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Peasant Magic Decks - 2009
Peasant deck: Green/red/blue Totem - Toby
Green/red/blue Totem - by Toby
Trinket Game: 8
4 Trinket Mage
1 Sensei's Divining Top (unc + 1)
1 Avarice Totem (unc + 1)
1 Expedition Map
1 Conjurer's Bauble
Creatures: 16
1 Fyndhorn Elves
3 Wall of Roots
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
1 Yavimaya Elder
1 Krosan Tusker
3 Blastoderm
3 Wickerbough Elder
Other: 12
2 Rancor
3 Negate
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Firebolt
2 Firespout (unc + 2)
Lands: 24
1 Urza's Factory (unc + 1)
4 Terramorphic Expanse
11 Forest
4 Island
4 Mountain
Sideboard: 15
1 Negate
1 Relic of Progenitus
3 Hurly-Burly
3 Ancient Grudge
4 Pyroblast
3 Red Elemental Blast
General Strategy: Board Control
This deck tries to be varied and fun to play while still
staying competitive. It plays a somewhat slow board control
game fuelled by the incredible card selection of Sensei's
Divining Top + shufflers. It usually starts with a turn 2
Wall of Roots or Sakura-Tribe Elder, which enables a turn 3
Trinket Mage + trinket, Blastoderm or Wickerbough Elder
(with Wall of Roots, Divining Top & Wickerbough Elder can
even be activated in the opponent's turn). The game usually
ends with one of the 7 green fatties or one of the other
trinkets, Avarice Totem or Urza's Factory.
Cards of Note
-Trinkets: Always go for the Sensei's Divining Top first as
it's flexible, powerful and can dig for more. The second
trinket depends on the opponent. Against permanent-based
decks, Avarice Totem is superb! Don't underestimate the
namesake card of this deck. With all the acceleration,
you'll have way more mana than your opponent most of the
time, meaning you can play a tempo game. If your opponent
wants to match every 5 you spend, you'll probably have
enough mana left to play additional cards. If he doesn't
want to, that's great, then it's a 2 for 1! Also, it combos
with Sensei's Divining Top. If you have 10 mana, and your
opponent doesn't have 5, you can steal one of their cards
permanently! Against permanent-light opponent's however,
it's subpar to worthless. That's where Urza's Factory comes
in, via Expedition Map.
- Wickerbough Elder: Main deck artifact and enchantment
destruction attached to an otherwise still useful card
works! Sometimes you can target your own trinket or Rancor
to get rid of the counter.
- Rancor: 4 is too much as the deck is pretty creature-light
(meaning they'll be dead cards in your hand a lot if you
play too much), but it's always nice to have one in the late
game to make Trinket Mage & Sakura-Tribe Elder viable
- Firespout: Absolutely devastating, as many don't play
around mass removal, especially not against a deck with
Rancors & Lightning Bolts!
- Blue-based control: The desire to beat these decks is why
I'm playing this, because I don't like them and they're
pretty dominant in the metagame over here. Ancient Grudge
comes in against Isochron Scepter and the 7 blasts come in
and love to get rid of Counterbalance. Hurly-Burly against
wacky Fairy decks. If you're lucky enough to have a first
turn trinket (Top, Totem or Map) when your opponent has no
countermagic or bounce up, you're in a very good place. Very
long games (a lot of turns and a lot of thought) but
winnable enough =)
- R/G or Naya aggro: The other dominant deck type around
here. Sadly not the best of matchups. Wall of Roots &
Blastoderm are key cards to stall the game and Firespout and
Avarice Totem are all-stars. But a little more than half of
the time, you can't dig up enough answers fast enough for
their threats. The quicker the aggro, the harder.
- Storm: The blasts can counter Windfall, while Hurly-Burly
& Firespout can get rid of those 20+ goblin tokens. Pretty
likeable matchup.
- Burn: A hard one as it renders many cards useless
(including 3 uncommons: Avarice Totem & Firespout) without
much of use to side in. Blastoderm is your savior, winning
the match if he comes down (especially from a turn 2 wall or
- Land Destruction: while the mana base is a bit shaky at 3
colors, pre-sideboard U & R are mostly splash and with all
the acceleration going on, this is not so big a pain most of
the time.
- non-blue combo-based decks: Haven't played against any,
but I'm guessing they would be the worst matchup. This deck
can't get a decent clock out as it is pretty slow, but it
also doesn't have all that much disruption for non-blue,
non-artifact cards.
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