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Peasant Magic Decks
From: Jonathan Chapman <necrom23@yahoo.com>
Subj: Peasant Magic - Enchantress Beats Deck - Jonathan
Date: Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:12 am
PEZ Enchantress Beats
(13) 1CC
4x Wild Growth
4x Utopia Sprawl
4x Rancor
1x Genju of the Cedars
(12) 2CC
4x Fists of Ironwood
4x River Boa
4x Silhana Ledgewalker
(8) 3CC
4x Yavimaya Enchantress
4x Ancestral Mask
(7) 4CC
4x Blastoderm
3x Nantuko Vigilante
(20) Land
20 Forest
With additions from Ravnica and Dissention, cards to make
enchantress a viable choice have arrived. Below is how the
deck functions and the card choices.
Wild Growth & Utopia Sprawl
These are your mana accelerators. Although elves typically
do the job and attack too, in this deck having enchantments
early on is key. They both power your Mask and Enchantress.
Rancor & Fists of Ironwood
Both of these give your attackers trample. Rancor adds a
damage bonus and Ironwood provides possible
Silhana Ledgewalker
This is often overlooked but placing him with a creature
enhancement makes him a force to be reckoned with. Playing
Mask or 3x Rancors on this guy is just sick. Fists of
Ironwood can make him Edict-proof.
Play him wisely and he's a threat that can't be dealt with.
His evasion is just icing on the cake. He's also a good
holder for Fists of Ironwood if you're ramping up before
dropping an Enchantress.
Yaviamaya Enchantress & Ancestral Mask
These get serious bonuses from enchantments. Holding a 2x
mana accelerators means a 4/4 enchantress on turn 2. Throw
in a Rancor and a Mask in the mix and you can have a 14/12
trampler coming over on turn 3. Of course that's assuming a
lot but she's good even with just a couple of enchantments
Blastoderm & River Boa
These are green staples in peasant magic and for good
reason. River Boa fits the bill by being another
hard-to-kill creature to plop enchantments on. He works well
with a Wild Growth on turn 1 if you get off to a slow start
since you can drop him with regen mana on turn 2. Just
beware of Last Gasp and friends for Boa. I've never been sad
to see a Blastoderm. The fact you can't enchant him rarely
becomes an issue.
He's a 5/5 untargetable. That's pretty hefty.
The deck needs some artifact/enchantment removal just in
case your opponent is running Fetters, or an affinity deck
with Cranial Plating. Naturalize isn't aggressive and
reaching 5 mana isn't hard by mid-game.
No Seal of Strength?
I tried the deck with seals but felt that I needed more
aggression. I added Boa in there as another creature for
receiving Fists, Rancor, and Mask. Even just a 4/1
regenerating trampler is no joke. Holding a hand without a
creature just isn't an option. This deck needs to come out
swinging.. not wait for a Mask and hope for the best.
No Seal of Cleansing?
I'd like to play this but it doesn't deal damage (like
Vigilante can) and I don't feel the deck could handle adding
white and remain consistant.
Thanks for Reading...
Jonathan Chapman