Pojo's Magic The Gathering news, tips, strategies and more! | |||||
Pojo's MTG
Pojo.com's Magic News Today, Wizards of the Coast released
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013
Expansion. Available on Xbox LIVE Arcade, PlayStation
Network, Steam (PC) and iPad*, the Expansion builds upon the
highly-acclaimed game with content that sets the tone for the
upcoming Return to Ravnica block. Featuring five of the
guilds of Ravnica, players can begin to get a taste for what
each guild stands for and what their playing style is. The Duels 2013
Expansion also includes the following new features: ˇ Five additional playable decks: Take on your opponents with two-color decks that correspond to the Azorius, Golgari, Izzet, Rakdos, and Selesnya guilds.
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