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Pojo.com's Magic News
August 31, 2012
Planeswalker Points and the Return to Ravnica!

Wizards of the Coast recently announced Planeswalker Points Achievements and Badges.  Today, we are excited to introduce an addition to the program leading into the upcoming start of the Return to Ravnica block.


Beginning today, players can select a guild of Ravnica to which they will “belong to” on their Planeswalker Points profile. Once they've joined a guild they'll find a new set of achievements they can work towards and badges they can earn. In addition to personal achievements, players will also be able to work towards large-scale achievements as a member of a guild, connecting them to players all over the world. This is an entirely new set of activities that makes being a part of Ravnica organized play events even more unique. At the end of the Ravnica campaign players will still hold on to their earned achievements and badges.


To check out these new features, log on to PlaneswalkerPoints.com. And for more information about all of the guilds associated with Return to Ravnica, and to take a quiz to find out which guild you identify best with, visit GuildsofRavnica.com.

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