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Magic the Gathering Tournament Reports
Green affinity
John bonnell
Kamigawa Block constructed
Salt lake city UT grand prix
248 people
August 2005
This article is about my trip to a grand prix. It was held
in Salt lake city, UT. I live in Idaho so it wasn’t to far
to go to. I have been to one other big event and that was a
PTQ in Knoxville, TN and that was a shorter trip whereas I
lived in a town close by. I had planned and mentally
prepared for my deck and the trip down there. Had to get
family sent off to family so I would not have any
distractions whatsoever. I did arrive there with 10 to 15
minutes to spare in registering. Once Registered, got my
deck list and found people I knew and joined them at a table
as I was registering my deck. I played a heavy deck, more
than sixty cards. some of you are going to say no wonder
things didn’t go well but I was there to HAVE FUN and for
the experience and grandeur of it all and to say I was there
and to come home with some money. I finished registering my
deck, asked my table mates if they had any manriki gusari I
could borrow, but they were either using them or left them
back at the hotel, also asked for a wear away and a sachi
daughter of seshiro no go there, then I remembered there
were two dealers so I went and found the sachi’s and the
wear away. I went back up there at least two more times
looking for other cards such as quash and the manrikis were
sold out on them. I am kind of glad I was able to find them.
I altered my deck list to put them in there and in my
After all that was done and i was ready to start. It was 930
am MST so I had half an hour to wait for the start of the
first match. This being my second big event, I was new
somewhat to this type of tournament and basing it all off of
my first ptq. I told the wife that it might run late but
there were only seven rounds. So my friends were saying we
would be done by six pm, which I thought was cool then maybe
I could pick up the wife and kid and go to dinner somewhere
or hang out at her sister’s place. I thought to go chat with
r k post and have stuff signed but hesitated on doing so do
to time constraints. I also wasn’t aware of a players
meeting at first where they explain what is going on and
things are run and who the judges would be and some basic
rules and guide lines of what level of magic it was and all
that stuff.
This is an article for budget people or ones that don’t have
much fundage also. I play mostly with cards that I get via
packs and drafts and rarely buy singles do to budget
constraints. I don’t have a two hundred dollar budget to
spend on cards I want for various decks I have in mind or
would like to finish. So during my day like always I was
reading the web site (http://www.wizards.com/magic/welcome.asp)
and then started talking about combos. I forgot who wrote
the article but it mentioned sachi daughter of seshiro +
orochi leaf caller + Freed from the Real. Also of note was
Bennie smith’s article
that mentions a deck that used it. I incorporated the first
two parts but left out the last part because I had no way to
dump all that mana into a big finale, leaving my opponent
reeling from the final killing blow (that he would
remember). During the middle of the tourney my friend and
others were discussing block-constructed options to use that
mana. I could of thrown in the beefy black creature Maga,
Traitor to Mortals and I got to thinking of a card I traded
for called Enshrined Memories allows me to put x creatures
into my hand which I could have used all the mana from the
above combo thread to build a deck, but didn’t think of it
until that day.
So this is the deck I went with (and called it green
affinity): 3 Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro; 2 Tatsumasa, the
Dragons Fang; 1 Promised Kanushi; 1 Honden of Life’s Web; 3
Dampen Thoughts; 3 Orochi Leafcaller; 1 Shinen of Life’s
Roar; 3 Orochi Sustainer; 1 Flood Bringer; 1 Consuming
Vortex; 2 Honden of Seeing Winds; 1 Reki, the History of
Kamigawa; 2 Sakura-tribe Elder; 1 Taproot Kami; 2 Time of
Need; 1 Minamo Scrollkeeper; 1 Graceful Adept; 1 Myojin of
Life’s Web; 1 Humble Budoka; 1 Phantom Wings; 1 Child of
Thorns; 1 Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch; 2 Patron of the
Orochi; 1 Body of Jukai; 1 Tendo Ice Bridge (land); 1 Keiga,
the Tide Star; 1 Sakura-tribe Scout; 1 Soratami Cloudskater;
1 Reweave; 1 Dream Catcher; 1 Shizuko, Caller of Autumn; 1
Konda’s Banner; 1 That Which was Taken; 1 Veil of Secrecy; 7
Islands; 12 Forests. Sideboard consisted of as follows: 2
Vital Surge; 2 Rending Vines; 2 Quash; 2 Consuming Vortex; 3
Hisoka’s Defiance; 4 Wear Away.
As the games progressed, I realized I had left a few things
out of my deck that could have been useful during each match
1st round’s opponent was Shane Oddo. I called him the mace
as a nickname because of an old dungeons and dragons spell.
I forgot where he said he was from but his deck was
blue/black with Meloku of the Clouded Mirror and various
other blue wizards. He later had a mirror match where he
could disrupt the other blue wizards by removing them with
his black cards. This was a home brew he stated. Also of
note were his pithing needles (targeted my fang and sakura
tribe elder). I won the second game, but he ended up winning
two to one.
2nd round’s opponent was a guy from Switzerland. Jorg kuo
was very soft spoken, but a pleasure to play against. He
played a blue deck with counters with Meloku and swept me
two to zero. I nicknamed him the silent hammer. Of note I
put out the autumn caller for extra mana (which I think he
was unsure about) so he didn’t utilize it very much to his
advantage and also returned it to my hand at one time. He
won 2 to zero.
3rd round’s opponent was nick solick I believe. I will
nickname him sol the taciturn. He ran a multi colored deck.
During game one, he used a Cranial Extraction on me naming
sachi, daughter of seshiro. I wasn’t able to recover from it
and proceeded to lose two to zero.
4th round’s opponent was a coworker of mine (sometimes that
happens my previous ptq first round was a guy I used to play
against over at the barony in Oakridge, tn). Her name was
necoline asay. She was playing a green deck. I lost to her
one to two.
5th round’s opponent was Jed silcox. Jed the red is what I
will nickname him today. I believe I won one game and he won
the rest and this is how he did it using various creatures
to get me to ten life and then finishing me off with
Hidetsugu’s Second Rite second game. For the third game, he
used the Myojin of Infinite Rage + Burning Shoal combo with
his unblocked Glitterfang. (I had untapped Myojin of Life’s
Web and didn’t think to block it assuming to take one point
not eleven points of damage and also surprised him with a
Quash I sided in to counter an Yamabushi’s Flame).
6th round’s opponent was Michael buck from Colorado. I asked
him a few questions about his last name. I won the first
game with a bunch of green weenie creatures. He did play a
jitte first game, but was unable to use it to his advantage
and conceded the game to me. The other two games he was able
to put out the jitte but I was able to wear away it one game
(side boarded it in) and did use my Dampen Thoughts to put
another jitte into the graveyard. He did win those last
games fair and square with countering my stuff and using
kodama’s reach also.
7th round’s opponent was myself. You see I got a bye
As the rounds progressed and I found time in between them
(do to technical difficulties), I went looking for a piece
of paper to get a sketch on it from r k post (awesome artist
and friendly also) got that and some cards autographed that
friends gave to me besides the one I brought. I also admired
another friend who ended up with twenty thorn elementals,
some foil and others non and got those signed with various
things drawn on them. I noticed, to my amazement, this guy I
had seen on the web site (see link above) and looked like
the guy who won nationals and the next day ended up taking
that same grand prix. I went and got another piece of paper
and asked him for his autograph. He was slightly taken aback
because how many people ask you for your autograph if you
win a major title or tournament (unless you are a major
sports figure, rock star, celebrity, or some one you
admire)?? I also noticed a kid who looked familiar and
believe he took home forty thousand dollars and asked him if
he was famous and said he had won a major tourney (I asked
that of many of the pros there and some were pointed out to
me also by a local named jack s.). I was also encouraged by
another friend named brad c to go and get some basic lands
signed so I got a forest with osyp l. and de Rosa signed my
island (he questioned why an island at the time but who knew
he was playing blue at the time or that he would win). I was
there to play but didn’t know there would be many pros there
so I also went around and collected some autographs. I went
and got Gabe walls, Kenji tsumura, osyp lebowitz, Antonio de
Rosa, and many others I can’t read them because they aren’t
to legibly clear. Well this is what happened to me that
Saturday. I have analyzed it myself and have found some of
my mistakes that I did with not playing certain cards in my
John bonnell d_lilith1@hotmail.com