Jeff Zandi is a five time pro tour veteran who has been playing
Magic since 1994. Jeff is a level two DCI judge and has
been judging everything from small local tournaments
to pro tour events. Jeff is from Coppell, Texas, a suburb
of Dallas, where his upstairs game room has been the
"Guildhall", the home of the Texas Guildmages,
since the team formed in 1996. One of the original
founders of the team, Jeff Zandi is the team's
administrator, and is proud to continue the team's
tradition of having players in every pro tour from the
first event in 1996 to the present.
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This Space For Rent
A Twelve Pack of Cold Ones
by Jeff
August 14, 2006
the middle of one of the hottest summers in
memory, what could be better than a
refreshing, icy new set of Magic cards?
Tired of roasting in the summer heat? Then
pull up an easy chair and enjoy a twelve
pack of cold ones with your favorite
forty-two year old Magic buddy, the Zanman!
After having played with these cards for a
few weeks in booster drafts, the thing that
is on my mind now is how to make the most of
Coldsnap in constructed formats. The twelve
cards I have chosen are cards I think will
be very useful in constructed play. I know
that some Coldsnap cards are particularly
good in Standard constructed right now,
while Champions block is still legal. I am
more impressed with the Coldsnap cards that
will be good two months from now, when
Champions block is gone from Standard.
The worst things about Coldsnap for
constructed play are the very same things
that make the set good to draft with. The
Ripple mechanic, entirely useful in forty
card decks, is nearly useless in sixty card
(especially sixty card decks without
Sensei’s Divining Top) The use of snow
covered mana producing permanents adds real
depth to Coldsnap limited play, but severely
limits the usefulness of a great number of
Coldsnap cards in constructed formats. While
there are some attractive constructed
strategies involving the use of snow lands
in constructed, these strategies require
playing a lot less of the very efficient
pain lands from Ninth Edition and the
wonderful dual lands from the Ravnica block.
Ohran Viper
I know this pick is no surprise to anyone,
let’s give credit where credit is due. Ohran
Viper is a great creature for all kinds of
decks. The only limits on the use for this
awesome creature involve his casting cost. A
double green mana cost means that Ohran
Viper will be limited to beatdown decks most
of the time. Nothing wrong with that,
though. Ohran Viper is so good because he is
easy and quick to play and creates a serious
problem for your opponent from the moment he
hits the board. If your opponent has no
creatures, then he faces the problem of you
drawing cards when your viper is unblocked.
If your opponent does have creatures, he
faces the problem of needing to not only
block your Ohran Viper, but to block it with
a large enough creature to kill your viper.
Your opponent can’t use a much less
important creature, like a wall or a small
creature, to deal with Ohran Viper, because
their creature dies while your snake just
keeps on bringing it. I think I could write
an entire article about Ohran Viper and how
much trouble this card can cause for your
opponent. If I did write that kind of
article, I think I would title it “Snakes
Are A Pain!” and I would try to get Samuel
Jackson to dramatically read the article for
some kind of webcast. Just thinking out loud
Rune Snag
Mana Leak-like counter magic is not very
interesting to limited players booster
drafting Coldsnap, but it’s plenty
interesting to constructed blue players.
When you have four Rune Snags in your
constructed deck, you have a card that may
actually be better than the original Mana
Leak. With four copies in your deck, your
first Rune Snag will probably find its way
to your hand pretty early in the game, just
in time to counter an opponent’s key spell
when he doesn’t have two extra mana to
spend. Later in the game, when Mana Leak
becomes less useful, your subsequent copies
of Rune Snag actually become better and
better. It will be really fun to see players
respond when they are forced to play around
your two untapped mana almost as if the
original Counterspell were still legal! This
card should also make mirror matches between
blue control decks just plain annoying for
both players.
Stalking Yeti
Flametongue Kavu is one of my favorite
creatures ever, and Stalking Yeti does
everything that Flametongue does and more if
you have some mana producing snow permanents
in play. While Flametongue Kavu may have
some advantages over the Yeti, the Yeti
gives you the opportunity to gain some
additional card advantage. You can play the
Stalking Yeti, target one of your opponent’s
2/2 or 1/1 creatures with the Yeti’s
coming-into-play ability, then play two
colorless and one snow mana to return the
Yeti to your hand, and you’re ready to
repeat the process as many times as you
I think Stalking Yeti will be played, as
often as not, in decks that do not to use
his activated ability. Stalking Yeti’s 2RR
mana cost (Flametongue Kavu cost 3R)
unfortunately limits him to decks with a
heavy red mana base.
Flametongue Kavu was highly splashable, as
blue/black “Flaming Psychatog”
players would attest.
Phyrexian Etchings
Necropotence defined an era in constructed
Magic. In denial, Wizards of the Coast took
every measure imaginable EXCEPT banning
Necropotence in a vain attempt to rein in
the power of that amazing card from Ice Age.
Ten years after Ice Age, the “lost lost”
third set of the block brings Phyrexian
Etchings to a generation of Magic players
who have not experienced the thrill of
drawing lots of cards at the end of their
turn. Let’s compare the two cards. While it
is true that Necropotence had no upkeep
cost, much less a cumulative upkeep,
Necropotence turned off your regular draw
step each turn. Phyrexian Etchings requires
you to pay a cumulative upkeep of black
mana, a steadily growing amount of mana each
turn, but allows you to keep your regular
draw each turn. Veteran players of
Necropotence know that one thing you can
count on is having plenty of land to play.
This information is very important in
assessing the usefulness of Etchings. In
order to keep paying the cumulative upkeep,
you will need to be able to play a black
mana producing mana source each turn. The
extra cards you will be drawing from the
Etchings will ensure that you have a land to
put into play each turn.
Phyrexian Etchings requires you to lose two
life for each age counter that is on the
card when it goes to the graveyard.
Necropotence requires that you sacrifice one
life for each card that you eventually draw
using the card. Is Etchings making you lose
twice as much life as Necropotence? If you
only draw one card from Etchings, the answer
is yes. However, the more cards you manage
to draw with Phyrexian Etchings, the better
it gets for you. After two turns, you will
have drawn three cards with an extra cost
(the cumulative upkeep you have now paid for
two turns) of three black mana and a loss of
four life points if Etchings goes to the
graveyard before your next turn. After three
turns, you will have drawn SIX extra cards
with a potential life loss of six points,
and after four turns, you will have drawn
TEN extra cards with a potential life loss
of eight points. Is Phyrexian Etchings as
powerful as Necropotence? Certainly not. The
power of Necropotence dominated Standard and
Extended constructed formats for several
years. I believe Phyrexian Etchings is
probably the best passive card drawing
engine since Necropotence, and will be a
very interesting card for years to come.
Perilous Research
Have you been enjoying your aggressive
blue/red deck this summer? If so, then
Perilous Research is going to be right up
your alley. Here’s the plan:
one of your creatures is about to die in
combat, damage is on the stack, you play
Perilous Research drawing two cards and then
sacrificing your creature. In time, I think
Perilous Research is going to prove itself
to be very useful in a way not too different
from Ravnica’s Compulsive Research (weird,
it’s almost like this card might have just
missed the cut in the Ravnica block to land
into the hands of the Coldsnap development
team). Compulsive Research is clearly the
better card in the early part of a game, but
Perilous Research works well most of the
time. Where Compulsive Research causes you
to keep a land in your hand that you might
need to discard, Perilous Research
encourages you to sacrifice land that you
have played earlier but might no longer
Allosaurus Rider
All of the new pitch spells from Coldsnap
fun to
think about playing, but Allosaurus Rider
might be the most serious contender for use
in constructed play. Allosaurus Rider fits
perfectly in mono green Elf decks, providing
some serious beef to a normally
weenie-intensive deck strategy.
Just remember, Allosaurus Rider is not a
turn one trick, more like a turn three or
four trick when a big Elf Warrior that
doesn’t cost any of your mana is just what
you might want. I can’t think of any deck
other than Elves that would really want to
discard two green cards in order to play
Allosaurus Riders. In the Elf deck,
Allosaurus Rider is pure gold.
Karplusan Wolverine
This card is a quality 1/1 that will
certainly make the cut in aggressive red
decks for the next few years. This little
Wolverine hits like a larger creature,
dealing a point of damage to a creature or
player whenever he is blocked. Simple to
play and deadly efficient.
Scrying Sheets
Believe it or not, I almost wan ted
to leave Scrying Sheets out of my top
twelve, and the reason is simple. Scrying
Sheets is useless unless your deck is full
of snow permanents. Scrying Sheets SHOULD be
an incredibly powerful card, but it is a
powerful card held back by the kinds of
cards that will have to surround it in a
constructed deck. Frank Karsten recently
rolled out a series of Standard decks that
could take advantage of Scrying Sheets.
Almost all of the decks had one thing in
common, they were mono colored. The easiest
way to abuse Scrying Sheets is to simply
change all the lands in your deck (nearly
forty percent of the cards in your deck if
you’re playing by the rules) to snow lands.
Of course, the very immediate result of
doing this is to reduce your deck’s ability
to consistently play spells of more than one
color. Replacing the very useful Ravnica
block dual lands as well as the Ninth
Edition pain lands with snow lands seems
like a very real backwards step where
efficiency is concerned. While Coldsnap does
feature a set of friendly-colored lands that
can produce one of two different colors,
these lands have to be put into play tapped.
In short, the strategy of replacing the
lands in your deck with snow lands will set
back severely the quality of your mana base.
The best way to play lots of snow lands
without hurting the quality of your mana
base is to play a mono colored deck.
Antonino DeRosa recently spoke out on
Scrying Sheets behalf, stating that Scrying
Sheets is about a lot more than just drawing
extra cards. DeRosa believes that properly
building decks around Scrying Sheets
involves using both a snow land mana base as
well as a mix of the best snow permanents
from Coldsnap. Here is the point: Decks that
can use Scrying Sheets effectively can gain
a huge card advantage over their opponents
while at the same time greatly amplifying
the usefulness of other cards in your deck
that rely on snow permanents. Unfortunately,
a deck that makes great use of Scrying
Sheets turns into something that looks like
a Coldsnap-only deck in a hurry.
Unless this fall’s Time Spiral block
mysteriously includes snow covered
permanents, Scrying Sheets will be
ultimately too difficult to use effectively
outside of certain mono colored strategies.
Rimescale Dragon
This is one of the cards from Coldsnap that
really makes me want to play with snow
permanents like snow lands. A 5/5 flyer for
seven mana can change a lot of games, but
one that can also tap target creatures and
keep them tapped for the rest of the game is
something altogether different.
Unfortunately, the only way to use
Rimescale’s tap ability is to use mana
producing snow permanents. Rimescale Dragon
teams up very well with Scrying sheets and
lots of snow mountains to produce quite a
lethal mono red deck.
Counter spells that cost four mana have not
historically become particularly popular in
constructed Magic. Controvert might be able
to beat that trend for two reasons. Today’s
Standard constructed format, while fairly
fast, is slow enough for a four casting cost
counter spell to matter. Controvert’s
primary usefulness, however, is in its
ability to be returned to your hand using
the card’s Recover ability. True, you can
only recover Controvert when
(a) a creature goes to your graveyard and
(b) when you have 2UU available to spend,
all at the same time. Despite the clunky
nature of Controvert’s Recover ability, I
think blue control mages will find this
card’s reusability useful enough.
Blizzard Specter
I fell in love with this creature the first
time I booster drafted Coldsnap.
We were all confused, as everyone is the
first time they open Coldsnap boosters,
about how to clearly identify the rarity of
the cards. The commons look like uncommons,
the uncommons look like commons and the
rares have so little gold coloring on them
that they look like uncommons. Anyway, I
drafted a Blizzard Specter about six or
seven picks into my first Coldsnap pack,
only to get another one in the third
Coldsnap booster. I was amazed to learn that
this very powerful creature was only an
uncommon. When Blizzard Specter hits your
opponent, you get to choose to either make
your opponent discard a card or return one
of their permanents (they choose which
permanent) to their hand.
Jotun Owl Keeper
Here is a card that I promise you no one
else is excited about! There is one basic
rule when it comes to cumulative upkeep, and
every veteran of Ice Age knows it: it’s BAD.
Why would you ever want to play a card that
makes you spend your precious mana resources
not just when you put the card into play,
but at a continually increasing rate during
your upkeep going forward?
Several cards from Coldsnap have answered
that question: when you get something back
later for your troubles. Jotun Owl Keeper is
a perfect card for white weenie decks, and
possibly even for blue/white control decks.
First of all, you get a very efficient 3/3
for three mana creature. Yup, you do have to
pay a cumulative upkeep of either blue or
white mana. Let me ask you a question, what
eventually happens to virtually every
creature you ever put into play? They
eventually get killed and go to the
graveyard. When this happens, do you usually
get one or more free 1/1 flying tokens? I
didn’t think so! The best part of this card
is that when you decide not to pay the
cumulative upkeep cost, the rules of
cumulative upkeep help you come out even a
little bit more ahead. You see, the rules
for cumulative upkeep state that the FIRST
thing that happens is Jotun Owl Keeper gets
an age counter, THEN you decide whether or
not to play the cumulative upkeep cost for
all of the age counters that are on the
card. If you paid two mana last turn to pay
the cumulative upkeep, but you don’t want to
pay this turn, your Giant will first receive
a third age counter, then, when you decide
not to pay this turn’s cumulative upkeep
cost, the Jotun Owl Keeper goes to the
graveyard and you get THREE free 1/1 flying
tokens. This is the kind of high quality
uncommon creature that doesn’t come along
very often, a beatdown creature for
controllish decks that gives you more than
you pay for.
Down the road a few years, when we all look
back at the Summer of 2006 and the “long
lost” expansion set known as Coldsnap, we
will see the set as it really should be
viewed. Time will give us all the power of
perspective. In the future, when we look
back at Coldsnap, we will see it as neither
the best nor the worst expansion in the
history of Magic. The fact is, we probably
won’t think very much of it at all, because
in many ways, Coldsnap will always be the
little orphan expansion set. The best common
in the set, for constructed play, might be
the Mana Leak-like Rune Snag. On the other
hand, you better grab Coldsnap while you
can, while you are somewhat interested in it
and before you become entirely consumed with
September’s release of Time Spiral. There is
a very real chance that Coldsnap cards will
be among the hardest to find in Magic simply
because not enough people open enough packs
to provide enough of the desired singles.
Jeff Zandi
Texas Guildmages
Level II DCI Judge
Zanman on Magic Online