Jeff Zandi is a five time pro tour veteran who has been playing
Magic since 1994. Jeff is a level two DCI judge and has
been judging everything from small local tournaments
to pro tour events. Jeff is from Coppell, Texas, a suburb
of Dallas, where his upstairs game room has been the
"Guildhall", the home of the Texas Guildmages,
since the team formed in 1996. One of the original
founders of the team, Jeff Zandi is the team's
administrator, and is proud to continue the team's
tradition of having players in every pro tour from the
first event in 1996 to the present.
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Remembering ProsBloom
Pro Tour Paris, Mike Long
and Magic’s First Combo Deck
by Jeff
April 14, 2006
come and go, but very few designs will stand
the test of time. One deck that has is the
ProsBloom deck that Mike Long famously built
and piloted to a win at Pro Tour Paris in
April of 1997. That Pro Tour was the first
held outside the United States. ProsBloom
became known as the first REAL combo deck in
the age of organized tournament play. That
special event and that very unique deck are
nine years old this week. There has never
been a deck like the ProsBloom deck.
While I was recently reviewing some of this
deck’s key cards, I found myself wanting to
read and study more about this amazing deck.
Back in the day, I had been a big fan of
this deck, and played a Type II version for
many months. Reading some old accounts of
ProsBloom, Pro Tour Paris 1997, and the man
who won that Pro Tour, I was bowled over by
this deck all over again.
Before I knew it, I was digging through my
collection to put this deck together for the
first time in almost ten years. This
fascination was something that I just
couldn’t keep to myself, which is why I
wrote this article.
The ProsBloom deck is a thing of beauty for
many reasons. If you are not familiar with
this deck, let’s start with the basics. It
all starts with an enchantment called
Squandered Resources, which lets you
sacrifice a land in play for one mana of a
type that can be produced by that land. Once
you have the ability to sacrifice lands in
play for mana, a sorcery called Natural
Balance lets you put as many basic lands
straight from your library into play
untapped to put you to five lands in play.
At this point in the exercise, you need
another enchantment, called Cadaverous
Bloom, to allow you to discard a card from
your hand for either two black or two green
You use the large amounts of mana generated
by these cards to play Prosperity, a blue
sorcery that costs one blue and X, where X
is the number of cards that you and your
opponent each draw. The goal is to draw as
many cards as possible. If you draw another
Natural Balance, you can put a fresh set of
five basic lands into play. If you can
combine more mana with more card drawing,
you can eventually draw every card in your
library. Once you have drawn most or all of
your deck, it’s finally time to win. At Pro
Tour Paris, Michael Long did this by playing
his deck’s ONE win condition, a Drain Life
that allows you to deal damage equal to the
amount of black mana that you spend casting
Drain Life after the initial 1B casting
Everything about this deck reminds you of
the mercurial personality of its most famous
driver Mike Long. With ProsBloom, it’s
checkered flag or crash.
Basically, only one of two things can happen
when you play ProsBloom. You either draw
enough cards to play a fatal Drain Life or
you exhaust all of your resources and fail
to draw enough cards or fail to draw the
Drain Life or fail to successfully cast
Drain Life.
On paper, this deck looks ridiculous. At
first glance, you would think this was a
casual deck at best. There is some counter
magic in the deck to help you stave off
interference from your opponent, but not
very much of it. Your deck requires not one
but two enchantments, each costing TWO
colors of mana, to stay in play in order for
you to win. This thing should never work.
But it does. This deck looks very brittle,
but ProsBloom is actually quite a strong
design. You have to play the deck a lot in
order to get the feel of it, but once you
do, you will find it easy to often roll off
a turn four win and you even hit the
remarkable turn three win more often than
you think.
as played by Mike Long in Pro Tour Paris
4 Prosperity
4 Cadaverous Bloom
4 Squandered Resources
4 Infernal Contract
4 Natural Balance
4 Impulse
4 Vampiric Tutor
2 Memory Lapse
1 Drain Life
1 Elven Cache
1 Three Wishes
1 Emerald Charm
1 Power Sink
4 Undiscovered Paradise
3 Bad River
7 Forest
6 Swamp
5 Island
3 City of Solitude
4 Elephant Grass
1 Elven Cache
3 Emerald Charm
1 Memory Lapse
1 Power Sink
2 Wall of Roots
While Mike Long may not have been the only
person to immediately see the possibilities
of combining Prosperity with the powerful
mana producing enchantments Cadaverous Bloom
and Squandered Resources, his is the
earliest version of the deck to be proven
successful in big-time tournament play.
Winning the Paris Pro Tour is just about as
big as it gets. Long’s Paris version of this
deck is very significant in a number of
ways. Lots of decks are called “combo decks”
simply because they feature combinations of
cards that have particularly good synergy
with each other. ProsBloom represents the
most true definition of a combo deck because
the deck cannot win without executing its
“combo”. Finally, it is important to note
how remarkable the Pro Tour Paris version of
this deck is, constructed from only Mirage
and Visions. There have been other powerful
and deeply synergistic decks that came out
of a tightly defined block constructed
format. The Rebel deck from the Mercadian
Masques block is a good example. The
Affinity deck from Mirrodin block is
another. However, both Rebels and Affinity
were essentially laid out for the player by
WOTC and each deck was immediately obvious
to the playing community as soon as these
sets were released.
A few months after Pro Tour Paris, Type II
versions of ProsBloom were everywhere, being
played by the best players in the game. In
fact, the very best player in the history of
the Pro Tour, Kai Budde himself, played a
version of ProsBloom in the German Regionals
that year. These Type II incarnations of
ProsBloom featured many improvements to the
original Mirage-Visions design. The most
important changes to the deck that make it
work so much better is the land. It may not
be very exciting to talk about, but mana is
what makes Magic work, and the Type II
upgrades to ProsBloom in this area are
substantial. Undiscovered Paradise is
replaced with City of Brass. The Paris
version of ProsBloom would often have been
able to “go off” much quicker if the correct
types of mana were in play. City of Brass
takes care of this problem much better than
Undiscovered Paradise. Undiscovered Paradise
was never better in any deck than it was in
Mirage-Visions ProsBloom, but picking up the
Paradise after using it is a very big
Taking a few points of damage from City of
Brass is
MUCH preferable to picking up
Undiscovered Paradise. Both lands have good
synergy with Squandered Resources, since
they can be sacrificed to this enchantment
for any color of mana. Bad Rivers, which do
help in a small way to thin out the
Mirage-Visions ProsBloom deck, were replaced
with Gemstone Mine. Gemstone Mine is a good
solution for several reasons, despite the
ability to only tap it for mana three times.
The combination of Gemstone Mine and City of
Brass virtually assures the ProsBloom player
the correct mix of black, green and blue
mana needed to set up their board in the
early turns of the game. Like City of Brass
and Undiscovered Paradise (but unlike Bad
River), Gemstone Mine can be sacrificed to
Squandered Resources for any color mana.
Meditate was added to the Type II version of
ProsBloom replacing the quite bad Three
Wishes and a couple of Vampiric Tutors or
Elven Cache. Most of the more successful
Type II builds left Elven Cache out
entirely, along with the ability to win if
their Drain Life were somehow removed from
the deck at any point of the game.
ProsBloom is Mike Long’s baby. So many
things have been said about Michael Long
that a lot of people have forgotten that he
is one of the great players in the Pro
Tour’s decade long history. Mike Long, in
his core, has proven his love for and
dedication to the game.
For that first foreign Pro Tour in 1997,
Mike Long did not only build ProsBloom, he
also built the aggressive red/black deck
Mark Justice played with to the top eight of
the same tournament. When these two great
players met in the finals, the player with
the greatest knowledge of the other’s deck
would end up being the winner. In game one
of the best-of-five Pro Tour finals, Mike
Long attempted to go off on turn eight, but
ran out of card drawing and conceded the
game. In game two, Long goes off on turn six
under pressure from Justice’s Coercions and
Viashino Sandstalkers. Long is at five life
after casting Infernal Contract, but seems
to have enough resources to easily complete
his combo, causing Mark Justice to concede.
In the third game of the finals, Justice’s
creatures quickly drop Long’s life total to
five on turn six, giving Long one last turn
to make the combo work. Long Impulses but
fails to find the card he needs, and Long
concedes game three.
In game four, there appears to no hope for
Mike Long. Justice takes away Undiscovered
Paradise, the only land in Long’s hand, with
Coercion. At the end of Justice’s turn
three, Long Impulses but finds no land and
takes instead a Squandered Resources, which
he plays on his own turn four. On Justice’s
turn four, he plays Stupor which causes Long
to discard his last two cards, a pair of
Infernal Contracts. A turn later, Long draws
and plays Bad River. On turn seven, all hell
broke loose. Long plays Prosperity drawing
four cards (Justice also draws four cards,
of course). Long casts Natural Balance,
sacrificing his only three lands in play,
with no other mana in his pool. Justice
responds to Natural Balance by sacrificing
four mountains to play two Fireblasts,
reducing Long’s life total to 4. Long puts
two Islands, two Forests and a Swamp into
play and taps all five to play Cadaverous
Bloom. Long discards cards from his hand and
plays Prosperity for seven cards. Long casts
an Infernal Contract putting his own life
total to 2, which Justice responds to by
sacrificing two Mountains and playing
Fireblast reducing Long’s life total to -2
(Pro Tour Paris was played at a time when a
player with a life total of zero or less was
not “dead” until the end of a step of the
game, meaning that even at -2, Long could
continue playing as long as his life points
were above zero by the end of the turn).
Long plays two more Prosperity cards, first
for fifteen cards, and then for nine cards.
At this point, Long has most of his deck in
his hands. Long discards around sixteen
cards to Cadaverous Bloom and plays a 30
point Drain Life that reduces Mark Justice
to quite a bit less than zero life points
while raising his own life total to quite a
bit more than zero. The championship would
move on to game five.
Game five started with Mike Justice choosing
to keep an opening
hand of Fireblast and six
lands, despite the recent addition of the
so-called Paris Mulligan rule (actually
first used at Pro Tour Los Angeles a few
months previous). Choosing not to take a
mulligan would be the first of Mark
Justice’s mistakes in this final game. Long
gets a Squandered Resources into play on
turn three. Justice plays Stupor on turn
four, Long discards two Islands. Neither
player plays any spells or lands for the
next two turns.
For a few more turns, each player drops
lands but neither plays any spells.
Justice breaks the silence with a turn seven
Incinerate to Long’s face, putting him to 17
life points. On his next turn, Justice plays
Coercion and finds Long holding Cadaverous
Bloom, Drain Life and some other cards
thought to include Natural Balance and
Vampiric Tutor. After some thought, Justice
takes Cadaverous Bloom, believing that Long
still has one of his two Elven Cache
somewhere in his deck with which to get back
the Drain Life later in the game. What
Justice doesn’t know is that Long has
sideboarded out the Elven Cache from his
deck, and would have no way whatsoever to
win the game without the Drain Life. Long
goes off on his next turn and wins the Pro
Tour championship with a 44 point Drain
This match defines Mike Long as a player.
The championship match showcases both the
showmanship and strategic trickery that put
Mike Long on top of the game, as well as the
deck building and general play skills that
Long has displayed throughout his career. A
lot of people think that Mike Long’s
infamous card-in-the-lap episode occurred at
Pro Tour Paris, but it did not.
The biggest dark mark on Long’s glittering
card playing career occurred at the U.S.
Nationals in a match versus Peter Leiher.
Long was playing ProsBloom when judge Jeff
Donais (a former teammate of Mike Long, no
less!) was called over to their table. It
was discovered that there was a Cadaverous
Bloom in or near the lap of Mike Long. Long
received a small suspension from the DCI,
but the incident left a mark on Long’s
record that he would never be able to
I love playing the ProsBloom deck. Since
rebuilding this deck last week, I have
played more than one hundred games with it,
and I have to tell you, it has been very
fun. Magic’s original combo deck is very
satisfying to play with, once again proving
just what an amazing invention Dr. Richard
Garfield’s card game is. Playing ProsBloom
without an opponent is, well, almost exactly
the same as playing with an opponent. You
see, the ProsBloom deck needs to be played
the same way more or less regardless of what
your opponent is doing to you. Basically,
the only role that your opponent plays is in
determining how many turns you will have to
accomplish the combo and resolve the fateful
Drain Life. The average time needed to win
with ProsBloom, in its original
Mirage-Visions format, is six turns. You
usually get six turns against most draws of
most modern Type II decks. Playing ProsBloom
is like solving a puzzle. You look at your
opening hand and try to imagine the fewest
number of cards that you will need to use in
order to get to the combo. You often begin
with opening hands containing absolutely
none of the important combo pieces. Don’t
panic, you have time. You need only reach an
Impulse or possibly cast a turn three or
four Infernal Contract, or even a two or
three card Prosperity to be right back in
the thick of things.
Nothing is automatic, you can start going
off with this deck and suddenly run out of
card-drawing options. You can just lose to a
faster deck.
The thing I liked BEST about ProsBloom is
that it’s a deck you can literally learn to
play better with even practicing by
yourself. Back in 1997, there was no Magic
Online and there were fewer places to play
Magic in general.
Back then, I appreciated greatly the fact
that I could work hard and practice
ProsBloom and actually help better prepare
myself for tournament play. With a normal
deck, you really need the interaction with
other players and you need to see the
choices they have made in their decks in
order to educate yourself in the best way to
play your own deck. With ProsBloom, like
many other combo decks that would follow,
the most important thing was learning your
own deck. The more you play ProsBloom, the
more you realize what kinds of opening hands
that look okay are actually terrible as well
as vice versa.
Last weekend, I judged a 40 player Junior
Super Series tournament. In the finals, were
the crazy under-sixteen players crushing
each other with Elves and Minotaurs and
Dragons? No. Both fifteen year olds in this
JSS finals were playing combo decks. The
player who won the tournament was playing a
Heartbeat deck that wins, much like the
ProsBloom deck, by spending a huge amount of
mana to win with a black X spell, Maga,
Traitor to Mortals. The runner up deck was a
mono white Tron deck featuring a set of
Urza’s lands combined with some very large
spells like Storm Herd.
Long live combo decks!
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
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