which the top eight
finishers would play three single elimination rounds
using the top eight decks from Pro Tour I. The final
champion of the tournament would win his choice of a
booster box of Betrayers, Darksteel, Fifth Dawn or a
display box or Mirrodin tournament packs.
Food was basically an afterthought, something we might
do better in the future if one of our guys ends up
becoming really interested in gourmet cooking or
something. As it was, I swung by the grocery store the
afternoon of the party and picked up twenty bucks in
soda pop, chips and dips. Once a bunch of people had
arrived and I had a better idea of how many total people
there would be, I grabbed some pizza coupons and spent a
little less than fifty bucks on seven pizzas that were
delivered and consumed just before our booster draft
tournament began.
I spent a LOT of money on the party for Guildmage
meeting number 100. Magic playing attendees on the night
of December 15th, 1998, consisted of (not including
girlfriends, spouses or parents that might have tagged
along) Jeff Zandi, Minh Huynh, Bil Payne, Scot Martin,
Cortney Cunningham, Zeth Bass, Amanda Pintye, James
Trevino, James Murphy, Matt Duncan, Barry Duncan, Rob
Lawing, Tim Stoltzfus, Bryan Sammon and James Jenkins.
At the time, Bil Payne and Matt Duncan were non-Guildmage
guests, though they were added to the team eventually.
We had the party at the Gamezone, a giant high-end video
arcade located at the recently-opened Grapevine Mills
shopping mall. We had hot food served by waiters, we had
drinks, we had fancy desserts, we had a dragon piñata
filled with booster packs. We booster drafted two packs
of Korean (black bordered) Fourth Edition and one pack
of Italian Revised (also black bordered). We played
three rounds of Swiss cutting to a final four in which
Bryan “Red” Sammon (originally part of George Baxter’s
Team Dallas) over James Stroud and James Jenkins over
Rob Lawing.
For Guildmage practice 200, the festivities took place
in the comfy confines of the Guildhall on December 20th,
2000. Attendees included Scot Martin, Tim Stoltzfus,
James Stroud, David Williams, Jim Shuman (DCI Level II
judge), Zach Karthauser, Kip Antene, Rob Moore, Ronnie
Jones, Ryan Carpenter (Williams’ protégée at the time),
Matt Duncan, Bil Payne, Rob Lawing, Robbie Howell,
Vincent Johnson, Chad Jones, Zeth Bass, Barry Duncan,
Jeremy Simmons (not a Guildmage yet) and myself. We had
two Magic events, a five Invasion booster sealed deck
tournament that was won by Robert Moore over Ryan
Carpenter and a Pro Tour I constructed tournament won by
Robbie Howell using George Baxter’s “House of Pain”
deck. The prize for the main event, which was the
Invasion sealed deck tournament, was the contents of an
UNOPENED BETA BOOSTER PACK. I had been holding on to
this Beta booster pack for about a year after having
acquired it for a hundred bucks. When our little
tournament was over, the four best finishers took turns
choosing cards from the booster pack. The contents of
the booster were carefully shuffled and placed face down
on a table so that no one knew where the rare was, or
even if the pack would contain a rare. The pack turned
out to be a pretty good one, producing an Icy
Manipulator, a Lord of Atlantis as well as several basic
Guildmage meeting 300 took place on January 21st, 2003,
again at the team’s home in the upstairs loft of the
Zandi home. Seventeen players turned out for the special
night including David Mitchell, Scot Martin, Cortney
Cunningham, Ken Pender, Bil Payne, Rob Lawing, Angie
Riley, Damien Mayfield (then Angie’s boyfriend from
Waco, who played Magic well enough…), Kip Antene, Chad
Jones, Jonathan Pechon, Matt Duncan, David Williams,
Adam Bernstein (Dave’s current Magic prospect at that
time), Jeremy Simmons and Patrick Lynch. This was the
most sedate of our special parties, consisting of some
pizza and an Onslaught booster draft tournament in which
I provided all the booster packs but kept at the cards
at the end.
Guildmage meeting 400 was attended by (in order of
appearance) Jeff Zandi, Kip Antene, Scot Martin, Mark
Hendrickson, Jonathan Pechon, Brent Kaskel, Vada Wilson
(Brent’s girlfriend who is said to be learning Magic…),
Robbie Howell (who we have seen twice in the past three
years), Chad Jones, Jeremy Simmons, Helio Rosental (who
used to translate Magic cards into Portuguese for WOTC),
Trent Boneau, Ken Pender, Matt Duncan, Andy Van Zandt,
Herman Armstrong, Angie Riley, Mark Dean, Barry Duncan
and Tim Stoltzfus. Everyone except for Chad, Vada, Barry
and Tim played in the trivia contest and the subsequent
booster draft.
Originally planned as a fun little time-killer for the
first handful of people that happened to show up early,
this little trivia game ended up involving nineteen of
the twenty-one people that came to the party. The idea
was to play the trivia game with a few early arrivers
and be finished with it by 7:00 or 7:30. In reality,
almost everyone was in the game, which started just a
little after 7:00 and ran for a little more than an
hour. As each person arrived, I wrote down their name on
a list in the order that they arrived (as a total STAT
GEEK, I do this particular thing every week ALREADY).
I informed all the players that everyone who finished
the trivia game with a score ABOVE zero would receive
some kind of advantage in the tournament that would
follow, but I did not tell anyone what kind of advantage
they could gain. This made everyone take the trivia game
more seriously. Luckily, everyone that came for the
party was interested in playing in the night’s FREE
limited tournament.
The game began with nineteen players looking at a board
containing six categories, each with ten questions, each
question associated with a point score of 100 for the
easiest question to 1000 for the most challenging
question, just like Trebek does it. Instead of having
players yell over each other trying to answer questions
at the same time, I let the players take turns, in the
same order as they showed up for the party. A player
would pick a category and a score, like “I’d like Lost
in Translation for 800, Alex…” I read them the question.
If they get it right, they get the points associated
with that question, I mark that question off the board
and that player gets to have another question. I did not
deduct points for incorrect questions. The first time
that any question (except for the Does This Card Suck
category, which is true/false) is answered incorrectly,
I put one line through the question on the board. That
question was STILL AVAILABLE to subsequent players to
attempt to answer. If a question was missed a second
time, I crossed that question out and told everyone the
answer to the question. If a player got a question
wrong, it immediately became the NEXT player on the
list’s turn.
The system worked well enough. Every player got three
chances to play, and the highest score ended up being
scored by one of the last players on the list.
The format of the tournament was kept secret from the
players until after Guildmage Jeopardy was complete.
Around 8:30pm, we were finally ready to draft. The
format was half sealed deck, half booster draft. Each
player began with one Mirrodin tournament pack, one
Darksteel booster and one Fifth Dawn booster. Each
player opens his Mirrodin tournament pack and reviews
the contents for two minutes. Next, each player opens
their Darksteel packs and booster drafts the Darksteel
packs passing to the RIGHT (as though it were the second
pack of a normal Mirrodin/Darksteel/Fifth Dawn booster
draft). Next, each player opened their Fifth Dawn pack
and drafted these packs passing to the left. The
resulting decks would be typically STRONGER than an
average sealed deck but possibly WEAKER than the best
possible MD5 booster draft decks. The draft included
sixteen players, split into a group of ten players
drafting upstairs in the Guildhall and a group of six
players drafting downstairs in the dining room. Table
and seat selection was randomized.
Upstairs, the drafters were (clockwise) Zandi, Riley,
Armstrong, Duncan, Kaskel, Van Zandt, Rosental, Antene,
Dean and Boneau. Downstairs, the drafters were
(clockwise) Pechon, Pender, Howell, Hendrickson, Simmons
and Martin.
At this time, all twelve players that finished Guildmage
Jeopardy with more than zero points were assembled to
learn about the advantage that they would receive based
on their trivia scores. Laying on the table were one
Mirrodin booster, one Darksteel booster, one Fifth Dawn
booster and nine individual artifact cards. These were
available for selection by the players in order of their
trivia finish. Andy Van Zandt finished the trivia game
with the high score of 4100 and picked first, adding a
Nevinyrral’s Disk to his sealed draft deck. Robbie
Howell chose Serrated Arrows, Scot Martin next took
Fodder Cannon. The three booster packs were selected
next, Darksteel by Boneau, Mirrodin by Antene and Fifth
Dawn by Pechon. These players would be able to add any
number of the cards found in these boosters to their
Boneau probably did the best with the addition of TWO
Razor Golems (one
foil) to his already powerful white/blue affinity deck.
Mark Dean then selected Ticking Gnomes, Angie took Jalum
Tome, followed by Jeremy with Disrupting Scepter and
Brent Kaskel with Jayemdae Tome. Mark Hendrickson was
left with only two cards to choose from and selected
Phyrexian War Beast over Howling Mine. Matt Duncan took
the last available card, Howling Mine, but did not play
it in his deck.
After the draft decks were constructed, all sixteen
players were paired together for three rounds of Swiss.
After these three rounds, the top eight finishers
selected one of the eight Pro Tour I decks in the
following order: Mark Hendrickson, 3-0, selected the
mono black Necro deck of Leon Linback Mark Dean, 2-1,
selected Mark Justice’s red/white Howling Mine control
deck Kip Antene, 2-1, selected George Baxter’s
red/black/green “House of Pain” deck
Scot Martin, 2-1, selected Preston Poulter’s green/white
deck Jonathan Pechon, 2-1, selected Eric Tam’s
green/white/red deck Jeremy Simmons, 2-1, selected
Bertrand Lestree’s white/green Ernham-Geddon deck Angie
Riley, 1-2, selected Michael Loconto’s Pro Tour winning
blue/white control deck Jeff Zandi, 1-2, was left with
Shawn Regnier’s blue/white control deck
While this part of the tournament used the decks from
the top eight of the first Pro Tour, today’s rules were
used whenever possible. In the past when we have used
these Pro Tour I decks, we had generally used the rules
that were in force at Pro Tour I in New York. I do not
believe that using current rules did anything to hurt
the flavor of the old decks, although it did put an end
to an old Upkeep trick involving Land Tax and Strip
In the quarter finals,
Hendrickson beat Zandi in three games, Scot Martin
defeated Pechon, Simmons topped Antene and Riley bested
her boyfriend Mark Dean, whose popular nom de guerre is
“Wilma”. In the semi finals, Hendrickson outdrew Martin
and Simmons defeated Riley. In the final round, Jeremy
Simmons and Mark Hendrickson, each faithful to their
square day gigs, decided to split a box of Betrayers of
Kamigawa and end the event an hour sooner than if they
had attempted to complete a match with these old school
We took a lot of pictures, of course, and some people
had their t-shirts autographed by other players. We also
autographed a vinyl Pro Tour banner for Rob Lawing. Rob
is the stepfather of our newest Guildmage, Angie Riley,
but is also a multiple Pro Tour veteran and was the
fifth person added to the original seven Guildmages.
Lately, Rob has been fighting a number of health
problems that have caused him to not have very much fun.
Rob Lawing is known as the “Godfather of Texas Magic”
because when he was active in Magic, he was simply
everywhere, making friends with players in every city he
played in. For several years, he was the most popular
personality on the team. Rob’s wisdom and ability to get
to really know people very quickly made him able to
advise the team on such players as David Williams, Tim
Stoltzfus, Bil Payne, Matt Duncan, Robbie Howell, Zach
Karthauser, Skye Thomsen and Brent Kaskel. His regular
participation is GREATLY MISSED on Tuesday nights.
Lawing’s 106th and most recent meeting was almost a year
ago at meeting number 358 on April 6, 2004.
Here are the categories, as well as the questions and
answers, that I came up with for Guildmage Jeopardy. I
wanted the game to have questions that would appeal to
all kinds of people, some for the guys that geek out on
artists and flavor text, some specifically dealing with
the team and its history, and even some questions that
had nothing to do with Magic just to keep everyone on
their toes. While I did create the questions for this
game, I do not think that I am any kind of trivia master
(although I LOVE trivia and trivia games) so please
fight the urge to send me mail about the trivia
questions that I got completely or partially wrong. (on
the other hand, I love mail, so do whatever you feel you
need to do!) After the answers for each question, I put
the words MISSED TWICE AT THE PARTY for each of the
questions that were answered incorrectly twice and for
which, therefore, no player received any points.
100 How many different images are there for Mishra’s
Factory? (four) 200 Which of these cards do not feature
‘fabulous babes’ in their artwork?
(Vesuvan Doppleganger, SACRIFICE, Benalish Hero, Fire
Elemental) 300 How many power nine cards feature flavor
text? (none) 400 What creature card popular ever since
Beta features artwork originally intended for a land
card? (Birds of Paradise) 500 Which of these were not
drawn by Melissa Benson? (Nightmare, Mesa Pegasus, SCRYB
SPRITES, Shivan Dragon) 600 How many of the 78 cards in
Arabian Nights feature the image of a sword somewhere on
the card? (all of them, the expansion set symbol is a
scimitar, a type of sword) 700 What extremely
collectible card from Magic’s early days has the flavor
text “Expect my visit when the darkness comes. The night
I think is best for hiding all”? (Juzam Djinn) MISSED
TWICE AT THE PARTY 800 Jeff Menges is the artist for two
popular Beta cards, a creature and an instant that
cannot target the creature. Name both cards. (Black
Knight and Swords to Plowshares) MISSED TWICE AT THE
PARTY 900 Name six cards from Beta whose artwork depicts
a piece of jewelry? (Mox Jet, Mox Emerald, Mox Pearl,
Mox Ruby, Mox Sapphire, Shatter and Nevinyrral’s Disk)
MISSED TWICE AT THE PARTY 1000 In one of Magic’s most
famous misprints, what card’s art appeared on some
versions of Serra Angel? (Time Elemental)
In the category, I used translation software to
translate the Beta text of ten cards from English to
Japanese and then back to English from Japanese.
Players must identify the Beta card for each of the
pieces of double-translated card text.
100 “If possible each revolution must be attacked. It is
obstructed by the wall it is not possible” JUGGERNAUT
200 “Destroy the target man-made work” SHATTER
300 “Destroy creative ones which are hit by the target”
400 “Your library search one card, carry to your hand.
After that, remodel your library” DEMONIC TUTOR
500 “Creative ones of flight are obstructed” GIANT
600 “As for any target creative things with creative
things such as black creature ones and man-made work it
is not possible to be obstructed” FEAR 700 “Each player
pulls one excessive card between the thing stage which
he pulls” HOWLING MINE 800 “The land of the play, it is
possible to hit creative ones or the
man-made work on whichever side” ICY MANIPULATOR MISSED
900 “Power and tenacity which are equal to the number of
mud areas in the unpleasant impression is controller
controls” NIGHTMARE 1000 “Take the excessive revolution
of this one later” TIME WALK
This category addresses the dual argument of whether or
not gamers are unintellectual idiots or introspective
geniuses. Sort of.
100 In what three years were the Star Wars trilogy films
originally released? (1977, 1980, 1983) 200 Who is the
president of Russia? (Vladimir Putin) 300 Who is the
U.S. Secretary of State? (Condoleeza Rice) 400 Who is
the creator of Dungeons and Dragons? (Gary Gygax) 500
Which of the following is NOT a city? (Yokohama,
Pyongyang, BANGLADESH, Kuala Lumpur) 600 Name five
weapons available to players in Halo 2? (magnum,
shotgun, beam weapon, pulse rifle, covenant carbine,
rocket launcher, light sword, hand grenade, sniper
rifle, sub machine gun, pulse pistol, needler, brute gun
and a couple of others) 700 Which of the following is
NOT a country? (Serbia, BUCHAREST, Slovakia,
800 Name the prime minister of any of the following,
Italy, UK, Japan, Australia or Canada. (Silvio
Berlusconi, Tony Blair, Junichiro Koizumi, John Howard
and Paul Martin) 900 Name three different Pro Tour
champions, not including Worlds or team PTs. (Michael
Loconto, Shawn Regnier, Paul McCabe, Olle Rade, Jon
Finkel, Kai Budde, Zvi Mowshowitz, and quite a few
others) 1000 Name one U.N. Secretary General. (Trygve
Lie, Dagg Hammarskjoild, U Thant, Kurt Waldheim, Javier
Perez de Cuellar, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Kofi
This category is just like you remember from Sesame
Street. Four cards from Beta through Homelands, players
simply have to pick out the card that does not have
something in common with the other three. Players do not
even have to know what the difference is.
100 Helm of Obedience, Mishra’s Groundbreaker, BASALT
MONOLITH, Living Wall.
(artifacts that cost four mana)
200 TAIGA, Tropical Island, Tundra, Underground Sea.
(lands that can produce blue mana) 300 Hurr Jackal,
Giant Tortoise, EBONY HORSE, Singing Tree. (Arabian
400 Hydroblast, Spoils of Evil, SPOILS OF WAR, Pyroblast.
(cards originally printed in Ice Age as Interrupts) 500
Pygmy Allosaurus, Bog Wraith, Lost Soul, FROZEN SHADE.
(creatures with
600 Serra Angel, WHIPPOORWILL, Killer Bees, Ivory
Gargoyle. (creatures with
700 SHELTERED VALLEY, School of the Unseen, Soldevi
Excavations, Kjeldoran Outpost. (lands that can produce
colored mana) MISSED TWICE AT THE PARTY 800 Scaled Wurm,
Elvish Ranger, Savannah Lions, ROCK HYDRA. (creatures
with no game text, no special abilities) 900 Chaos Orb,
ICY MANIPULATOR, Mox Emerald, Time Vault. (cards that
have been banned or restricted at one time or another)
1000 Carnivorous Plant, Cemetary Gate, Necropolis,
These are team-related questions that are really only
interested to a few people in the entire world.
Nevertheless, here are the questions and answers.
100 Name two Guildmages who weigh at least 300 pounds
today. (Zandi, Cunningham, Huynh, Jenkins) 200 What
Guildmage won the first PTQ ever held in Texas? (Minh
Huynh in April, 1996) MISSED TWICE AT THE PARTY 300 Who
was the first person to be added to the original seven
(David Williams, 1997)
400 What Guildmage has been to the most weekly meetings?
(Scot Martin, 153 including March 15th) MISSED TWICE AT
THE PARTY 500 What Guildmage has never played in a Pro
Tour? (David Mitchell. Brent Kaskel has had problems
getting to each of the PTs that he has qualified for,
but I didn’t really mean for this to be a trick
question) 600 name a big-shot Pro Tour player, past or
present, who has been a guest at least once? (Brock
Parker, Gabe Walls, Mark LePine, Jeremy Baca, George
Baxter, Mark Hendrickson) 700 Who was the last of the
original seven Guildmages to play in a Pro Tour event?
(Jeff Zandi, finally qualified in October 1997) 800 Name
three Guildmages who are parents. (Zandi, Mitchell,
Lawing, Huynh,
900 What non-Guildmage has been to the most Guildmage
meetings? (Ken Pender,
118 visits including March 15th)
1000 Name one of the four Guildmages added to the team
in the year 2000.
(Robbie Howell, Jonathan Pechon, Zach Karthauser and
This is the funniest category every time we have played
Guildmage Jeopardy.
In this case, I visited with the Type I experts in the
forums at www.themamadrain.com to create a list of ten
cards that either DO or DO NOT suck in the CURRENT world
of Vintage, or Type I, play. There is NEVER broad
agreement on whether or not these cards really do suck,
but I do the best I can when I create the list. Again,
these are not MY personal opinions (I am WAY behind in
the world of Type I Magic technology) they are the
opinions of players around the world who happen to get
together in The Mana Drain forums.
100 Dark Ritural (YES) MISSED AT THE PARTY 200 Impulse
(YES) 300 Morphling (YES) MISSED AT THE PARTY 400 Bazaar
of Baghdad (NO) MISSED AT THE PARTY 500 Crucible of
Worlds (NO) 600 Birds of Paradise (YES) MISSED AT THE
PARTY 700 Hymn to Tourach (YES) MISSED AT THE PARTY 800
Tinker (NO)
900 Skullclamp (YES) MISSED AT THE PARTY
1000 Aether Vial (YES) MISSED AT THE PARTY
Around 2:30am, almost everyone was gone. Jeremy and
Trent had just split up the box of Betrayers of Kamigawa
that was the tournament prize. Trent and most of the
rest of the guys had split, leaving just Jeremy and
Pechon standing around in the living room downstairs
with me as I sat on the couch pulling up one and two
minute pieces of comedy bits from my TIVO (I actually
have some kind of off-brand Digital Video Recorder
provided by my Dish Network service). The guys are used
to doing this. We’ve been together for a long time. Some
of these guys, like Jeremy, don’t play Magic that much
anymore. Others, like Jonny Pechon and I, still play in
Pro Tour Qualifiers all throughout the year.
After Jonathan and Jeremy left, I remained on the couch,
enjoying the first quiet moments in hours and hours, and
thinking about the team and the game and everything.
Sometimes, people are far too goal-driven these days.
The players on the Texas Guildmages have certainly
fallen in that category plenty of times. Far from the
lazy slacker image that most gamers are said to have,
the guys on my team have shown, on the whole, that they
have very real goals that they are willing to work very
hard to achieve. Some have done more with their
opportunities than others. James Stroud, Scot Martin and
James Jenkins quit playing “serious” Magic in the middle
of good Pro Tour careers in order to devote more of
their time to computer careers in which they have been
very successful. Dave Williams was once thought to have
wasted his youthful promise; dropping out of a big
scholarship opportunity at Princeton University and
getting disqualified in the top eight of Magic’s World
Championships years ago. Last year, of course, Dave
finished second in the World Series of Poker and became
an instant millionaire. Today, Guildmages Dave Williams,
Neil Reeves and (original member) Minh Huynh play poker
for a living.
Goals are great. I suggest everyone have a couple of
really BIG ones. At the same time, life goes by pretty
fast, twenty-four hours at a time. It’s very important
to enjoy the journey that you are on, no matter what
your goals are. You don’t want to reach your goals and
find out only then that HAVING something may not be
nearly as much fun as WANTING to have something. I don’t
know if the Texas Guildmages is a great Magic team or
just a great social organization, but I do know that we
have had the most fun being together and flipping over
these cards over and over again.
I said it last week, and I’ll say it again. Teamwork is
what it’s all about.
Of course, I’m always interested in hearing what YOU
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online