Tournament Report
by Christine
Feb. 10th, 2001
Type 2
Claremont Youth
Center - Claremont, CA
After a pretty fun Friday Night Magic tourney last
night, Scott and I woke up this morning and decided we
were up for more. A few people that we met the
night before had invited us to a small tourney they hold
each Saturday up in Claremont, and since we are new to
the area, we figured why not? A good chance to get
to know some local players and observe the local
Larry Tetton, whom we had met at the Wizard's store
tourney, was judging and admin'ing the Type 2
tournament. I used a deck called BlastoGeddon,
created and well used by Brian Kibler at Pro Tour
Chicago. I felt the deck was fairly
straight-forward and so would be usable by me at my
level of play.
The first tournament I had used this deck at was an
invitational qualifier in Houston, TX. It was a
really disappointing experience, and I just didn't seem
able to get the deck out of the chute. But I
decided to give it another go last night, and did very
well, basically going 2-0-1, plus a loss counted for a
concession to my boyfriend, Scott, after we were unluckily
paired in the 3rd round. We both agreed that he
had the best chance in the field at that point, and
facts were that he usually smashed me with his
Blue/White angel deck anyhow. So we decided to go
get something to eat for that round. Anyhow, the
point is that the deck seemed to work well for me, and I
had a great time playing it which is all important for
So today I again went with Brian's deck, as follows:
Brian Kibler - Pro Tour Chicago Semifinalist |
Main Deck:
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Llanowar Elves
4 River Boa
4 Chimeric Idol
4 Blastoderm
4 Ancient Hydra
3 Jade Leech
2 Rith, the Awakener
4 Armageddon
3 Wax/Wane
8 Forest
4 City of Brass
4 Brushland
4 Karplusan Forest
4 Rishadan Port
4 Armadillo Cloak
3 Tsabo's Decree
3 Kavu Chameleon
2 Flashfires
2 Simoon
1 Obliterate
The deck is exactly as Brian
listed it, with no changes at all. The tournament
was Swiss, 4 rounds, breaking to the top 4.Round 1 vs
Scott Godfrey
Scott was a really nice guy,
and since it was the first time I had met him, I had no
idea what to expect. I lost the toss and Scott
elected to play first. I get a few creatures out, and
Scott, who turns out was playing U/B Control, manages to get an Evil Eye of Orms by Gore out
(god, WHERE did they come up with that NAME?!?), but I'm
still throwing creatures at him right and left for him
to counter... I finally get a few through and take
game one. Game 2 was similar, but this time Scott
got out 2 Evil Eyes. I push through a Blasty and River
Boa and get ahead of him. And then Rith, aka Mama,
down, and Scott scoops.
Game Record: 2-0 Match Record 1-0-0
Round 2 vs
Jonathan Jiang
My opening hand has several lands,
though no
Birds or Elves, but of course I keep it and hope for
some good draws. Jon was playing a Fires Deck and
turn 1 plays a Forest and Elves. I'm thinking,
Great, he's going to jump out in
front fast. But 2nd turn he doesn't lay a land(!) and in
the next 6 turns manages to draw none.
Meanwhile, I lay a couple creatures, and Armageddon his
single land away. Quick game and a win, and on to game
2. He gets a fast jump this time. I get out
a Boa, and he drops Blastoderm turn 3. Boa takes
the heat and regenerates, and I hold my own 'Derm until
his drops from the board, as he seems to be drawing into
little else except a River Boa. By the time I'm ready, I
have a Hydra which I drop to blow up his Boa, Elves and
Bird while he's tapped out. My 'Derm comes down,
and that's that.
Game Record 2-0 Match Record
Round 3 vs Ian
Ian is playing Blue Skies,
no splashes. For some reason, he just can't get it
off and meanwhile, I get a great draw and get Chimeric
Idol down. The only creature he sees is a Rishadan
Airship, which I use a Hydra to kill, and I take him
down pretty quickly. Game 2 Ian quickly gets a
Spiketail Hatchling down, and along with Thwarts and
Foils, he manages to put me off for a while.
Luckily, I keep drawing into Boas, Blastoderms and Jade
Leeches, and finally push one through, then another,
while he just can't seem to get anything down.
Game Record
2-0 Match Record 3-0-0
Round 4 vs
Jeremiah Bostwick
Jeremiah is running a deck
called Headless Machine, which was designed to metagame
all the major decks being run in the higher level
tourneys. Basically, it's a R/B/U deck with
Glacial Walls (grrr), Pyre Zombie and Evil Eye.
Game one I only am able to drop Pain Lands, and it WAS
painful. I take myself down 8 life casting and
recasting creatures that he would recoil, etc.
Meanwhile, he manages to get 2 Evil Eyes down, and I
never recover. Game 2, I have 2 Boas and draw a
3rd right away. I play Forest, Bird, the next turn
Brushland, River Boa. Next turn attack draws a
Submerge from him, so Boa goes back on my library. I
play a 2nd and 3rd Boa, one which he Recoils and the
other he Submerges next turn. I play another which
he submerges again (!) Argh! Fine! Now that you've
used all your Submerges, how about a Rith? Yup, Rith
does the trick, has a couple babies (which he
Earthquakes away, along with my Elves next turn.
Fine. He's down to 8, Rith attacks and he takes
it, and I Wax Rith for the win. Our 3rd game goes off
with little time left, and we trade blows back and
forth. I had him down to 4 when he Perished... and
time is called. I get Blasty down, but he has 2
Glacial Walls and an Evil Eye. No way I'm pushing
thru the last 4 damage, and I'm at 10 on my last of the
5 turns. I 'Geddon to eliminate his chances of
burning me out during his last turn to finish me
off. We take a draw.
Game Record 1-1 Match Record 3-0-1
We break into the top 4 at this
point. I have top seed, followed by Jeremiah, Ian
and Scott Gerhardt, which means I have to play Scott in
the semis. Scott and I talk about each of our
chances. Neither of us seem to have a clear cut
advantage, and as I am having a much better day than he
is, we decide to just play it out.
Semi Finals vs.
Scott Gerhardt
Scott is running U/W Control,
Blinding Angel. Ugh! I hate that deck! If I
don't have a great draw, I usually lose this one.
Ahh, but I do get a great draw, and open with Forest,
Bird. Next turn Forest, Elves. Third turn Blastoderm,
next turn Jade Leech... bada-bing, bada-boom, he can't
seem to counter anything and I take game one. Game
2 had a similar start, and a quick Boa, Jade Leech,
Hydra... geez, I *thought* it was a counter deck... but
Scott is major mana screwed (has only 3 down), and after
the Hydra taps 2 to lay a Tsabo's Web just to use the
card draw. He then main phase Opts, again hoping
to draw land to use the Wrath in his hand next
turn. Nope. He's tapped out, I Armageddon,
and he scoops. It was just my day and definitely
not his... sorry, babe.
Game Record 2-0 Match Record
Finals vs. Ian
Here we go again, and the
games are similar to our previous match. I go off
and he just can't due to mana problems game 1.
Game 2 I get a nice hand, and start laying creatures,
each time looking at Ian and waiting for the inevitable
counter... it never comes, except a single Thwart to a
2nd Blastoderm I played, returning his only 3 Islands to
his hand. Yup. Game, Match, Tournament.
Game Record 2-0 Match Record
Evaluation of the Deck -
I really had fun running
BlastoGeddon. It tends to be very quick and
efficient when it goes off. Of course, if you get
Birds and Elves in your opening draw, it is just
amazing, and ultimately Rith would come down turn
4. Doesn't usually happen with Rith, but turn 2
Boa and turn 3 Blastoderm or Jade Leech is not
uncommon. If you can get a nice creature or 2 down
and Armageddon successfully, you pretty much can take
the game. The 12 painlands in the deck were
occasionally very painful, but only contributed to a
loss once. The ports were semi-useful today, more so
last night. My biggest dilemma came while
sideboarding... it was difficult to decide what to
eliminate, as the main deck is almost all useful in most
situations. Chameleons, Decrees, Simoon and
Obliterate were the choices I used most from the board,
for various reasons. Never drew the Simoons or the
Obliterate, but the Decree was useful once, and
Chameleons were great against counter decks, of
course. I just wish it were easier to decide what
to eliminate from the main deck while siding. =)
Hopefully that will come with time and experience.
Props and Slops:
Props to Larry Tetton for Administering
the tournament... Great job, Larry! I won 10 packs
of Nemesis.
Props to Scott Godfrey, Jonathan, Ian,
and Jeremiah... they were a crazy and a super nice bunch
of guys, and Scott (b/f) and I really enjoyed hanging
with them. All were great sports. This is
the kind of group that we would love to go back and play
tournaments with regularly.
Props to Scott Gerhardt for choosing the
local tourney over a bigger one in Costa Mesa that
day... next week we hit Costa Mesa Women's Club for a
PTQ, but I really enjoyed doing the local thing
so we can find some people to hang with here in
Props to Brian Kibler for a really cool
No Slops =) It was a great day for me.