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Peasant Magic Decks
From: zakkattack@bellsouth.net [mailto:zakkattack@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 5:46 PM
Subject: Peasant Izzet
This deck is a wee dragonauts-gelectrode counterburn deck
Creatures 11
4 Gelectrode
4 Wee Dragonauts
3 Steamcore Wierds
Spells 26
4 Repeal
4 Boomerang
4 Mana Leak
4 Shock
4 Yamabushi's Flames
3 Compulsive Research
2 Electrolyze
2 Izzet Signet
Lands 22
9 Island
9 Mountain
4 Izzet Boilerworks
4 Convolute
4 Volcanic Hammer
3 Pyromatics
3 Train of Thought
1 Tidings/Flames of the Blood Hand
Okay, Wee Dragonauts make great flying smashers, and
Gelectrodes are downright fun. and token snipers, which is
handy against selesnyan people.
The Main deck is all commons, and other than the Compulsive
Researchs, all instants. Why? Because you can play instants
in response to Wees attacking, or being blocked, pumping
them up... or killing the blocker so the dragonauts go
through. Also, you can play instants, esp. like gigadrowse,
in response to declaring attackers, pumping your wee
dragonauts, preventing blocking, and untapping your
gelectrodes for another round of pinging.
This deck beats most peasant decks, however huge creatures
must be countered, or "comboed" upon with a sacrificial
pumped wee, pinged by gelectrodes, and by burn spells. Or
you can repeal it. Depending on whether not other peasant
decks are control focused or not, switch Flames of the Blood
Hand and Tidings, Tidings vs. Control, Flames of the Blood
Hand vs.
Aggro-dominant metagame. You have 2 uncommon slots open to
put stuff in, I
+2 Electrolyze: solid card, anti-aggro
+2 Schismotivate: great for pumping up your wees
+2 Remand, gains tempo.
+1 of each main deck: Flames of the Blood Hand, +1 Tidings
(be careful
unless you buy online from cardshark.com (edit out if not
allowed to give sites please) they will be like $4 ea.)
+2 Genju of the Spires, it is a fun finisher.
+2 Hinder
If you leave the realm of peasantry, Hunted Dragons +
Pyroclasm is good, giving you a 6/6 flyer with haste for 7.
make that very good. or if you have to wait to kill the
knights next turn, still good. Niv-Mizzet is a pet favorite,
Keiga is very good, Minamo is nice in coupling with either
of those. Some people recommend meloku, the clouded mirror.