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Peasant Magic Decks
Faerie Fish - Jonathan Chapman
4x Ninja of the Deep Hours
4x Spellstutter Sprite
4x Cloud of Faeries
4x Cloud Sprite
(10) Counters
4x Force Spike
3x Mana Leak
3x Daze
(9) Draw/Etc
4x Aether Vial
4x Gush
1x Mask of Memory
(7) Bounce
4x Withdraw
3x Snap
(18) Land
18 Island
This plays like any other fish deck. You control the tempo
of the game while your Faeries work your opponent down (the
deck runs 11 free spells). Early on leave mana open for
Force Spike (since it becomes less useful later on) or put
down a Cloud Sprite for Ninja shenanigans. Use Spellstutter
as a hard-counter later on, which lets you use Snap or
Withdraw as a counter also. Withdraw lets you catch back up
in tempo should things not go so well early on. Withdraw and
Snap work great with a Ninja on the field since they let you
draw into further cards. Gush (for later in the game) plays
well with Aether Vial or is fine alone since you only need 2
lands to run the entire deck. Vial could come out for
Curiosity, Faerie Conclave, Grafted Wargear, etc. The deck
could also run Unstable Mutation (the card's amazing if a
little out of theme). Gush could be Compulsive Research -
although at that point you're going to want more than
18 lands (as with Wargear). This deck does best against
mid-range decks. Against a more aggro-heavy environment
consider Repeal.