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Peasant Magic Decks
'RW Beatdown' – by Vlaya
// Lands
11 [MR] Plains (1)
4 [RAV] Boros Garrison
8 [RAV] Mountain (1)
// Creatures
2 [B] Serra Angel (Uncommon)
3 [PS] Flametongue Kavu (Uncommon)
4 [RAV] Skyknight Legionnaire
4 [AP] Goblin Legionnaire
4 [RAV] Thundersong Trumpeter
// Spells
4 [ST] Shock
4 [MR] Raise the Alarm
4 [RAV] Faith's Fetters
4 [MI] Incinerate
4 [BD] Lightning Bolt
This deck is pretty straightforward, burn your path with
bolts and incinerates or disable defense with trumpeteers
and fetters and bash face!
Flametongue kavu has always been a staple in any red peasant
deck. Kills all those pesky enforcerers, flyers, and all
kinds of big creatures, while staying to block or attack for
Serra angel is great for attack/defend duties due to
vigilance and four damage through the air is quite a chunk
when your holding burn.
It's fun and competitive with outstanding arsenal in
offensive/defensive mode. Sideboard depends on your local
metagame, but I'll suggest one:
3x Electrostatic bolt
3x Radiants judgement
3x Pacifism
3x Disenchant
3x Ethereal haze
Have fun!