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Peasant Magic Decks
From: "Darrin Lowe" <lamboleap2006@gmail.com>
Subj: blue red enchantment deck - Darrin Lowe
Date: Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:33 pm
This is a blue red enchantment deck, i got the idea when the
magemarks came out and these were my favorite two.
Lands 22
12 Mountain
10 Island
Creatures 13
1 Frenzied Goblin
2 Goblin Mountaineer
4 War-Torch Goblin
2 Grayscaled Gharial
4 Izzet Guildmage
Enchantments 21
4 Taste for Mayhem
4 Fencer's Magemark
4 Infiltrator's Magemark
3 Firebreathing
2 Flight
2 Flight of Fancy
2 Phantom Wing
Artifacts 4
4 Izzet Signet
4 Ogre Gatecrasher
3 Kumano's Blessing
4 Galvanic Arc
4 Hearth Kami
The idea of this deck is to let the magemarks do there jobs
and make the creatures virtually unblockable and mighty big.
If your opponent is playing with defenders just sideboard in
the ogre gatecrashers. I know what you're thinking though,
and yes, I am using four of my uncommon slots for a virtual
grizzly bears with the guildmages, but u/r just doesn't have
good 2/2's for 2 and with the alternate pay you're
guaranteed to drop them turn two. I've thought about
dropping the two flight of fancy's for two more flights,
phantom wings, or one of each but i really like their draw
ability and i also like flight's cost and phantom wings