Liam Andrew
East Windsor, CT, JSS challenge
U/W Control
2/11/01, 35 participants
Hello all! I participated in a JSS
challenge on February 11. It turned out to be a
lot of fun. For a month I was planning on playing
Skies. It was the best deck in the format.
However, the night before the JSS I was testing it
against Fires and it kept losing, and losing, and
losing. I expected enough fires there that this
was a bad thing. So I did the emergency switch to
U/W. I figured this was the best deck for the JSS
metagame, as it usually handles creature-based decks
quite well…JSS is abundant with those. Now, I
DID have playing experience with the deck as I had used
it to make top 8 at the last JSS in East Windsor.
Unfortunately, it was the only other JSS I could go to
all year. I was bent on qualifying and meeting my
friends down in Florida. However, I didn’t
expect to make even top 8 this time, due to the lack of
playtesting and the low confidence I had in the deck.
Here was how the deck turned out:
RuffRider U/W
4x Counterspell
4x Absorb
2x Prohibit
2x Power Sink
4x Accumulated Knowledge
4x Fact or Fiction
4x Wrath of God
1x Rout
4x Disenchant
1x Story Circle
4x Blinding Angel
1x Jeweled Spirit
1x Kor Haven
4x Adarkar Wastes
4x Coastal Tower
10x Island
7x Plains
3x Misdirection
2x Arrest
2x Circle of Protection: Blue
2x Mageta the Lion
2x Light of Day
1x Story Circle
1x Jeweled Spirit
1x Ivory Mask
1x Dismantling Blow
Were I to play the deck again, I would probably remove
one Disenchant (there were 61 cards in the deck, so
there’s no need to replace it with anything). I
also might have replaced 1-2 of the Disenchants with
Dismantling Blows, but that would need to be tested.
Of the sideboard, I actually sided in all but the Light
of Days at some point in the match. I’m going to
keep those in for now though, as monoblack is slowly on
the rise. It’s an amazing deck.
If you just want information, you can skip to the
So my carpool is Justin, Owen, and I. Justin is
playing his own creation: a B/U control with many janky
cards like Yawgmoth’s Agenda (don’t laugh, it
works), Glacial Walls (which were laughed at all day
till they wrecked people), and other interesting
choices. It was a good deck overall. Owen
was playing Zvi’s Fires from PT: Chicago, replacing
Earthquake with Ghitu Fire, Dust Bowl with Ancient Hydra
(it seemed that there was too much land in the deck),
and it re-worked the sideboard to a creature-based JSS
metagame. It was actually my deck, and Owen had
essentially no experience with it. When we arrived
at the tournament after a 1-hour drive, I played a few
playtest games with Owen (I needed to test my deck too,
as I was not quite comfortable with it). He seemed
to get the hang of it.
So our friends Bavs, Skinner, and their carpool showed
up. We hung out with them till the tourney
started. Apparently there was to be tons of U/W, a
deck I didn’t actually expect in mass numbers.
That annoyed me, as I had little to no sideboard for
them. Time would tell, though…and as it turned
out there was a lot less U/W than there was rumored to
be. But on to the games. I don’t remember
names…instead I give a personality description…sorry
if I offend you
Round 1: Kind of annoying guy, Bad G/W
Game 1: My opening hand is strange, with 4 countermagic
and 3 land (one being Kor Haven...the unsung hero of the
day). I keep, counter an Idol, Derm, and Charging
Troll in succession, then I let through a Troll.
He cloaks it, but I Disenchant the Cloak. I Kor
Haven the damage constantly, and I find Story Circle.
He gets a Chameleon on the board, but I FoF into an
Angel, which rides to victory with counter backup.
I side in Circle and Dismantling Blow (I had seen
Ancestral Mask, so I figured his deck was
Game 2: This game was similar to game 1. He had no
real way of handling Blinding Angel, but just to be safe
I played it with counter backup. Turns out he
sided in Angel of Mercy, but I countered all 3 in his
1-0, 2-0
Justin beat Fires, Owen lost to Fires. Lots of U/W
Round 2: Small annoying kid, Red Deck Wins 2000 (2001
Game 1: He gets an explosive start with lots of Raging
Goblins, Kyren Snipers (he knew they were jank but he
liked them because he ALWAYS remembered to make the
opponent take the damage), and tons of burn. I
never saw Skizzik. I felt fortunate about this.
I had to Wrath, then he just played a few more fast
creatures. This was annoying. Eventually he
got me down to 1 with a Kyren Sniper in play and 4 cards
in his hand. I figured it was game. I
Wrathed. When he tried to shock me I Prohibited.
My turn. Whew. I untap, play Angel. He
still tries to burn me to death but only results in me
gaining 6 life from Absorbs (MVP of this match).
Angel went all the way.
I side in Misdirections, Story Circle, Jeweled Spirit,
and Ivory Mask.
Game 2: Once again, an amazing start for him. I
can’t get much going. I play Angel with no
counter backup expecting it to be burnt out. It
isn’t. I’ll take that! I played Ivory
Mask. Eventually he does get the mana to attempt a
Lightning Blast on my Angel, but I Misdirected it to his
Kyren Sniper. He couldn’t burn me out, and he
couldn’t attack me. It was over.
2-0, 4-0
Okay cool. A win next round puts me in top 8.
Justin lost to Fires. Owen beat a random bad kid.
Round 3: Brian Skinner, Fires (Rages and Hammers…eew)
Game 1: Skinner is one of my friends, so this game was
taken pretty lightly despite that it would decide one
player in the top 8. I beat Fires for the most
part. However, a 3rd
turn Hammer was annoying. He continued recurring
it, and I had to play an Angel AND Jeweled Spirit to
outrace it. A couple Absorbs later and he
couldn’t outrace me any longer.
I sided in Ivory Mask and Story Circle. He sided
in about 11 cards. Uh oh.
Game 2: He kept a hand with only 1 Forest as land, and 2
Birds. He didn’t draw any more mana sources for
a while. When I Wrathed away his birds, he was
very manascrewed. The next turn I played Angel.
Eventually he hit a mana pocket, but the countermagic I
had accumulated during his manascrew held off his
threats and I won.
3-0, 6-0
Top 8. Cool. Justin beat Rebels
somehow…it’s a bad matchup for him. Owen got a
Bye (I guess the 0-2’s all dropped, so a 1-1 got Bye).
Round 4: Chris Baviello (Bavs). ID. Yeah, I
knew his deck pretty well, and I didn’t want to have
to face him. Fires with 4 Rhystics 4 Rages isn’t
Bavs and I went and got Blimpies for everyone, and when
we came back we watched Justin playing against U/W…it
was the most amazing match I have seen in my life.
Justin ended up winning it. Owen lost to U/W.
Unfortunately, that made Owen 2-2. But Justin was
3-1…however, after checking his tiebreakers, there was
no real way he could draw into the top 8, and he’d
have to play out round 5.
Round 5: Brian Fay (I think that was his name).
ID. We played for fun and he was playing Skies.
I won somehow. He got a bad hand. Skies is a
bad matchup for me. And he’s a good player.
But that’s all irrelevant.
I watch Justin pummel Fires, and he’s in top 8.
Go Justin! His first top 8 ever. So I’m
happy for him. Owen beat Rebels meanwhile, to
finish at 3-2. And the top 8 rounded out like
1st: Justin, U/B
2nd: Bavs, Fires
3rd: Nice guy playing
4th: Me, U/W Control
5th: Brian Fay, Skies
6th: Another nice guy,
7th: Annoying kid,
sub-par G/W
8th: Yet another nice
guy, Fires
So the top 8 broke down like this: 3 Fires, 1 U/B, 1
U/W, 1 Skies, 1 Counterrebel, and 1 Bad G/W. Looks
like a top 8 I can handle for the most part.
Except the Skies guy again. But of course it’s
just my luck that I’m playing him in the
quarterfinals. At least I have a lot of sideboard
for him.
Quarterfinals: Brian Fay, Skies
Game 1: He got a great hand. I didn’t. He
was maindecking Rootwater Thieves due to the big U/W
hype before the tourney. This was very bad.
I had to Wrath away the Thief alone, and then he just
played another army. This was too much for me, as
I just kept drawing continuous useless countermagic
after that and lost.
I sided in lots of stuff: Misdirections, Magetas, CoP:
Blues, Story Circle, and Jeweled Spirit.
Game 2: My 2nd turn CoP:
Blue got Dazed. Damn. After that he played a
Hatchling. Damn. Then another, then a
Troublesome. He pretty much just got a god-hand
this game. And I got a terrible hand after the CoP.
I didn’t draw a 2nd
white mana until it was too late. At the end of
the game, my hand was Story Circle, 2 Wraths, 2 Angels,
Mageta, and Absorb.
Justin lost too. Sigh. I really felt like as
long as I got that far, I could have gone further.
That marks the third time in a row I have lost in the
quarterfinals. And the last two were solely
because of bad luck. It annoys me. But I’m
glad I played U/W, I don’t know if any other deck
would have taken me as far as it did. I was happy
for Justin too, as it was his first top 8 and he was
very happy to have made it. The top 8 finished out
like this:
1st: Fires
2nd: Fires
3rd: Bavs, Fires (top 3
were Fires…yes, U/W must have been huge…)
4th: Brian Fay, Skies
5th: Justin, U/B
6th: Me, U/W
7th: Counterrebel
8th: Bad G/W
My prize packs were absolutely terrible. Not worth
discussing. My foil Crusade was traded for 4
Vampiric Tutors. And though it’s served me well,
I’m done playing U/W.
Owen, for being cool and doing well.
Justin, for making top 8 and agreeing to drive me to
Florida if he qualifies next time.
Fun and Games, for hosting a good tournament.
My deck, for not manascrewing me much (except when it
matters most…).
Stambo, for the moral support.
Bavs, for getting 3rd
and helping me get the Blimpies for everyone.
Skinner, for being nice even though he lost.
My prize packs. ‘Nuff said.
Justin’s prize packs, for being broken and making me
feel bad.
Stambo, for pulling a foil Lord of the Undead in a
Brian Fay, for having to play Skies
in the top 8 and getting very good hands in the top
8 (just kidding, he was a good opponent).
Me, for being 0-3 lifetime in top
8’s at JSS.
Thanks for listening. I hope this report was
helpful to you. So long!
Liam Andrew