Jeff Zandi is a five time pro tour veteran who has been playing
Magic since 1994. Jeff is a level two DCI judge and has
been judging everything from small local tournaments
to pro tour events. Jeff is from Coppell, Texas, a suburb
of Dallas, where his upstairs game room has been the
"Guildhall", the home of the Texas Guildmages,
since the team formed in 1996. One of the original
founders of the team, Jeff Zandi is the team's
administrator, and is proud to continue the team's
tradition of having players in every pro tour from the
first event in 1996 to the present.
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Ravnica Roadmap
It’s Easy to Get Lost in the City of Guilds by Jeff
Sept. 23, 2005 by Jeff Zandi
Ravnica: City of Guilds
premieres tomorrow in pre-release events all across the
country. The newest stand-alone expansion to Magic: the
Gathering has been the object of highly charged anticipation
and speculation for many months. Some are already comparing
Ravnica: City of Guilds to the year 2000 release Invasion.
This comparison is based primarily on the very large number
of gold (multi-colored) cards in both sets. After seeing the
new set, you will know right away that such a comparison is
accurate only on the surface. A set with as many
multi-colored cards and new abilities as Ravnica contains
can be a little confusing to players first experiencing the
set. I hope you will find some of the information in this
brief “Ravnica Roadmap” helpful in making sense of this
exciting new set.
Ravnica: City of Guilds is a set with something for
everybody. Everybody thirteen years old or older, that is.
Tournament packs (we used to call these sealed decks) as
well as booster packs carry a label stating simply “age
13+”. This is a first for packaging of any Magic: the
Gathering product to date. I guess we’ll be checking IDs at
the pre-release.
Right out of the box, Ravnica is easily the most
interesting expansion in several years. Multi-color is the
reason, but this new set has a lot more going for it than
gold cards. Ravnica introduces a brand new idea called
“hybrid” cards. These are the cards with the strange split
mana symbols. These split mana symbols represent a cost that
can be paid with either of two different colors of mana.
These cards are NOT gold cards because you don’t have to be
playing both of the colors involved in a hybrid card’s
casting cost in order to use this card in your deck.
At first glance, I felt that a lot of the creatures in the
set were slightly overcosted, at least as compared to last
year’s Kamigawa block. After experiencing the new set, I
think that the card costs are very even across the set. The
general cost of a basic 2/2 or 3/3 creature may be higher
than in some other sets, costing four or five mana in this
set (respectively) as opposed to three or four mana.
However, on the whole, I have found the cards in Ravnica:
City of Guilds to be fairly costed. In limited play, this
set may end up being a bit on the bomb-driven side, since
some of the higher costed rare creatures can turn a game
decisively if they suddenly appear in play for one player or
the other. This can be said of a lot of sets. The extremely
powerful rare creatures in Ravnica seem to be a little more
difficult to cast (think multiple intensities of multiple
colors), a feature that may make these cards more fair in
limited formats than the so-called “bomb rares” of other
The Ravnica block, which includes Ravnica: City of Guilds as
well as the two smaller expansions that will follow in 2006,
will tell the story of ten guilds, each represented by one
of the ten possible two color combinations in Magic.
However, each of the ten guilds are not represented equally
in each of these sets. Ravnica: City of Guilds focuses on
four of the ten guilds, the House Dimir (blue/black), the
Golgari (black/green), the Boros Legion (red/white) and the
Selesnya Conclave (green/white). Because this set focuses on
these four guilds, all of the hybrid colored cards involve
only the four dual color combinations of the four guilds
mentioned above. The card count in Ravnica: City of Guilds
is intentionally unbalanced with respect to color. This is
also a function of how this set focuses on the four two
colored guilds.
Each guild in Ravnica has a new ability exhibited only on
cards from that guild’s color combinations.
Convoke belongs to the green/white guild. When cards with
the Convoke ability are played, their mana cost can be
reduced by tapping untapped creatures on your side. For
every creature you tap with a card’s Convoke ability, you
reduce that card’s effective casting cost by one of the
color of the tapped creature. Gather Courage, for example,
is an instant that gives a target creature +2/+2 until end
of turn and which has the Convoke ability. When you play
Gather Courage, you can pay the one green mana cost as
normal, or you can use the Convoke ability to tap a green
creature (this could be either a mono-colored green creature
or a creature that is both green and another color) to
reduce the cost of Gather Courage by one green mana, making
it possible to play this spell seemingly for free. There are
instants that have Convoke, and these are the most
interesting to me, because they can be played at the end of
your opponent’s turn, when tapping your own creatures as
part of the Convoke ability has the least negative impact on
your side of the board.
Transmute is an ability found only on cards aligned with the
blue/black House Dimir guild. Drift of Phantasms is an 0/5
Spirit with defender and flying that costs 2U and which has
the Transmute ability. You can play this card as an 0/5
creature, or you can use the card’s Transmute ability for
1UU. If you do, you can discard Drift of Phantasms to search
your library for any card with the same converted mana cost
(three in the case of this card, unrelated to the Transmute
ability cost) and put that card directly into your hand
after revealing the card and reshuffling your library. You
can only play a card’s Transmute ability when you could play
a sorcery. Basically, every card in your deck with Transmute
can be used as a “Demonic Tutor” type card for any other
card in your library with the same converted mana cost.
Remember, the card you search for only has to be the same
CONVERTED mana cost, so you can use the Transmute ability of
a blue card to search for a card of ANY color, as long as
the total/converted mana cost is the same.
Radiance is an ability of the Boros Legion (red/white
guild). Cards with the Radiance ability affect not only the
card they target, but also every card that that share a
color with the targeted creature. Incite Hysteria is a
sorcery that costs 2R and has Radiance. When you play Incite
Hysteria, you choose a target creature, that creature and
all creatures that share a color with the target creature
cannot block this turn. Leave No Trace is an instant for 1W
that has Radiance and which destroys a target enchantment
and all other enchantments in play that share a color with
the targeted enchantment.
Dredge is the ability belonging to the black/ green
Golgari guild, and is probably the most powerful of the four
guild-based abilities introduced in Ravnica: City of Guilds.
Cards with the Dredge ability can be returned to your hand
from the graveyard. It works like this: Darkblast is an
instant that costs one black mana that gives a target
creature -1/-1 until end of turn. Darkblast has Dredge 3.
Anytime that you are about to draw a card for any reason
(like your draw step, or when you play a card or ability
that causes you to draw a card) you can use the Dredge
ability of a card in your graveyard. If you were about to
draw a card and you wanted to use Darkblast’s Dredge ability
from the graveyard, you could return Darkblast to your hand
by putting the top three cards (because Darkblast has Dredge
3) of your library into your graveyard instead of drawing a
card. The two most important things to remember about Dredge
(which, to be honest, confused me for a little while) are
that you can only use the ability to replace the drawing of
a card only when you were about to draw a card, and
secondly, that you don’t HAVE to use the Dredge ability when
you don’t want to. Just because there is a card in your
graveyard with Dredge, you don’t have to use that card’s
Dredge ability when you would draw a card if you don’t want
to. Maybe I need to draw a card this turn, so I’ll draw my
card as normal but possibly use Darkblast’s Dredge ability
to return it to my hand next turn during my draw step if I
feel like it.
Good question. The good news is that Ravnica: City of Guilds
is FULL of cards that help you play all of the different
multi-colored cards.
Common mana fixers include four lands that tap to produce
two mana. However, these lands come into play tapped and
require you to return a land you control back to your hand.
This small hassle is well worth the effort to give yourself
regular access to multiple colors. Boros Garrison taps to
give you a red AND a white mana, while Dimir Aqueduct
produces a blue and a black mana, Golgari Rot Farm produces
a black and a green mana and Selesnya Sanctuary produces a
green and a white mana. Each of the four two-color guild
color combinations are also represented on a series of four
common artifact Signets. Each of these artifacts cost two
mana and produce two mana when you pay one colorless and tap
the artifact. Boros Signet produces a red and a white mana
when you tap it and pay one colorless. Similarly, Dimir
Signet produces a blue and a black, Selesnya Signet produces
a green and a white and Golgari Signet produces a black and
a green.
For the green mage, as in most blocks, there are a few more
options for smoothing out your needs for multiple colors of
mana. Elves of Deep Shadow is reprinted from The Dark for
the first time ever, a 1/1 Elf Druid that taps for one black
mana while dealing one damage to you. Farseek is a new take
on Rampant Growth. Farseek is a sorcery that costs 1G that
puts a Plains, Island, Swamp or Mountain card into play from
your library tapped.
Spectral Searchlight is an uncommon artifact that costs
three mana. When you tap the Searchlight, you choose a
player (which can be one of your opponents or yourself). The
chosen player adds one mana of any color he chooses into his
mana pool. This card can be used to give yourself access to
any color of mana, or you can use the Searchlight to give
your opponent unwanted mana at the end of their turn (or at
the end of any of step of their turn) in order to cause that
player to take mana burn. This card will be very popular in
limited right away.
Rare mana fixers include four of what many are
calling Magic’s new dual lands. These four lands each
produce one mana of either of two colors and count as each
of two land types, like the blue/black land that counts as
both an Island and a Swamp. These lands come into play
untapped if you are willing to take two points of damage, or
else come into play tapped. The four new dual lands, Texas
players have coined the name “Shock Lands”, include
blue/black, black/green, green/white and white/red. The
other six rare dual lands will appear in the future
expansions in this block.
The ultimate mana fixer, and one of the most highly
anticipated cards from Ravnica, is Birds of Paradise. Birds
of Paradise was not included in the July release of Ninth
Edition, the first time Birds of Paradise had not appeared
in Magic’s basic set since the game began. Now, Birds of
Paradise is back and better than ever with all new black
bordered art, the first black bordered (non-foil) Birds of
Paradise available since the Asian black bordered Fourth
Edition of ten years ago.
More important than simply including lots of mana fixers,
however, is the clever way the designers of Ravnica guide
you into playing certain colors together. After looking at
the set for awhile, you will see how the gold and hybrid
cards sort of encourage you to play lots of cards that fit
together because they are either cards of different colors
but of the same guild (blue/black, black/green, green/white
or white/red) or because they are cards belonging to two
different guilds that share one color between them. For
example, green/white hybrid cards fit well in a red/white
deck because a green/white hybrid card can be played with
only white mana.
The art found in Ravnica: City of Guilds is striking and
very interesting. The multi colored card backgrounds of the
new hybrid cards are very attractive, as are the cards whose
text boxes contain one of the guild symbols in the
background. The basic lands not only have amazing art that
clearly evokes the real estate of the city of Ravnica, but
also are vividly colored in a way that makes it easier than
usual to determine what kind of mana the land produces.
In the days and weeks to come, we will all learn a lot more
about what Ravnica: City of Guilds has to offer. So far,
from the small amount I have been able to experience, I have
to say that I am genuinely excited about the set, more than
I have been in a long time. I liked last year’s Kamigawa
block more than a lot of my friends and teammates, and I
liked the year before’s Mirrodin block as well, but I think
Ravnica has as much to offer and more than any set since the
Invasion block. At the same time, I would never try to say
that this new set is a rehashing of the things we say in
Invasion block. While both sets provide a study in color
interaction, Ravnica’s use of guilds and the innovation of
hybrid cards make multi-colored strategies more interesting
than ever before.
Of course, I would love to know what you think!
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online