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Peasant Magic Decks - 2009
/////White-Green-Red Slivers - Robert Barone
8 Plains
8 Forest
3 Mountain
4 Ward Sliver*
1 Might Sliver*
4 Muscle Sliver
4 Sinew Sliver
4 Plated Sliver
3 Bonesplitter Sliver
3 Talon Sliver
2 Sidewinder Sliver
1 Homing Sliver
1 Heart Sliver
1 Spinneret Sliver
1 Quick Sliver
4 Gemhide Sliver
4 Manamorphose
4 Rancor
This deck is a basic Sliver tribal deck. As you can tell,
there are A LOT of slivers. For a sliver deck to function
properly there must be more creatures than in a normal deck.
The deck tends to build up a small army of slivers, and then
roll over the opponent once it reaches a critical mass (or
once it resolves a timely Ward Sliver).
The only non-creature cards in the deck are Manamorphose (4)
and Rancor (4). Manamorphose helps to smooth out the mana
difficulties associated with running 3 different colors. It
also is a free cantrip, so there is no significant loss in
running it. Rancor is simply a powerful, quick, recurring
nightmare for the opponent. Giving the slivers trample gives
you the opportunity to finish of the opponent much quicker,
and the +2/+0 on your already huge slivers is simply
Ward Sliver is the best sliver in the deck, as a resolved
Ward Sliver can mean game over to any mono colored deck and
even some two colored decks. It makes your slivers
untargetable, unblockable, and unaffected by combat damage
from the chosen color.
Might Sliver (1), Muscle Sliver (4), Sinew Sliver (4),
Plated Sliver (4), and Bonesplitter Sliver (3) all serve to
power up other slivers. The majority of slivers in this deck
are pump slivers because their effects are cumulative. For
example, there is no benefit for the other slivers in play
if you have two Heart Slivers instead of one. However, if
you have two muscle slivers, then the abilities stack and
all of your slivers get +2/+2. Sinew Sliver and Muscle
Sliver are mirror images of one another and the most basic
pump slivers. Plated Sliver is a quick 1-drop that helps
keep your slivers alive as you build them up in numbers.
Bonesplitter Sliver packs a punch and quickly turns an army
of complacent slivers into a threat to your opponent’s life
total. Might Sliver is the singleton uncommon slot left, and
he’s the biggest pump sliver.
The other slivers in the deck help to give special abilities
to your sliver legion. Talon Sliver is the only sliver with
three copies in the deck that isn’t pump because first
strike is really powerful in this deck. Sidewinder Silver is
also a powerful sliver that is run in multiples even though
more than one is redundant because it is so powerful. Homing
Sliver is also very good, but because red is a stretch for
the deck there is only one. It functions as a tutor for Ward
Sliver. Heart Sliver works great with Gemhide Sliver and
creates unexpected bursts of aggressive slivers. Spinneret
Sliver (a 2/2 for G1 which is actually ahead of the curve
for a sliver) and Quick Sliver grant slivers conditional
abilities that can sometimes be game breaking.
Gemhide Slivers deserve their own paragraph because they are
so important. More than one Gemhide sliver out is pointless,
but there are four Gemhide Slives in the deck because you
want to play one ASAP. Having Gemhide Sliver out solves any
existing colored mana problems and allows you to quickly
overwhelm the opponent. You generate so much mana from them
that slivers just fall out of your hand at an amazing rate.
Expect an experience player to target the Gemhide Slivers.
It might seem that since the deck has more creatures than
almost any other deck that trading creature for creature
would be a good idea because the opponent would run out of
creatures before you; however, creatures are ALL that you
have. It is best to play conservatively at first and keep
most of your early slivers. You should only trade creatures
if you absolutely have to in the early game. The tide will
begin to turn in your favor once you get four to five
slivers in play. At this point, depending on your match up,
it may beneficial to begin attacking. With experience, you
will recognize when the deck is ready to switch from
conservative mode to aggressive mode. The deck is fairly
simple to play, as it only requires you to find the optimal
order in which to play your slivers. The bulk of thought
during a game goes into the combat phase.
The deck has a lot of options with both the number and types
of slivers that it can run. Feel free to send me your ideas
and feedback at rbarone293@gmail.com