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Pojo.com's Magic: The Gathering News
Theros Game Day This Weekend!
October 21, 2013

Description: R:\EEP\WotC\Magic The Gathering\Products & Initiatives\2013\Hero's Path\Theros (Fall)\Preview cards\Magic - Theros logo.jpg 

Wizards of the Coast is continuing its unprecedented, block-long in-store play experienced called Hero’s Path with Theros Game Day in stores this weekend (10/19 - 10/20). Through a series of nine quests, players will be called to become heroes by participating in puzzles and battles to earn a unique Hero Card after each quest. As you collect each card throughout the Hero’s Path, you will

grow in power and become ever-increasingly more prepared for the raging conflicts at the end of each arc.

Bring the Hero Cards you've earned at Theros Prerelease and Launch Weekend to help you defeat the Face the Hydra Challenge Deck at Theros Game Day. This self-running deck simulates the epic battle with the many-headed hydra of myth. Bring your Magic deck and your Hero Card collection and play against the Challenge Deck by yourself or with friends. Defeating the hydra will earn your third Hero Card that you will use in future battles with Challenge Decks throughout the Theros block.  

For more info on Hero’s Path and Theros Game Day, visit mtgherospath.com.



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