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From: Duncan Farmer [mailto:duncan.farmer@bigpond.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 7:27 PM
Subject: Type 2 4th Turn Infinite Mana combo
Ok, This combo only requires cards from the Kamigawa block,
all of which are either commons (all but 1), or uncommon (1
The combo: Orochi Leafcaller, Enchanted with Freed From the
Real, Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro in play. (and a Time of
Need if you need to search for
Sachi) Step 1) Tap the Leafcaller for GG (G = Green Mana)
2) Use the Leafcaller to turn G into U (U = Blue mana)
3) Use the U to activate Freed from the Real to Untap
Leafcaller (you still have G floating which can be turned
into anything
4) Repeat steps 1-3
As you can see, this is not a very expencive combo ($1 or 2
tops) and is easy to pull off To set it up Step 1) Drop
Forest, Tap for G, Drop Leafcaller, end turn Step 2) Drop
Island, (this does not need to be done if you already have
sachi in hand) tap both lands for GU, play Time of Need, get
sachi Step 3) Drop Forest, Enchant Leafcaller with Freed
from the real (tapping all lands) Step 4) Drop Forest, Play
Sachi. Then tell your opponent, "Game over mate. Your ass is
Step 5) Burn them in the face for A huge ammount of dmg usin
Thats it really. way 2 ez.
l8r all