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Peasant Magic Decks - 2012
Brave the Elements Peasant Deck
Hi, rwobsession here. Just thought I'd
post my "Brave the Elements" peasant deck. It's a basic
white weenie deck with support cards. I ran it at a
tournament at my college for fun and got 2nd with it. The
deck had to comply with regular peasant rules, also no card
could cost more than 2 dollars.
So here's the list:
Main board
(22x Creatures)
2x Angelic Wall
2x Gideon's Lawkeeper
4x Leonin Skyhunter
4x Porcelain Legionnaire
2x Shade of Trokair
4x Squadron Hawk
4x Suntail Hawk
(6x Enchantments)
4x Journey to Nowhere
2x Oblivion Ring
(10x Instants)
2x Brave the Elements (Uncommons #1 and 2)
4x Guardians' Pledge
2x Holy Day
2x Marrow Shards (Uncommons #3 and 4)
(22x Land)
14x Plains
4x Quicksand
4x Sejiri Steppe
1x Brave the Elements (Uncommon #5)
2x Dawn Charm
2x Gideon's Lawkeeper
3x Guard Duty
2x Lone Missionary
1x Oblivion Ring
2x Shade of Trokair
2x Stave Off
Obviously the deck is creature heavy, I'm running as many
creatures as I am land. Every creature main boarded flies
except for the Legionnaire and Lawkeeper and nothing costs
more than three besides the shade. Legionnaire is good
defense early game and good offense late game. Lawkeeper is
just an extra one-drop and was better than Goldenglow Moth.
The majority of the offense comes from the hawks.
Four hawks
on the field with one or two Guardians' Pledge is a very
nice surprise. Angelic Wall was the best defender I could
find to run. Two for a 0/4 defender with flying is hard to
beat. The MVP is the shade. He hits for 5 alone on
turn 4.
Journey to Nowhere removes anything targetable by white, it
was the best creature removal I could find. Oblivion Ring
removes pesky enchantments or artifacts, or acts as fifth
and sixth Journeys.
Holy Day is self-explanatory. I ran two Marrow Shards as
Uncommons because I was expecting other weenie decks like
mine, goblins, or elves. At worst, it's a kill spell. My
other three Uncommons protected my field from destruction.
Brave the Elements stops Pyroclasm, or other weenie killers
or it makes my creatures unblockable and untargetable for a
crucial hit or win.
Twenty-two Land seemed like the right number for this deck.
I came across Quicksand and instantly thought "Kill Spell"
because it's very good in this format for removal or
deterrent. Sejiri Steppe was also a good choice because it's
a free Stave Off that makes something unkillable or
unblockable. Bonuses on lands are crucial in this format
because most of your cards are creatures.
The sideboard came together fairly easily. I knew two Brave
the Elements was enough, but a third one was needed at
times. I originally wanted to run Dawn Charm until I
remembered Holy Day. This card is so versatile. A Holy Day,
Counter, or Regen, all what this deck is about.
Two more Lawkeepers were good because If I needed it to be
faster or have more defense, they were there.
Guard Duty was a contender against Pacifism, but since I ran
Journey instead, I never ran Pacifism. Plus since everything
pretty much flies, I don't need to worry about blockers. So
I just Guard Dutied anything that flew.
Lone Missionary was in the original plan, until I discovered
Skyhunter. Sideboarding him is better just because lifegain
is essential against a lifegain deck. Since I didn't need
three Oblivion Rings, I just saved one for later. Two shades
are in here because I don't need them all the time. I
normally would put them in instead of Lawkeeper just for
more impact if I didn't need the defense.
The last change I made right before the tournament was the
Stave Offs. They are great for removing cripple auras and
preventing kills.
Well, that's what my peasant deck does. Hope you like it and
if you have any further questions, please contact me at
Also check me out on YouTube at TheRWOBSESSION's channel.