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Magic Online III

Let the Countdown Begin - 10 . 9 . 8 .

We’re not talking about the countdown to New Years or to the next NASA space shuttle launch; we’re talking about Magic Online III. With extensive beta testing, content tweaks and site revisions behind us, all taking a little longer than we expected, we’re finally ready to launch Magic Online III. Thank you for your patience.


To kick off the launch celebration, we’re posting a space shuttle like countdown timer on the Magic Online site (www.wizards.com/magiconline). While all systems are a go for a successful late January 2008 launch, we’ve incorporated a “Paused” alert function to accommodate one or two last minute hiccups along the way. We’ve even enlisted GamerZer0 to dig deep into what enhancements MOL III will bring Magic players (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=magic/magiconline/IIIlaunchblog).


To start, Magic Online players can look forward to updated features designed to introduce beginners to the game in a very approachable manner, while fulfilling the competitive appetites of the core enthusiasts. With a new graphic redesign and user interface, MOL III features enhancements which increase graphic interaction, community chat, streamlined gameplay, a new Quick Play feature, improved Premier Event listings, easier Booster Draft entry and an in-game storefront enabling the purchasing of new cards and content without leaving the game environment. We’ve also updated the backend client to increase stability and scalability, ensuring a consistent gameplay experience each time. 


We’re looking forward to launching MOL III, as we’re sure you are as well. We’ll update you with information along the way. If you have any questions, please let us know.


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