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Magic: The Gathering on XBLA
expands to PC, PS3

With more than 250,000 copies sold, Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers continues to be one of the most downloaded games on Xbox LIVE Arcade. Now on the heels of the recently released first expansion, Wizards of the Coast is ready to answer the question: What’s next? 


In 2010, Wizards of the Coast will release two brand new expansions for the current XBLA title and Duels of the Planeswalkers will launch for the PC and PlayStation®3 gaming platforms. Here are some more details about the 2010 Duels of the Planeswalkers product lineup.


·         More Magic: The Gathering on Xbox LIVE Arcade

Spring and summer 2010 – The Duels of the Planeswalkers expansions for XBLA will begin arriving in the first of the year and follow with a release in the summer.  Similar to the first expansion, the two releases will feature new cards, Planeswalkers, puzzles and surprises to keep players challenged throughout the year.   


·         Expand your Duels to the PC

Summer 2010 – The PC version offers gamers the same style of gameplay as the XBLA title but with an extra bonus.


·         Discover Duels of the Planeswalkers on the PlayStation 3

Fall 2010 – Magic: The Gathering fans worldwide can experience Duels of the Planeswalkers on the PlayStation 3.* The title will feature similar content and gameplay as the Xbox LIVE Arcade version.


*The PlayStation 3 version will be available in Japanese in 2011



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