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From: Will S [mailto:hydraphonix@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 7:18 PM
Subject: Type II: Rare Black Gem Unearthed - W. Sair
Type II: Rare Black Gem Unearthed
Black is no longer calls the shots with creatures on the
board. The good old days are gone. With the decline of mana-efficient
black creature-removal spells, many hardcore
Mono-Black-Control (MBC) fans are hastily making the switch
to playing Sligh. But, really, who could blame them? In the
slowed Type II environment, red creature-kill spells are
still abundant as ever.
Black, on the other hand, had been deprived of anything
useful, and left with "sealed-deck worthy" spells such as
Rend Flesh and Rend Spirit.
Until now.
A savior has revealed him (but most likely her) self in the
new block, Saviors of Kamigawa.
Kiku's Shadow - BB
Target creature deals damage to itself equal to its power.
An uncommon for two black mana, this second-turn wonder is
capable of taking out everything worthy of a removal spell.
Well, almost everything.
There is always the odd white fatty with way higher
toughness than power, but then again, I did say anything
that is worthy of a removal spell.
The real beauty of this card lies in its potential to deal
with opposing black decks. Toshiro, Shirei, Kuro, Ink-Eyes
and tons more, these multi-purpose black legends have been
appearing in every combo-based or Beatdown deck lately. All
of them are easy prey for Kiku's Shadow. In fact, Kiku's
Shadow can effectively take out the majority of black
creatures made.
Ever. This is because of the fact that most black creatures
either have a higher power than toughness or power that is
equal to its toughness.
A plus is that, since it is not an arcane spell, it will
never be a victim of arcane-counter-spells or the dreaded
Psychic Spear. And although there is another candidate for
legend-removal, Hero's Demise, why get a rare with more
restricting properties when you can get an uncommon with a
much wider range of targets?
Once again, it is the time of the year for uncertainty in
the Type II Magic community, as the previous core and
expansion set are rotating out and their relief has not yet
been released. Terror, from Mirrodin, is no longer
dependable. Although there is a good chance that it may be
filtered into Ninth, it is still only a distant possibility.
Players should focus on building decks around cards from
Kamigawa and cut their losses regarding Mirrodin.
Kiku's Shadow is a fine addition to any deck playing black,
both one or two-color decks. The mana cost is only two black
mana, meaning that if you have enough lands or mana-acceleration,
it will never throw you off your mana curve. Situations will
never arise where you are unable to play this spell; a more
likely scenario would be you playing Kiku's too soon, much
like pressing the panic button with the old Counterspell.
What are you doing still sitting here reading? Go out right
now and dish out two dollars to get four copies of Kiku's
Shadow for your black deck before everyone else does.
Note: I write articles about cards that are interesting and
price-efficient, this is my first one on this site, I will
write more if it is being received well. Also I am looking
to get noticed by a Magic: The Gathering-related site so I
can be a featured writer.