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Peasant Magic Decks - 2011
You Can't Touch My Monkey - by Alan Wescoat
You Can't Touch My
Monkey is a pauper deck.
Friends of mine who wanted to play MTG would cry that it was
not possible to build a good deck without the rare cards
because, "The only good cards are rare cards." I set out to
build this deck to prove them wrong, limiting myself only to
commons I already had. This deck is pure aggro designed to
deliver 20 points of damage by turn 5. If the game
continues past turn 5, it tends to peter out due to a lack
of card draw and the need to burn a lot of cards to deliver
the damage as soon as possible. The deck starts out by
attacking with creatures that are as large or fast as
possible and then using Goblin Tunneler (or Dwarven
Warriors) to bypass the opponent's blockers once the
opponent has established a board presence. This deck is
fast, effective, and fun in duels, but it is utterly
ineffective in multi-player formats.
4x Kird Apes
4x Skitter of Lizards (or Raging Goblin if you need to)
4x Goblin Tunneler (or Dwarven Warriors in a pinch)
4x Scryb Sprites
4x Diligent Farmhand
4x Wild Mongrel (but Grizzly Bears will do)
4x Fists of the Anvil
4x Brute Force (but Blood Lust and Firebreathing are
4x Muscle Burst
4x Giant Growth (or maybe Groundswell)
10x Forest
10x Mountain
Other Options:
Kiln Fiend
Lightning Bolt
Blood Lust
This deck was initially conceived during the Mirrodin block
so probably a great deal of cards have been produced between
then and the Zendikar block that are suitable. Lots of
cards are suitable. It's just vicious red and green weenies
and red and green pumps of the best sort. The Goblin Tunneler (or Dwarven Warriors), however, is the linchpin
card that allows the strategy to succeed in the face of
overwhelming blockers.
Rapid attacking is really important. This is an
all-or-nothing deck in that the player must be committed to
an attack, attack, attack strategy.
Aggressive Mulligans make this deck more effective. The
player should try to start with a forest and a mountain in
hand and at least one creature, preferably a one-drop. Two
Forests and a Diligent Farmhand also works. The best
first-turn play is Kird Ape, followed by Raging Goblin (or
Skitter of Lizards). Diligent Farmhand is there to attack
and be sacrificed for a land if he's blocked. The sooner he
makes it into the graveyard the better because he enhances
Muscle Burst. The instants should not be used to save
creatures when blocked unless it gives the ability to kill a
much larger creature or if no other creatures are on the
board or in hand. Only one creature is needed to connect
with the opponent regularly to win. The instants are for
killing the opponent, not for saving creatures. An
unblocked Kird Ape attacking on turn 2 enhanced with Fists
of the Anvil Delivers 6 points of damage, putting the
opponent on a very short clock. If there are effective
blockers out by turn 3, Dwarven Warriors (or Goblin Tunneler)
is a superb play. This ensures that the opponent cannot
stop the beating that is coming on the next turn. The
player should not be afraid to lose creatures to blocking.
There are 24 creatures in the deck, and it's only the one
that actually connects with the opponent that truly matters.
There is some flavor that the player can add to this deck
while playing it. When Dwarven Warriors makes Kird Apes
unblockable, the
player should say, "You can't touch my
monkey." (Yes, I know it's an ape and not a monkey.
Whatever.) Whenever the Kird Ape delivers damage to the
opponent, the player can say, "My monkey spanked you." When
playing Giant Growth on the Kird Ape, the player can say,
"My monkey is huge."
Here's an ideal game:
Turn 1:
Kird Ape
Turn 2:
Attack with Kird Ape. No block. Opponent is at 18 life.
("My monkey spanked you.")
Goblin Tunneler.
Turn 3:
Forest or Mountain
Target Kird Apes with Goblin Tunneler ("You can't touch my
Attack with Kird Ape. No block. Fists of the Anvil. Giant
Growth. Opponent is at 9 life. ("My monkey spanked you
Turn 4:
Target Kird Apes with Goblin Tunneler ("You can't touch my
Attack with Kird Apes. No block possible. Muscle Burst.
Brute Force. Game over. ("You were beaten to death by my
3 lands. 2 creatures. 4 pumps. What fun!
Alan Wescoat