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From: john hoffman [mailto:john121hoffman121@msn.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 1:54 PM
Subject: Peasent Deck - John Hoffman
Kjeldoran Dead 3
Unworthy dead 1
restless dead 4
walking dead 4
dahuti slayer 3
looming shade 1
skitering skirge 4
kadaverous knights 2
dahuti horror 3
raise dead 3
unholy strength 3
dark banishing 3
terror 3
dark ritual 3
swamp 24
This deck i made for a simple reason and thats to stop your
oponents attacks while he is helpless to stop yours. In this
deck i acomplished it by puting in regeneration creatures
and some shadow and cretures that boost there own attack.
There are quite a bit of lands due to regeneration and the
looming shades affect. This deck stops your oponents attacks
during his turn and deals a good bit of damage in your turn.
Like every one knows regeneration cant work all the time
thats where my raise dead come in. Ill bring some
regeneration creatures from the grave just to make my
oponent made with all the cretures coming back. Also i put
the unholy strengths to boost any cretures attack but ill
use them on my looming shade as often as i can. I also know
my oponent might get great big creatures so they will be
gone to the power of dark banishings and terrors but most of
all i put in the dark rituals for easy mana when you only
got one and dont want to lose any of your creatures and want
to stop your oponents attacks. This deck i built just to
make my oponent very made and annoyed by regenerations and
shadows but most of all i built it for the power.