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From: A.J. Wanzer [mailto:ajwanzz@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 1:39 PM
Subject: Colorless Destruction Deck - A.J.
Urza's Mine x3
Urza's Tower x3
Urza's Powerplant x3
Death-Mask Duplicant x3
Clockwork Dragon x4
Darksteel Colossus x2
Mana Screw x3
Myr Matrix x2
MyrQuadropod x2
Myr Retriever x2
Myr Servitor x10
Soul Foundry x3
Ronin Warclub x3
Mindslaver x3
Loxodon Warhammer x3
Whipersilk Cloak x3
Well, i find colorless to be strong. This isnt excactly 60
cards because i like to add cards on to my deck sometimes.
But my favorite is using Darksteel Colossus and WHipersilk
cloak, and its 11/11, trample, unblockable, boom. Also,
getting out alot of Clockwork Dragons with my Soul Foundry,
well i think you will win alot with this