Brian Moorhead
Monday, March 28, 2005 9:12 PM
Human-themed Prismatic deck by BMoor
By request of the readers, I have built a Prismatic
decklist based around the new creature type, Human.
Building this deck was a challenge because there are
no tribal Humans, yet there are so many of them.
Since Prismatic requires each color to be
represented, the first task before me was to
determine which Humans to use of each color, and
that meant isolating the common traits Humans
shared. These were few, as humans come from all
types of backgrounds and in all dofferent colors,
just like in real life. But I did notice a few
things. They all tend to be small, with powers and
toughnesses rarely exceedin 3. Since all tournament
legal Humans are from either Mirrodin or Kamigawa
block, many like to share a deck with artifacts and
many others are Legendary. They also all have a
second type, and some have abilities that benefit
that other type. I figured since Time of Need is one
of the most effective search cards in Prismatic, and
since a 250-card deck really needs search effects
and card draw wherever it could get it, I decided to
include at least one legendary Human in each color.
That way, no matter what color creature you need,
Time of Need can get it for you. So let's get
started on the creature list.
In white, we had plenty to work with: the Auriok and
Konda's army. First of all, I found a gem in
Empty-Shrine Kannushi, a real boon in any Prismatic
deck. Devoted Retainer also seemd like a good, cheap
creature who could hold his own on the field. I also
gave the nod to Auriok Salvagers, a very solid card,
and Konda, Lord of Eiganjo despite the double white
in his casting cost. Since i had two Samurai there,
I figured it would be worth including either Takeno
or Nagao, and ended up choosing Nagao for his lower
mana cost and more uniform bonus.
I looked into some flying Wizards, since humans are
bound to lack air support, but my need for reliable
library searching drove me to include Trinket Mage
and Higure the Still Wind. Trinket Mage should be
excellent; if we include artifact lands he works as
a mana fixer. And Higure, while also having a
color-heavy casting cost, opens the door to Ninja
tricks. So I also included Ninja of the Deep Hours
for card draw purposes and Mistblade Shinobi to make
your opponent recast those Sliver Overlords.
Finally, I decided Thought Courier would be another
good card draw engine, as well as being able to
discard extra legendaries.
Black was a real challenge, as it had a shortage of
good Humans. It did have Disciple of the Vault,
which reminds me of Devoted Retainer in its speed
and utility, and Moriok Rigger, who further
justifies the inclusion of some Artifacts. I also
wanted a legend, but the only black legendary Humans
are Toshiro Umezawa and Kiku, Night's Flower. Toshi
really needs the deck built around him to a degree
wwe won't have room for, so I opted for Kiku. I
sense her ability may be quite useful.
My first impulse was Brothers Yamazaki. My second
was Godo, Bandit Warlord. We've obviously got a lot
of incentive to rum Samurai, so in go Ronin
Houndmaster and Battle-Mad Ronin. I also threw in
Vulshok Berserker.
Mirrodin block was very harsh to green. There were
only two green humans in all three sets, but one of
them was Eternal Witness and the other was Sylvok
Explorer, who just screams Prismatic. In Kamigawa
block, we have all of Dosan's monks to choose from.
I went with Order of the Sacred Bell since it's the
biggest Human so far (not counting Konda
post-bushido) as well as Isao, Enlightened Bushi for
reasons I will explain.
Now, there we have a solid roster of creatures, Now
the trick is winning with them. The obvious way is
to attack with them. But the whole fun of having a
Human deck is to make their Humanity matter. The
simplest way to do this is with generic "choose a
creature type" effects that let you just choose
Human. These will do the job, but may end up
benefiting your opponent as well. Also, this deck
has several ways of benefiting other types, mainly
Samurai and Ninja. That's when the perfect solution
hit me: Artificial Evolution! Change all instances
of "Samurai" or "Ninja" to "Human"! Suddenly Higure
is tutoring up Empty-Shrine Kannushi! Nagao gives
your whole army a boost(why I picked him over
Takeno)! Isao can regenerate anything on the board!
And Godo....don't get me started. So 4 copies of
Artificial Evolution were a must, but to make them
last even longer I decided to throw in Isochron
Scepter. This'll let you reuse the AE whenever
needed, as well as Time of Need in a time of need.
Appropriately I also chose some more acceptable
Scepter targets. We also need some artifacts to go
with Disciple, Rigger, Trinket Mage, and the
Salvagers. The foursome just scream Spellbombs.
All that really leaves is the lands. With Trinket
Mage, 4 of each artifact land will help. And with
all the Legendaries, 3 each of the kamigawa
legendary land cycle seemed appropriate. I also
looked for land that could provide any color mana
and found Mirrodin's Core and Glimmervoid. Temple of
the False God looked good, and the rest can be just
basic lands.
So after all that, here's the decklist:
3 Nagao, Bound by Honor
2 Konda, Lord of Eiganjo
3 Auriok Salvagers
4 Devoted Retainer
4 Empty-Shrine Kannushi
3 Higure, the Still Wind
4 Ninja of the Deep Hours
4 Trinket Mage
3 Mistblade Shinobi
4 Thought Courier
4 Moriok Rigger
4 Disciple of the Vault
3 Kiku, Night's Flower
3 Godo, Bandit Warlord
4 Vulshok Berserker
3 Ronin Houndmaster
4 Brothers Yamazaki
4 Battle-Mad Ronin
4 Order of the Sacred Bell
3 Eternal Witness
3 Isao, Enlightened Bushi
4 Sylvok Explorer
Other Spells:81
4 Time of Need
3 Terashi's Grasp
4 Sylvan Scrying
4 Shared Triumph
4 Artificial Evolution
3 Terminate
4 Cover of Darkness
3 Aphetto Dredging
4 Crown of Fury
4 Lifespark Spellbomb
4 Sunbeam Spellbomb
4 Pyrite Spellbomb
4 Necrogen Spellbomb
4 AEther Spellbomb
3 Wayfarer's Bauble
3 Chromatic Sphere
4 Isochron Scepter
3 Konda's Banner
4 Darksteel Pendant
4 Darksteel Ingot
4 Sensei's Divining Top
4 Shuriken
Lands: 92
4 Ancient Den
4 Tree of Tales
4 Vault of Whispers
4 Seat of the Synod
4 Great Furnace
3 Shizo, Death's Storehouse
3 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
3 Shinka the Bloodsoaked Keep
3 Minamo, School at Water's Edge
3 Eiganjo Castle
4 Temple of the False God
4 Mirrodin's Core
4 Glimmervoid
9 Plains
9 Mountain
9 Swamp
9 Island
9 Forest
Wow, that was a lot of typing. I won't explain the
purpose of each card: you should be able to figure
it out yourselves. I will tell you which Humans I
was tempted to include, though: Mothrider Samurai,
Indebted Samurai, Neurok Prodigy, Fleshgrafter,
Cursed Ronin, Ronin Cliffrider, Azusa, Lost but
Seeking, Dosan the Falling Leaf, Budoka Gardener,
the list goes on. There are a lot of good Humans out
there, but getting them all into one deck was
difficult work.
This deck's weakness is probably its lack of flying,
remedied by either Spidersilk Armor, the many green
Hurricanesque instants, or the addition of flying
Humans. Only playtesting will tell what its true
weaknesses are.
Hopefully you've seen what it's like building a
Prismatic deck, and will attempt it yourself one
day. If you have any questions or comments, send
them to me at Good luck!